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 An exposition persuades a reader or listener

by presenting one side of an argument. By
taking a point of view and justifying it, we
aim to convince others to see only that side of
an issue.
Exposition or arguments can be presented as:

 essays
 editorials
 speeches
1. Expository Writing

 It changes the attitude people have or

their point of view, by expressing an
argument about a specific issue.
Persuasive writing

 It promotes and sells goods, services and

activities; for example in advertisements and
posters persuasive language convinces people
to do or believe particular things.

 1. Statement of Position

Encourage students to start with a clear and forceful

statement of position. This is often supported by
some background information about the issue in
 2. Argument Stage

A number of points are generally made in the

argument stage. The number of arguments is
flexible and varies in each exposition.
Arguments need to be logically developed and
supported, and justified with reasons, examples,
expert evidence and statistical information.
3. Reinforcement of the Statement of Position

 This is where the argument is emphasized.

The summing up of the position in the light
of the argument that has been presented
reinforces the statement of position and often
calls for some type of action on the part of
the audience.
Example of Editorial

Apology not enough

Philippine Daily Inquirer/ January 28,2021
The Duterte administration’s signature attack-then-
retract playbook was on full display again last
Sunday, when the Armed Forces of the Philippines
was forced to apologize for the ill-advised posting
on social media of a list of 28 University of the
Philippines alumni, erroneously tagged as
members of the outlawed New People’s Army
(NPA), who had either supposedly died or been
The list was uploaded by the AFP Information Exchange
page, which is managed by the Office of the Deputy Chief
of Staff for Civil-Military Operations. Roundly jeered for
what turned out to be baseless claims easily disproven by a
simple web search, the AFP took down the post and issued
a grudging mea culpa—grudging, because the most it
owned up to was describing its dangerous accusations as
“We sincerely apologize for those who
were inadvertently affected by
inconsistencies regarding the List of
Students who joined the NPA (Died or
Captured),” it said.
Many of those on the botched list—among them
award-winning playwright Liza Magtoto, journalists
Roel Landingin and Roberto Coloma, Free Legal
Assistance Group lawyer Rafael Aquino, and former
PhilHealth chief Alexander Padilla—are very much
alive and known in their respective fields.
The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines said it
would have normally dismissed this “canard” as “laughably
stupid,” but given the perilous times when red-tagging can
lead to death, casually putting out lists without even the
most basic fact-checking by the AFP “is no laughing matter
at all.”
The military said it was conducting an internal investigation and
reviewing processes and procedures, and that personnel responsible for
publishing the erroneous list “will be held to account.” That assurance
won’t wash, however, as the vicious cycle of publishing all sorts of
unverified “lists” followed by halfhearted apologies has gone on
uninterrupted and unpunished since 2016. Under this administration,
bogus lists have proliferated, from the “narcolist” President Duterte
himself waved before the public and which proved to be riddled with
errors, to the quickly discredited “Oust Duterte matrix” that then
presidential spokesperson Salvador Panelo unveiled in Malacañang, and
now the list of so-called NPA rebels among UP students and universities.
Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana acknowledged
that the AFP’s posting of the list was “an
unpardonable gaffe,” but he himself opened the
floodgates to heightened red-tagging when he
unilaterally abrogated the Department of National
Defense’s accord with the University of the
Philippines on grounds that the country’s premier
state university was a “breeding ground of enemies
of the state.”
A number of red-tagged UP alumni have announced
plans to come together and file cyberlibel and
contempt cases against the AFP and defense officials
to make them accountable for issuing “obvious and
deadly falsehoods.” “The members of the group are
consulting and definitely we want [to hold] people
accountable for the reckless publication and malicious
implication,” said Padilla, who led the government
panel in the peace talks with the National Democratic
Front and the NPA during the Aquino III
That suit should materialize, and perhaps other bodies like the
Senate should conduct investigations as well, if only to
formally direct the military to explain how it comes up with
such information, who handles and vets the intelligence, and
what redress mechanisms are in place when egregious lapses
occur and the lives and reputations of ordinary citizens are
placed in peril. Military officials merely being told to be more
“prudent” in releasing names of those allegedly involved in
the communist movement is essentially indulging them in
their campaign of slander and threats. More to the point, how
does the AFP end up peddling mortifying intelligence “gaffes”
given the billions of intelligence funds at its disposal?
But the embarrassment over the administration’s latest
credibility-shredding list was apparently still not enough to
deter Lt. Gen. Antonio Parlade Jr., the vociferous poster boy
of the government’s anti-insurgency campaign, from spewing
more falsehoods. Parlade has upped the ante by accusing a
growing number of universities—now at 38—of being
“recruitment centers” of the CPP-NPA. “This charge, though,
is really ‘getting old’—a rehash of the public accusation the
general made in 2018—irresponsibly cast without proof,”
said the rare joint statement issued by officials of the Ateneo
de Manila University, De La Salle University, Far Eastern
University, and the University of Santo Tomas.
Old charges, but still deadly to the safety and peace
of mind of those the AFP has targeted with its
unwarranted allegations. For state actions that are
way more repugnant than mere “inconsistencies” or
“gaffes,” an apology—badly written at that—is not
enough reparation.
 Create a short video of yourself where you
talk on any topic you just read. You can
report or review an issue on an editorial,
speech or essay. Your short video should be
uploaded in the Google Classroom.

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