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What is the world made of?

What is matter made of?

 Trace the development of the atomic theory
and the structure of the atom from the
ancient Greeks to present
 Explain the contributions of some scientist
in the development of the atomic structure
The Atomic Model
Arrange the following
The Atomic Model
models based from the
statement given below.
1 2
1.Dalton viewed
atoms as tiny, solid
The balls. Model 4

5 6
1 2. J.J Thompson proposed
the idea that the atom is
positive charge filled with
negative charge particle.
The Atomic
3 Model 4

5 6
1 2
3. Rutherford
discovered protons
and the nucleus.
The Atomic
3 Model 4

5 6
1 2
4. Niels Bohr proposed that
electrons move around the
nucleus in specific layers,
The Atomic
3 Model
orbit, or shells. 4

5 6
1 2
5.Chadwick discovered
neutrons (neutral charge)
found inside the nucleus
The Atomic
3 Model 4

5 6
1 2
6. Erwin Schrödinger
proposed that electrons are
moving around the nucleus
The Atomic
3 Model
in a cloud. 4

5 6
1 2 3

The Atomic Model

4 5 6
1.Dalton viewed atoms as tiny, solid balls.
2.J.J Thompson proposed the idea that the atom is positive
charge filled with negative charge particle.
3.Rutherford discovered protons and the nucleus.
4.Niels Bohr proposed that electrons move around the
The Atomic Model
nucleus in specific layers, orbit, or shells.
5.Chadwick discovered neutrons (neutral charge) found
inside the nucleus
6.Erwin Schrödinger proposed that electrons are moving
around the nucleus in a cloud.
The Atomic Model
1 2 3

The Atomic Model

4 5 6
Who are the developers of
the atomic model?
How does atomic structure
How the atomic model
changed over time?
Atomic Theory Timeline
The atomic model has changed over time.

For over two centuries, scientists

have created different models of
the atom.

As scientists have
learned more and more
about atoms, the atomic
model has changed.
Atomic Theory Timeline
Here is a timeline of some of the major ideas.

Dalton Thomson Rutherford Bohr Chadwick Modern

But First, Democritus!
Democritus was a Greek philosopher (470-380
B.C.) who is the father of modern atomic thought.

He proposed that matter could NOT

be divided into smaller pieces

He claimed that matter was

made of small, hard particles
that he called “atomos”
First Concept of an Atom

(400 B.C.)
John Dalton
John Dalton - 1808
John Dalton created the very first atomic theory.

Dalton was an English school teacher

who performed many experiments on

Dalton viewed atoms

as tiny, solid balls.

His atomic theory

had 4 statements…
Dalton’s Theory

1. Atoms are tiny, invisible particles.

2. Atoms of one element are all the same.

3. Atoms of different elements are different.

4. Compounds form by combining atoms.

The total mass of substances present at the end of a
chemical process is the same as the mass of substances
present before the process took place.
Joseph John Thomson
J.J. Thomson (1897)
J.J. Thomson discovered electrons.
Cathode Ray Tube Experiment

He was the first scientist to show that the

atom was made of even smaller things.

He also proposed the existence of a (+) particle…

His atomic model was known as the “Plum pudding model”…

Cathode Ray Tube Experiment
Plum Pudding Model
Atoms are made mostly out of (+)
charged material, like dough in a bun.

The (-) charged electrons are

found inside the (+) dough.
Ernest Rutherford
Ernest Rutherford (1911)
Rutherford discovered protons and the nucleus.

He showed that atoms have (+) particles

in the center, and are mostly empty

He called these (+)

particles protons.

He called the center

of atoms the nucleus.
Rutherford’s Experiment
Radioactive material
emits beam of (+) alpha

Gold foil Screen

Most particles went Strangely, some

right through! particles are deflected
Rutherford’s Experiment
Gold Nucleus

a a a a

Most α particles went through the

The atom is mostly empty space.
Rutherford’s Experiment

a a a a a a

The atom had a very dense (+) center.

Rutherford called it the nucleus.
Rutherford’s Experiment

a a a a a a

The atom had a very dense (+) center.

Rutherford called it the nucleus.
Niels Bohr
Niels Bohr (1913)

Niels Bohr improved on Rutherford’s model.

He proposed that electrons move around the nucleus

in specific layers, or shells.

Every atom has a

specific number of
electron shells.
Bohr’s Model
Planetary Model 1913
• Nucleus surrounded by
orbiting electrons at
different energy levels
• Electrons have definite
James Chadwick
James Chadwick (1932)
Chadwick discovered neutrons.

Working with Rutherford, he

discovered particles with no

He called these
particles neutrons.

Neutrons are also

found in the nucleus.
Chadwick’s Model
Erwin Schrödinger
Erwin Schrödinger (1926)
Work done since 1920 has changed the model.

The new atomic model has electrons

moving around the nucleus in a cloud.

It is impossible
to know where
an electron is at
any given time.
The Current Atomic Model

Proton s

Electron Cloud Model
dots represent probability of finding an e-
not actual electrons
Atomic Theory Timeline

Dalton Thomson Rutherford Bohr Chadwick Modern

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