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Work Hard VS

Smart Work
Is hard work better or smart work? We are always
taught that working hard can help us achieve our
dreams and aspirations. But finding what’s better
between hard work and smart work is quite a
I-Hard Work :
• Hard work can be simply defined as putting in strenuous hours for
doing a certain task or task.
II-Smart Work :
• Smart work refers to finding effective and efficient ways to complete
one or multiple tasks while also managing time and quality both.
Example :
Hard Work : When NASA began to launch the astronauts into space,
they found out that Pen wouldnot work at "Zero Gravity". To solve this
problem it took them one decade and $12million to develope a pen that
work at "Zero Gravity" .
Smart work : But Russia used the 'pencil' . ( because they used their
mental skills and got the efficient and effective solution )
Hard work Vs Smart Work (Difference):
1. Hard work is done by physical efforts and less use of brain ,but in
smart work it is done by more use of brain and techniques and less use
of physical efforts.
2. Hard work is when one do certain things without effective planning ,
smart work is when we get the work done through planning and without
any physical stress.
3. Hard work may generate high cost for doing a work whereas Smart
work leads to work done in minimum cost.
4. Hard work Never fails, Smart work fails sometimes.
I prefer smart work over hard work and
the reason for this is smart work has a more
holistic approach to tasks than hard work.
Despite yielding results, working hard incurs
lots of time and energy while working
smartly includes more work in a lesser
amount of time. Working smart includes
having better judgment, knowing what
component of the work takes the longest
time, and trying to reduce it creatively and
rationally. Hence, smart work uses the key
principles of management while also finding
the best creative ways to approach work.”
hard work and smart work are both essential
to bring effectiveness and efficiency to a
task. While hard work makes sure that we are
putting in the hours needed to accomplish
certain things within time, smart work
focuses on bifurcating the quintessential
factors like who is the best person to do a
particular task, when is the right time for
doing it and what kind of hurdles we can
anticipate. So, when blended, we can find the
best way to complete a set task within time
and ensure its optimum quality.”

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