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Learning outcomes:
1. Discuss the factors that motivate people to
2. Explain the relationship of needs, wants and
motives to tourist motivation
3. Describe the push/pull model
4. Explain the relation between Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs and the travel motivations
listed in travel literature
5. Describe the characteristics of psychocentrics
and allocentrics
Learning outcomes:

6. Identify the characteristics of travelers based

on purpose of travel; and
7. Analyze the travel constraints
The Psychology of Tourism
A. Motivation for Travel
 Roots or ethnic
 Maintaining social contacts
 Status and prestige
 Self-discovery scenery
 Cultural
 Education
 Professional/business
 Wanderlust
 Interest in foreign areas
4 classes of travel motivators
1. Physical motivators
2. Cultural motivators
3. Interpersonal motivators
4. Status and prestige motivators
The Psychology of Tourism
B. Travel as a Means to Satisfy a Need and Want

The key to understand tourist motivation is to view

vacation travel as a vehicle to satisfy one’s needs and
wants. Tourists do not go on vacations just to relax and
have fun, to experience another culture, or to educate
themselves and their children; they take vacations in
the belief that these vacations will satisfy, either
completely or partially, various needs and wants.
The Psychology of Tourism
C. Relationship of Needs, Wants, and Motives
Push/Pull Model

 “push” internal factors or personal

needs why people travel
Ex: need to escape, self-discovery, rest & relaxation,
prestige, challenge, adventure

 “pull” external factors or attractions

which brings them to certain destination
Ex: scenic beauty, historical areas, cultural events,
sporting events
Maslow’s Theory of Motivation &
Travel Motivations
Effect of Consistency and Complexity
on Leisure Travel
Classification of Travelers Based on Purpose
of Travel

A. Business Travelers
-Regular Business Travelers
-Business travelers attending meetings, conventions,
and congress
-Incentive Travelers
Regular Business Travelers
 Cost of the trip is shouldered by the company
 The volume and rate of growth of business travel is not
affected by the cost of travel
 Business travelers are well-educated, rich, have high-
level jobs, tend to fly often
 For female business travelers, they are slightly younger,
tend to stay longer at the destinations, single, likely to
attend a meeting or convention, travel is booked through
a travel agent, prefer downtown accommodation closer to
work and more concerned with safe accommodation
Incentive Travelers
Pleasure/Personal Travelers


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