Introduction To Material Science Rev1

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EG 244 - Material Science I


Mr. Enzoh Langi

Office: Dean’s office building – School of Engineering

EG 244 Material Science
Course Objectives
• Introduce fundamental concepts in MSE, selection of
materials, their safety and reliability
You will learn about
• Material structure
• How structure dictates properties
• how processing can change structure
This course will help you to:
•Use materials properly
• Realize new design opportunities with materials
Meeting days and time
10:30 to 12:30 Tuesday – Group 1
14:00 to 16:00 Friday – Group 2
Recommended text books

• Ashly M F, James D R H, Engineering materials I, An introduction

to their properties and application, Pergamon, 1982
• Flinn R A, Trojan P K, Engineering Materials and their
applications, Wiley, 1995
• William D. Callister Jr, Material Science and Engineering-An
introduction, 7th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2007
• Russell C. Hibbeler, Mechanics of Materials, 8th Edition, Prentice
Hall, 2010
• J. W Martin, Materials for Engineering, 3rd Edition, Bentham
Press, 2004
Methods of student evaluation

Exam 60%

Course work
assignment and test,
labs, quizzes 40%
Suggestions for success in this class

1. Read the relevant material in the book (preferably before

the lecture topic)
2. Review and understand the examples given in the book.
3. Do the assigned homework. If you are having difficulty with
a particular concept, work additional problems given in the
book on that topic that have the answers given in the back of
the book.
4. Seek help from your colleagues.
5. Make an appointment with me

Academic success is directly proportional to the amount of

time devoted to study.
The road you will take will determine your destination

• If anything is worth having, it is worth working for – Andrew


• Where there is no hope in the future, there is no power in the

present – Unknown

• The road you will take will determine your destination

Historical perspective
Beginning of the Material Science - People began to make tools from
Natural materials:. stone, wood, clay, skins, etc.
Then came the introduction of bronze in the far east. Bronze is an
alloy (a metal made up of more than one element), copper + < 25%
of tin + other elements.
Bronze: can be hammered or cast into a variety of shapes, can be
made harder by alloying, corrode only slowly after a surface oxide
film forms.

Followed by Iron age. Use of iron and steel, a stronger and cheaper
material changed drastically daily life of a common person.
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• Age of Advanced materials: throughout the Iron Age many
new types of materials have been introduced (ceramics,
semiconductors, polymers, composites…). Understanding of
the relationship among structure, properties, processing, and
performance of materials. Intelligent design of new materials.

• A better understanding of structure-composition-properties

relations has lead to a remarkable progress in properties of
materials. Example is the dramatic progress in the strength to
density ratio of materials, that resulted in a wide variety of
new products, from dental materials to tennis racquets

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17/02/2023 Enzoh Langi
What is Material Science and Engineering?
Optimization Loop

Structure Properties

• Material science is the investigation of the relationship

among processing, structure, properties, and
performance of materials.
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What is Material Science and Engineering?

Materials Science
• The discipline of investigating the relationships that exist
between the structures and properties of materials.
Materials Engineering
• The discipline of designing or engineering the structure of
a material to produce a predetermined set of properties
based on established structure-property correlation.

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Our Role in Engineering Materials then is to understand the
application and specify the appropriate material to do the job as a
function of:
• Strength: yield and ultimate
• Ductility, flexibility
• Weight/density
• Working Environment
• Cost: Lifecycle expenses, Environmental impact*

* Economic and Environmental Factors often are the most

important when making the final decision!
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Example of Materials Engineering Work – Hip Implant

• With age or certain illnesses joints deteriorate. Particularly

those with large loads (such as hip).

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Example: Hip implant

• Mechanical strength (many cycles)

• Good lubricity

• Biocompatibility

Adapted from Fig. 22.24, Callister 7e.

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Example: Hip implant

Adapted from Fig. 22.24, Callister 7e.

