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Business Communication

KMBN 107
Unit 5

Dr. Lalit Kumar Yadav

Communication :
To take decisions
A business meeting is a This is the most common purpose of a
gathering of two or more business meeting. Two or more people
people to discuss meet face-to-face to discuss and decide
business-related matters on a predetermined issue. The issue can
be related to a routine or a non-routine
and take decisions.
business matter.
Business meetings can be
conducted in person at an To share information
office or outside or over A business meeting is used to
the phone and by video communicate some information, which
conference. can lead to questions. Such information
Meetings take place with usually involves question-and-answer
sessions from participants. For example,
employees, managers,
a manager wants to share information
clients, prospects, regarding team restructuring.
suppliers and partners.
Announce important Negotiating
changes A meeting is the most useful tool for
negotiation between two conflicting parties
If a manager wants to
such as an employer and a trade union,
announce an employees and organisation, competitive
impending change in a organisations, and an organisation and a
policy, mission, vision, government body. For example, a sales
team structure, etc., meeting is held face-to-face as sales personnel
then the manager need to negotiate, influence and persuade
should call a meeting. their customers.
This is because the
manager will be able to Solving problems
explain the reasons, Business meetings are important if employees
benefits and are required to provide a solution to the
organisational problem. If these problems
background of changes
require a critical analysis and viewpoints of
in the meeting. participants, then they can be most effectively
and quickly resolved through a meeting.
Resolving conflicts
Conflicts may arise at the workplace Celebrate success
or outside due to differences in Meetings are important to celebrate the
opinion . Conflict leads to mistrust completion of a milestone or a
and resentment and lower project, achievement of an award,
productivity . reward and recognition for
To resolve conflicts, it is essential to outstanding contribution, etc. This
get conflicting parties to meet face- helps develop harmony and motivates
to-face with each other and resolve employees to achieve even more.
their issues.
Evaluate and communicate progress Building relationships
Status update meetings are essential Meetings are also conducted to build
in any project, plan, or activity meaningful relationships within and
because they inform the manager outside organisations. In these
and the teams about the current meetings, one should focus on the
status of the projects. The attendees other party. Ask others to speak first
can openly share their opinions about a subject. The praise should be
about the project and brainstorm genuine and specific.
• Selecting the right participants
• Informing all participants in advance

The basics of a • Setting an Agenda

meeting are: • Appointing a facilitator
• Allowing free flow of ideas
• Summarizing the meeting along with
an action plan for the future
Informing all participants Choosing the Right Participants
It is important to send a • Since the core idea of a meeting is to
notice for the meeting at achieve a common goal, it is
least two to three days in important that the participants are
advance. selected carefully.
Also, a recognized authority • In many organizations, the choice of
must send the intimation. the participants for a meeting is
This allows the participants usually based on people being in a
to gather information team or a department.
required for the meeting. • However, in order to have a good
Typically, the notice includes outcome, it is important to include
information about the date, participants who can contribute to
time, venue, names of the the meeting and help in arriving at an
participants, and the agenda agreement.
of the meeting.
Appointing a Facilitator Setting an Agenda of the Meeting
In most meetings, an • It is important to share an agenda with
appointed facilitator helps all participants before the meeting. An
to guide the meeting to its agenda is simply the framework of the
logical conclusion. meeting and includes the primary
Hence, in simple words, a subject of the meeting and the names
facilitator helps the group in of the speakers along with the time
reaching a consensus. allotted to each, etc. Therefore, an
He/She ensures that the agenda must include:
meeting does not stray • The purpose or objective of the
away from the subject and meeting
provides a structure to the • Details of the discussion topics
process while facilitating a • Names and specific times allotted to
conflict-free decision- each speaker
• The sequence in which the speakers
will address the meeting
Arriving at Conclusions and Allowing Ideas to Flow Freely with
Formulating the Next Steps Maximum Participation
• A meeting loses its purpose if all the
Most meetings do not come participants cannot freely express
their opinions and/or views about
to clear and unanimous
the subject under consideration.
conclusions about the
subjects under consideration. • For example, if the senior
management drives the meeting and
Therefore, once the topics on
the juniors are merely answering
the agenda are discussed,
questions directed towards them,
summarizing the deductions
then they are not really participating
and finalizing the future steps
in the meeting.
is critical.
• Hence, a meeting must allow
multiple perspectives to flow freely
and have the true essence of
Minutes of Meeting

