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Simulation Study and Comparison of Attacks in Ad-hoc Network

Thesis proposal for the degree of Master of Science in Cybersecurity

Thesis supervisor:

April /2021

- Introduction.
- Problem Statement.

- Objective of Research.

- Methodology.

- Scope Of Research
- Thesis Time Schedule

- References
Ad hoc networks are a networking platform which works wirelessly. In contrast to conventional wireless networks,
such networks are not dependent on any fixed infrastructure, Comparatively, they rely on each other to stay
connected in a network

In the mobile ad hoc networks the major role is played by the routing protocols in order to route the data from one
mobile node to another mobile node. Thus, a routing protocol is needed which encapsulates the essential system of
mechanized security whose function incorporates preventing, detecting as well as responding to the security
attacks .

in mobile Ad hoc networks, routing protocols are vulnerable to various kinds of security attacks such as black hole
node attacks and flooding attack.
black hole node attacks

This type of attack has two properties:

1.use of routing protocol of mobile ad hoc

network like that of AODV. This helps it in
advertising and promoting itself as a valid
route to approach the destination node .
2. the attacker can consume intercepted
packets without forwarding them. But the
attacker also shares the risk of running
neighbor nodes which monitor as well as
expose the ongoing attacks in the network.
flooding attack

flooding attack is in which an attacker

exhausts the network resources. as well
as for disrupting the routing operation
and functionality, the attacker exhausts
the resources in the network. in this way,
an attacker can also cause severe
degradation to deteriorate the
performance of the network. .
Problem Statement
• It has been observed in the mobile ad hoc networks that they are vulnerable to security attacks

• So, to protect a MANET, nodes are set up in a network which transfer the message and helps in direct
2 communication

• routing protocol is used to encapsulate the mechanized security system to prevent security attacks. These security
attacks are always probable and work as a barrier in the proper functioning and operation of a mobile ad hoc
3 network. If these security attacks are not handled properly on time, they can cause great damage to the project in
terms of time, quality, budget, cost, communication and so on.

• To prove the extent of the impact of any of the attacks on the network we have applied a simulation of the black
4 hole and flooding attack by using network simulation by NS2 software and analyzed the results .
1- inspect the security threats that are probable in the mobile ad
hoc networks.

2- identify how these security threats are harmful.

0bjective of Research
3- study how these threats can cause main disturbance in the
operations as MANET.

4- seek literature for the previous solutions

5- find the solutions to these risks

6- recognize the best remedy so that the MANET can be protected

from all possible forms of the security risks.
Network Simulator (NS-2) is more popular ones
are an object-oriented, discrete event driven
network simulator written in C++ and OTcl
developed as collaborative environment of
networks is distributed as open source software.
It is suitable for designing new protocols,
comparing different protocols and traffic
The simulation results from running this script in
NS-2 include one or more text based output files
and an input to a graphical simulation display tool
called Network Animator (NAM). Text based files
record the activities taking place in the network. It
can be analyzed by other tools such as Perl.
Stage 1 planning:
• Collect papers about MANET attack : study type of attack and challenges to get
clear picture about my research.
• Extract data based on the most popular attacks : existing in MANET, will select
two main attacks, then we will do simulation for both type of attacks by using NS2
software, we will figure of reason behind them and will get clear details about the
issue, we will detect the problem.
Stage 2 analysis:
• Define the way for comparing two type of attack :based on performance,
number of node and routing protocol.
• Define metrics that will used in evaluation process: based on performance and
• Choose better tool for implementation and testing: best tool to build testing
environment and do simulate the attacks, then we will add and modify the code as
per my requirements then we will get the findings and results.
Stage 3 implementation:
• Choose random data for simulation : (number of nodes ,type of routering
protocol, type of attack ,etc.)
• Built simulation and extract data and results and analysis it.
•Compare between two type of attack and provide which is the best solution to
avoid the attack.
• Report and documenting: the best solution depending on the results, example
which better protocol should be used in MANTE and the range of nodes.
Research scope is focused on to tow type of attack in Ad-hoc network which are black hole
and flooding. We will use NS2 software to analysis the reason behind these attack and we
will find the best solution to a void them.
Topic description
place Personal laptop
Devices Office
Timing Spring/2021

Research approach Prevent the Ad-hoc from security attack (black hole & flooding)

Research environment Simulation MANET using NS2

Target Analysis and comparing black hole attack and flooding attack
Thesis Time Schedule:

Duration (weeks)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Topic Selection

Proposal Write up

Introductory Chapter

Literature Review


Results& Interpretation

Findings, Conclusion,
1. Jawandhiya, P. M., Ghonge, M. M., Ali, M. S., & Deshpande, J. S. (2010). A survey of mobile ad hoc network
attacks. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 2(9), 4063-4071.
2. Purkayastha, B. S., & Das, R. (2012). Comparative Analysis of Routing Attacks in Ad Hoc Network. International
Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications, 3(5), 1352.
3. Ramanathan, R., & Redi, J. (2002). A brief overview of ad hoc networks: challenges and directions. IEEE
communications Magazine, 40(5), 20-22.
4. Zhou, L., & Haas, Z. J. (1999). Securing ad hoc networks. IEEE network, 13(6), 24-30.
5. M. Karthigha, L. Latha, and K. Sripriyan, “A Comprehensive Survey of Routing Attacks in Wireless Mobile Ad
hoc Networks,” Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Inven. Comput. Technol. ICICT 2020, pp. 396–402, 2020.
6. S. Kumar, M. Goyal, D. Goyal, and R. C. Poonia, “Routing Protocols and Security Issues in MANET,” 2017.
7. R. Meddeb, B. Triki, F. Jemili, and O. Korbaa, “A survey of attacks in mobile ad hoc networks,” Proc. - 2017 Int.
Conf. Eng. MIS, ICEMIS 2017, vol. 2018-January, pp. 1–7, 2018.
8. C. Science and P. I. G. G. C. W. J. Haryana, “A Literature Survey of MANET Parul Gupta Topology based
Protocols,” pp. 95–99, 2016.
Thank you

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