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Solution: Hip implant

Key Problems to overcome

• Fixation agent to hold

• Acetabular cup

• Cup lubrication material

• Femoral stem – fixing agent (“glue”)

• Must avoid any debris in cup

• Must hold up in body chemistry

• Must be strong yet flexible

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Properties are the way the material responds to the environment
and external forces.

• Mechanical properties – response to mechanical forces,

strength, etc.
• Electrical and magnetic properties - response electrical and
magnetic fields, conductivity, etc.
• Thermal properties are related to transmission of heat and
heat capacity.
• Optical properties include to absorption, transmission and
scattering of light.
• Chemical stability in contact with the environment - corrosion

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Types of materials
Valence electrons are detached from atoms and spread in an
‘electron sea’ that glues the ions together. Metals are;
• Strong
• Ductile
• Conduct electricity and heat well
• Are shiny if polished
• Electrical properties between conductors and insulators
• Electrical properties can be precisely controlled
Examples: Si, Ge, GaAs.

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Intel Pentium 4
Types of materials
Atoms behave like either positive or negative ions, and are
bound by Coulomb forces. They are usually combinations of
metals or semiconductors with oxygen, nitrogen or carbon
(oxides, nitrides, and carbides).
• Hard, brittle
• Insulators
Examples: glass, porcelain

• Implanted in human body
• Compatible with body tissues

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Types of materials
Are bound by covalent forces and also by weak van der Waals
forces, and usually based on C and H. They decompose at
moderate temperatures (), and are lightweight.

Examples: plastics rubber.

Smart Materials
Some wise academics say; “no material is SMART on its own”

If ‘smart materials’ are smart...

....are other materials dumb?

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Smart Materials

Properties or shape change in response to external stimulus

Don’t all material do this?

–Thermal expansion
–Swelling with humidity
–Conductivity changes with temperature
These responses are often un-helpful to Engineers

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Smart materials:
– Converts energy between physical domains

• Electrical Magnetic
• Mechanical Thermal
• Chemical Radiation
– Change happens by Design!
– Magnitude of response tends to be large
– Sudden and rapid

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What’s in a name?
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other
word would smell as sweet.”
–Shakespeare: Romeo & Juliet, Act 2
- Perhaps “Smart materials” is
• a misnomer
• too vague
• incorrect
- “Responsive” or “Adaptive” might be better?
• However, “smart”
• inspire interest
- conveys the striking difference between old-style materials
and the new ones
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Are smart materials smart?

“….a smart material is one which we design, and expect, to

behave in a totally predictable way, always responding to a
stimulus in the same boring fashion. This is the antithesis of
smart behaviour – it is in fact dumb – but would we have
been funded for work on dumb materials?”

Prof. P. Goodhew (

Shape Memory Alloy.webm

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What materials are ‘smart’?

The Copperbelt University

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What materials are ‘smart’?

• 29th Dec 1959: Richard Feynman’s lecture “There’s plenty of

room at the bottom”
• Predicted the development of microprocessors + MEMS +
molecular machines
• Feynman concluded, "to offer a prize of $1,000 to the first
guy who makes an operating electric motor which is only
1/64th inch cubed" (~400mm cubed)
• Prize awarded to William McLellan in 28th Nov 1960
- 250mg
- 2000rpm
- 13 parts

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Several uses of steel and pressed


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Examples of ceramic materials ranging from household to

high performance combustion engines which utilize both
metals and ceramics.

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Polymers include “Plastics” and

rubber materials

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Polymer composite materials: reinforcing glass fibers in a

polymer matrix.

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Systems (MEMS)

Si wafer for computer chip


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Material Selection

Different materials exhibit different crystal structures and

resultant Properties


17/02/2023 Enzoh Langi

Material Selection
Different materials exhibit different microstructures and resultant
Superplastic deformation
involves low-stress sliding
along grain boundaries

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Material Selection
How do you decide on a specific material for your
application ?

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Course Goal is to make you aware of the importance of
Material Selection by:

• Using the right material for the job. One that is most
economical and “Greenest” when life usage is considered
• Understanding the relation between properties, structure,
and processing
• Recognizing new design opportunities offered by materials

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