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Global Mental Health Action Plan

• The World Health Organization Comprehensive
Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020 calls for a
change in the way society judges and views
mental condition as something to be ashamed of
which have set people with such condition to
isolation since the early times.
Global Mental Health Action Plan
• The action plan, adopted during the 66th World
Health Assembly, is mainly concentrated on the
problem regarding mental health,which has ;ong
been neglected.
The action plan consist of four major
objectives which are as follows
• To strengthen effective leadership and
governance for mental health.
• To provide comprehensive, integrated, and
responsive mental health and social care services
in community-based settings
The action plan consist of four major
objectives which are as follows
• To implement strategies for promotion and
prevention in mental health.
• To strengthen information system, evidence, and
research for mental health.

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