Once a meeting is • Meeting minutes are notes that are

underway, one must
recorded during a meeting. They
keep two important highlight the key issues that are
tasks in mind – drafting discussed, motions proposed or voted
the Minutes of Meeting on, and activities to be undertaken.
and the Action Taken
• The minutes of a meeting are usually
Report or ATR (after a
taken by a designated member of the
few days).
group. Their task is to provide an
accurate record of what transpired
during the meeting.
Why write minutes
of a meeting ?

Reference anytime :  Facts, Measure progress: Meeting minutes

decisions, votes taken, can serve as a timeline of progress on
conflicts, attendees and projects, usefulness of decisions, and
other important details can effectiveness of team members in
be retrieved if needed. terms of action steps.

Offer legal
protection : Auditors, The non-attendants of the past
courts etc consider meeting can refer the minutes and get
meeting minutes official to know what has happened in the last
records of the actions of an meetings which they have failed to
organization and its board. join in . This way they can remain
  updated about the progress.
• Different participants have different recollections of the
meeting. This can create problems and sometimes conflict. This
does not arise if minutes are kept.

• Some participants might forget important tasks that were

assigned to them in the meetings. As the minutes are circulated
to each participants , they know what to do.
• The date and time of the meeting

• Names of the participants of the

meeting along with the absentees
• Amendments and corrections with
Points to cover in reference to the minutes of the
writing minutes of
previous meetings
• The decisions about each item on the
• The future plan of action
• The date and time of the next meeting
Important points
while writing the
minutes of meeting

•Take a copy of the agenda of the • Keep the grammar and

meeting as a guideline to take notes sequence proper
and draft the minutes of the • Avoid the inclusion of any
meeting conflicts or personal
•As soon as the meeting is over, you comments – stay objective
can start writing the minutes. Don’t • Attach any reference material
put it off for later and try to write as required
the minutes while the details are still
fresh in your mind.
•Keep the order and numbering of
items the same as that on the
Action Taken Report (ATR)

• The Action Taken Report (ATR) is compiled after a few days

from the date of the meeting.
• It states the various actions based on the discussions in the
• It is usually submitted after a gap of around 5-7 days after the
meeting is over.
• This ensures that there is adequate time to act on the matters
discussed in the meeting.
Media Management

