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Digital Literacy Between

Challenges and Opportunities

Name : Aviva Indriani Niku Kapitan
ID : 210104002
Study Program : English Education
Semester : III ( THREE)
Digital Literacy
What is digital literacy?

Knowledge and skills to use digssssital

media, communication tools or networks
in finding, evaluating, using, creating
information and making use of it in a
healthy, wise, intelligent, careful, precise
and law-abiding manner in everyday
Regions with the highest digital literacy
1. In Yogyakarta

2. Riau Islands

3. East Kalimantan

4. West Sumatera

5. Gorontalo

6. West Papua

7. East Nusa Tenggara

8. West Kalimantan

9. Aceh

10. North Kalimantan

Basic Principles of Literacy

Understanding Interdependence Social factors Curation

Digital literacy elements

 Cultural
 Cognitive
 Constructive
 Communicative
 Responsible self-confidence Creative
 Critical in dealing with content
 Socially responsible.
Benefits of Digital Literacy

• Saving time
• Save
• Make work
• Always

The most powerful challenge of digital literacy is the large flow of

information. This means that people receive too much information
at the same time. In this case, digital literacy plays a role, namely
to seek, find, sort and understand correct and appropriate

Digital media allows for opportunities, such as increased profits in

the e-commerce business, the birth of new digital media-based jobs
and the development of literacy skills without negating print-based
Examples of applying digital literacy in the workplace

1. Using internet media to convey useful information to the public.

2. Use the zoom application for meetings so you don't have to be stuck in
one place.
3. Registering data recording and reporting with computer media.
4. Publish the results of the implementation of an activity on social media
so that the public knows.
5. Sending work reports via email, thereby reducing paper usage.
6. Use of social media as a means of health promotion

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