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Efficiency of
Heat Engines
John Carlo P. Mariano
Guess The Word

The presenter will flash different sets of photo combinations that
indicate clues and the students will guess the word that fits with
the photos presented. After forming a word, in their own words
the student must explain their understanding about that word.
Minus O

+ +
Minus O

+ +
+ +
+ +
Learning Objectives

At the end of this lesson, the student shall be able to:

• Define Heat engine and Carnot engine
• Define what is Ideal Machine
• Solve problem involving Efficiency of Heat engines
• Calculate the efficiency of an Carnot Engine
• Explain the implications of 2nd law of thermodynamics to heat
engine efficiency
Heat Engines
A heat engine is a device that
converts heat to work. It takes heat
from a reservoir, then does some
work like moving a piston, lifting
weight etc. and finally discharges
some heat energy into the sink
Efficiency of the Heat Engine
It can also be termed as the thermal efficiency of
the heat engine. The thermal efficiency expresses
the fraction of heat that becomes useful work.
The thermal efficiency is represented by the
symbol η, and can be calculated using the

η = Thermal efficiency.
W = Work done by engine
Qh =  heat transferred in
Qc = heat transferred out

η = Thermal efficiency.
W = Work done by engine
Qh =  heat transferred in
Qc = heat transferred out

η = Thermal efficiency.
W = Work done by engine
Qh =  heat transferred in
Qc = heat transferred out

η = Thermal efficiency.
W = Work done by engine
Qh =  heat transferred in
Qc = heat transferred out

η = Thermal efficiency.
W = Work done by engine
Qh =  heat transferred in
Qc = heat transferred out
What does second law of
thermodynamics imply about
the efficiency of a heat engine?
• It is impossible to extract an amount of heat (Qh) from a hot
reservoir and use it all to do work (W). Some amount of heat
(Qc) must be exhausted to a cold reservoir.
• It is impossible to extract an amount of heat (Qh) from a hot
reservoir and use it all to do work (W). Some amount of heat
(Qc) must be exhausted to a cold reservoir.
• It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer
body without any work having been done to accomplish this
flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low
temperature object to a higher temperature object.
• It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer
body without any work having been done to accomplish this
flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low
temperature object to a higher temperature object.
Formulas You Must Know
Problem 1:
A heat engine absorbs 4500 J of heat Given:
energy from a hot reservoir and discards Qh = 4500 J
2500J into the environment. (a) How Qc = 2500 J
much work is performed by this heat W = ?
engine? (b) Calculate the thermal η = ?
efficiency of this engine
Problem 1:
Qh = 4500 J W= Qh - Qc
Qc = 2500 J W= 4500 J – 2500 J
W = ? W= 2000 J
η = ?
Problem 1:
Given: η = (W/Qh)100%
Qh = 4500 J
η = (2000 J/4500 J)100%
Qc = 2500 J
W = 2000 J η = (0.4444)100%
η = ? η = 44.44%
Problem 2:
A steam engine performs 6000 J of Given:
work while discarding 14000 J into a W = 6000 J
cold reservoir (a) How much heat Qc = 14000 J
energy is absorbed by the hot reservoir ? Qh = ?
(b) Calculate the thermal efficiency of η = ?
the steam engine.
Problem 2:
W = 6000 J Qh = W+Qc
Qc = 14000 J Qh = 6000 J + 14000 J
Qh = ? Qh= 20000 J
η = ?
Problem 2:
W = 6000 J η = (W/Qh)100%
Qc = 14000 J η = (6000 J/20000 J)100%
Qh = 20000 J η = (0.3)100%
η = ? η = 30%
Carnot Engines
Carnot heat engine is a theoretical
engine that operates on a reversible
carnot cycle. It has maximum
efficiency that a heat engine can
Carnot efficiency
The maximum efficiency, known as the Carnot
efficiency ηc, is dependent only on the
temperatures of the hot source and the cold sink
(Th and Tc), as given by the equation below in
Problem 1:
What is the efficiency of a Carnot engine with a hot
reservoir of 250 degrees Celsius and a cold reservoir
of 35 degrees Celsius?
Given: K = °C+ 273
Th = 523 K
Tc = 308 K K = 250 + 273 = 523 K
ηc = ? K = 35 + 273 = 308 K
Problem 1:
Th = 523 K
Tc = 308 K
ηc = ?

ηc = 41.1%
Problem 2:
An Carnot engine with a cold reservoir of 313 K and
a hot reservoir of 573 K . Calculate the efficiency of
the Carnot engine
Th = 573 K
Tc = 313 K
ηc = ?
Problem 2:
Th = 573 K
Tc = 313 K
ηc = ?

ηc = 45.38%
Ideal Machine
Ideal machine refers to a hypothetical mechanical
system in which energy and power are not lost or
dissipated through friction, deformation, wear, or
other inefficiencies. Ideal machines have the
theoretical maximum performance

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