Press release

A press release is a official • Press releases are usually written by

communication, press officers working in the
announcing a story to the communications or public relations (PR)
public which is industry.
deliberately sent to • Often, their aim is to get their clients’
journalists or media message across or to protect their
publishers in the hope reputation.
they will publish the news • Equally, they may want to promote a
contained in them. product or raise awareness about an
They can come from
• If you’re lucky, your press release may be
organizations such as picked up by bloggers, Tweeters and
business or charities or others who read it and find it worthy of
from people like promoting within their social networks.
politicians or celebrities.
Most common types • Event announcement: If a company is
of press releases hosting, sponsoring, or attending an
event, it may release a press release
The best way to spread to generate interest and drive
the word about your attendance.
new product is by • Award press release : Winning a
writing a press release. business award is surely a high point
This serves several for any company.
purposes for you. Firstly, • Crisis management press release:
the article will be read
Sometimes organizations are facing a
by your customers, thus
crisis , and distorted information are
informing them directly
floating around. They clear out things
and driving purchases.
through a official press release.
Secondly, if the news is
significant enough, it
may be written about by
Increase media coverage : This is probably the
most obvious—at their core, press releases
are intended to help increase media coverage.
It can help you reach both traditional media
and new media influencers. To capture the
attention of reporters and bloggers, make sure
Purpose of a Press your press release is well-written, has a strong
Release headline, doesn’t read like an advertisement,
and offers your contact information.
Position yourself as a thought leader : For
The main purpose of reporters and customers you should look like
all press releases is to an industry expert. This can help you earn
more media coverage, as reporters will cover
promote something
your stories and come for quotes on relevant
significant and
topics. As it relates to buyers, the more they
see you in the news, the more they begin to
trust you enough to give you their business.
Link building and Search • Increase brand awareness : Do
Engine Optimization : customers know who you are and
 Millions of consumers what you do? Is your company
and many reporters use indistinguishable from your
the internet to get their competitors? Press release
news. distribution can help you boost
By publishing high quality, brand awareness and highlight
fully optimized online your brand’s unique
news releases, one can characteristics.
spread message further, • With a consistent press release
build more back links, and distribution strategy, reporters
improve the search and buyers will become more
rankings of website. familiar with you, and with
familiarity comes credibility.
Craft an appealing press release
Writing a good press headline
release • Use the main benefit from your
press release to write a headline
Introduce essential information that is both clear and compelling.
Convey the value of your news to
Start with your company’s city
the press. 
and state, followed by the date.
• The headline should be catchy but
Opening paragraph should
also easy to understand.
answer the questions, “who,”
Professional writers often spend as
“what,” “when,” “where,” and much time on a headline as they
“why” in a way that grabs the do writing an article.
reporter’s interest
Find a newsworthy angle
Even a well-written, • Summarize the article and include
personalized press release will a call to action or details of where
fail if the story it’s telling isn’t more information on the subject
interesting to a journalist’s matter can be found.
target audience.
• A press conference is an event organized to
officially distribute information and answer
questions from the media.
• Press conferences are also announced in
response to specific public relations issues.
• Corporate press conferences are generally
led by the company’s executive
Press Conference management or a press liaison or
communications officer.
• Given limited resources, particularly during
a time of quarterly or annual earnings, it
may be difficult to attract major media
attention unless a company has a truly
unique or newsworthy announcement to
• Press conferences are held by corporations
and other businesses, politicians, and other
government officials.
Objective/Purpose /Why ? • You can set the record straight if your
PRESS CONFERENCE group received negative publicity.
• You can often generate the kind of
interest or publicity – a spot on the
prime time – that you’d otherwise have
• A press conference is to pay a large amount for.
interactive; you can answer
• When many media representatives are
questions from the press,
and emphasize points you
present, it makes your conference seem
might not otherwise have a really newsworthy -- the media
chance to make. presence itself adds to the importance.
• You can announce an • A successful media conference can not
important development, only generate news, but can also boost
and explain its significant the morale of your own group -- that is,
local and wider your group can take pride in knowing
implications. that the press will really turn out to hear
what you have to say.
Basics of holding a Crafting Your Message
press conference • What's the gist of what you want to
say? What or who are you responding
to? Often, a press conference is a
Choose Your Location
response to an event that has
captured the public's imagination. This
Depending on how many is your chance to control the message.
people you expect to Write an outline of several key points
attend, one might want to you want to discuss. Be sure to include
find a more spacious room. these key points in the press kit you
A room that has outlets for hand out.
laptops, TV cameras,
Schedule the date and time
lighting . It should be a
quiet location that doesn’t • Determine a date and time for the
have a lot of traffic from press conference, and make sure it
outside the venue or inside doesn't conflict with other press
the building. events or media deadlines
Contact the Media Select and train your participants
The first step in contacting • Persons holding the press conference
the media is to create a should be knowledgeable and
comprehensive mailing list communicative. They should know the
of editors of news issue fully and be able to handle press
channels, newspapers , questioning and scrutiny as well.
weekly newspapers , radio • Be clear and concise – avoid using
stations. jargon, rhetoric, or inciting language.
One should have a press • Always tell the truth. If you don't
advisory prepared and know the answer to a question, say
mailed about one week so. Don’t exaggerate or give figures
ahead of time to inform that aren’t backed up by evidence,
the media about the press and don’t state opinions as fact, or
conference. make charges that can’t be proven.
After the Press Conference

• Make personal contact with

Develop a press kit representatives at least of the major media
A press kit is a folder of outlets. Short, pleasant conversation with
information to give them would be useful as they remember
reporters background you . Those who could not come , one
information about your should hand deliver a press release and
issue or program. Press press packet to these people, send an
kits are very useful, if audio or video feed, or, try to schedule an
one can afford it. interview with these media outlets.
• You might also review the press conference
with others from your organization that
attended.  What went well?  What could
you have done better?  And how will you
improve the next press conference you
Thank You

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