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Ahmad Mahmuddin Aziz

Ajie Nurwibowo Mukty
Almas Shabrina
Angga Suriadiharja
Anita Suhartini
Teknik Sampling Phlebtomy II Annisa Trimulyani
Arbie Gyresha
Ardian Faisal
Ari Ardiansyah
Ari Setyaningsih
Arum Nafilah
Az Zumar Nurwahid Zain

Fluid from the prostate and other sex glands that helps transport sperm out
of the man's body during orgasm. Seminal fluid contains sugar as an en-
ergy source for sperm.

semen, also called seminal fluid, fluid that is emitted from the male re-
productive tract and that contains sperm cells, which are capable of fertiliz-
ing the female's eggs. Semen also contains liquids that combine to form
seminal plasma, which helps keep the sperm cells viable

 Semen, also called ejaculate or cum, is the whitish fluid that comes out
of the penis when a person comes
01 Sperm Fluid Formation Concept

02 Composition Of Sperm Fluid

03 Preparation Of The Patient

04 Specimen Taking Technique

05 Processing of sperm fluid specimens for rou-

tine and microbiological examinations
Sperm Fluid Formation Con-
Fase 1
From spermatogonia or sperm stem
cells, cells will turn into primary
spermatocytes by mitosis.

Fase 2
Primary spermatocytes divide by
meiosis to become secondary
spermatocytes of the same size.

Fase 3
In the second stage of meiosis, the
secondary spermatocytes divide
again to form four spermatids of the
same shape and size.

Fase 4
Spermatids are the result of the final
stage of cell division before finally
turning into mature sperm cells
Structure Sperm Cell
Composition Of Sperm Fluid
Most of the composition of semen is fluid from the
seminal vesicles (60%).
The bulbourethral glands secrete fluid first released
from the ejaculate, this gland secretes an alkaline
solution along with glycoproteins to clean and lubricate
the sperm ducts.

The second fluid is fluid from the epididymis. The ductus deferent contracts to expel sper-
of sperm
matozoa and prostatic fluid. The fluid from the prostate clots an enzyme that causes the
seminal vesical fluid fibrinogen to form a coagulant weakly, which then dissolves in the next

15-20 minutes due to lysis by Fibrinogen is formed from prostate profibrinogen. A man can

remove 300-400 million spermatozoa cells at the time of ejaculation.

Preparation Of The Patient
Preparation of the patient before collection of sperm fluid :

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Stop taking drugs

Stop smoking and that can reduce Avoid using lubri-
consuming alcoholic sperm count, such cants that contain
Avoid ejaculating for
beverages for 2–5 as cimetidine, sperm-killing ingre-
1-3 days before the
days before under- spironolactone, dients (spermicides)
test (abstinence)
going the examina- nifedipine, or
tion colchicine, as well
as herbal products
Specimen Taking Technique
Sperm Collection
One way to collect a sperm sample is by

Clinics or hospitals generally provide a special

room for patients to collect sperm samples as
well as a special container for sperm.

Sperm Collection Container

special room for patients to collect sperm samples

Some of the steps that need to be done in the process of collecting
sperm are:

Clean your hands and penis with soap and clean

01 water, then dry

Open the lid of the container and make sure the

02 sample container is clean, dry and sterile

Position the sample container when you want to

03 ejaculate so that sperm can enter the container. It
is important to remember, do not put spilled
sperm into the container

Immediately close the container tightly after the

04 sperm has been collected

Name, date and time of sampling on the con-

05 tainer
Processing of sperm fluid specimens
for routine and microbiological exami-
If the purpose of the semen analysis is for microbiological examination, there are several additional
steps that the patient needs to take to avoid contamination, namely:

• Urinate first
• Wash hands and penis with soap to reduce the risk of contamination of the sample by commensal
organisms on the skin
• Rinse thoroughly
• Dry your hands and penis using a disposable towel
• Ejaculate the sample into a sterile container

Processing of sperm fluid specimens for

routine and microbiological examinations

After sampling, the container should Semen analysis should be started

be stored at 20–37°C as too drastic immediately after liquefaction, after
temperature changes can affect 30 minutes and no later than 1 hour
spermatozoa. The container must after ejaculation. This aims to pre-
be labeled with the patient's name vent the effect of dehydration and
and identification number, and the temperature changes on cement
day and time of sampling. The con- quality. Testing should be done on
tainer is then placed in an incubator 2–3 samples because of daily varia-
at 37°C while the cement liquefies tions in sperm quality and count.


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