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At the end of the lesson the students will;

a.(EN10Rc.vii.2) Distinguish the theme of

the story,
b.(EN10V.oiii) Express thoughts and
opinion regarding the story through Q and
A; and differentiated activities.
c. (EN10R.iii)Write the values learned from
the story.
The Hunchback
Notre Dame
by Victor Hugo
• The teacher will ask one student to lead the prayer.

• The teacher will be calling the names of the students to

check their attendance.

• The teacher will discuss the house rules during the class.

• The teacher will remind the students regarding the

health safety protocol.
Review of the previous lesson.
An operational definition is a description
of how something actually works in the
real world, by real users who are paying
customers. A technical definition is a
description of how something was
designed to work by its inventor, its
engineers or its computer programmers.
Now lets get it on to our
new lesson, I have here a
box, I need 1 representative
each group, pick a question
and then answer it in 30
Direction: Try to give the meaning of the vocabulary words
in column A by choosing the letter in column B.
Now, let us proceed to
the author of the story
“The Hunchback of Notre Dame”.
Who is the author of the story?
Who is Victor Hugo?
• Mr. Victor Hugo, he was a French poet, novelist, and
dramatist of romantic movement.
• He is considered as of the greatest and best-known
French writers.
• His most famous works are Les Miserables and The
Hunchback of Notre Dame.
• He was born on February 26, 1802.
• He died on May 22, 1885.
• His Genre are Poetry and Novel.
• He studied at The University of Paris
I will group you into 4 groups. Each group
will receive a picture which is a scene from
the story that will represent the assigned
selection to your group, I need 5
representatives from each group that will
narrate, news report, poem recitation,
song/rap presentation for 3 minutes. I will
give you three (3) minutes to prepare and
formulate your assigned tasks according to
the assigned pictures.
Group 1

During the 1482 Festival of Fool in Paris, Quasimodo, the Hunchback

of Notre Dame, is elected the pope of Fool for being the ugliest
person in Paris. He is hoisted on a throne and parade around Paris by
the jeering mob. Looking for something to eat, Gringoire admires
the graceful beauty of La Esmeralda, a gypsy street dancer, and
decides to follow her home. After rounding a corner, she is suddenly
attacked by Quasimodo and Frollo. Gringoire rushes to help her but
is knocked out by Quasimodo as Frollo runs away. The King’s
Archers, led by Phoebus arrive just in time and capture the
hunchback. Later that night, a group of beggars and thieves are
about to hang Gringoire when La Esmeralda comes forward and
offers to save his life by “marrying him” for four year only.
Group 2
The next day, Quasimodo is put on trial and sentenced to two hours of torture in
the Place de Greve. He suffers both the pain of being stretch and pulled apart as
well as being publicly humiliated by the crowd of people, who hate him for his
ugliness. He begs for water, but no one answers his pleas until La Esmeralda
comes forth and brings him something to drink. A few months later, La
Esmeralda is dancing in font of Notre Dame and Phoebus calls her over to him.
She has fallen in love with him and blushed when he asks her to meet him later
that night. Frollo watches them from the top of Notre Dame and becomes
insaney jealous of Phoebus. His obsessive lust for La Esmeralda has made him
renounce God and study alchemy and black magic. In his secret cell at Notre
Dame, he plans to trap La Esmeralda like a spider catching a fly with its web.
Later that night he follows Phoebus to his tryst with La Esmeralda and stabs
Phoebus repeatedly. He escapes and La Esmeralda is captured by the King’s
Group 3
After being tortured at her trial, La Esmeralda falsely
confesses to killing Phoebus and being a witch. She is
sentenced to hang in the Pace de Greve. Frollo visits her in
jail and declares his love. He begs her to love him and show
him some pity but she calls him a “goblin-monk” and a
murderer, refusing to have anything to do with him. Before
her execution, La Esmeralda is publicly humiliated in front
of Notre Dame. Just then, Quasimodo swings down on a
rope from Notre Dame and carries her back to the cathedral.
Crying out “Sanctuary” he had fallen in love with her when
she brought him water and had been planning her escape all
Group 4
Meanwhile a group of vagabonds resolves to save La Esmeralda after hearing that
Parliament has ordered that she be removed from Notre Dame. But when Quasimodo
sees them attack the cathedral, he thinks they have come to kill La Esmeralda and he
ends them off as best as he can, killing a large number of them. Frollo has used the
attack as a diversion to sneak La Esmeralda out of the cathedral. He offers her two
choices; she can either say she loves him or be hanged. She demands to be executed.
Back at Notre Dame, Quasimodo goes to the top of the north tower to find her. Gazing
off into the distance, he sees the figure of La Esmeralda in a white dress hanging from
the scaffold by the neck. Holding him up in the air. Quasimodo sighs with grief and
then throws Frollo down to his death. Looking at La Esmeralda hanging off in the
distance and Frollo’s wrangled corpse down below. Quasimodo cries out “There is
Everything I ever loved!” Quasimodo is never seen again, year later when a
gravedigger stumbles across La Esmeralda’s remains, he finds the skeleton of the
hunchback curled around her.
Questions for comprehension:

In the story we can see the unfair treatment of people in Paris to the person with disabilities.
There is a huge difference in our country.

1. What is the difference of the culture in Paris and Philippines in terms of treating person with

Excellent! Do you have any questions and clarifications?


For our next activity, you are going to have Q and A showing
the values you’ve learned from the story. I need one (1)
representative each group, after picking your question I will
give you one (1) minute to prepare. Your group member
should participate by helping you to answer the question
given to your group. I will be your judge in this contest; You
only have 30 seconds to answer the question and remember
that you have to start your statement with the phrase “I
believe” and end it with “and I thank you!”

1. Why we need love in a relationship?

2. What do you prefer? A man with good looks or a man with
a good heart?
3. What do you think it means when people say that beauty
comes from the inside?
4. If you were given a chance to change the ending of the
story how will you change it?

Answer the following question in ½

sheet of paper.
Write a short summary of the story
Hunchback of Notre Dame in sequence.
In ½ crosswise observe and write about
Site similar situation in your
neighborhood or place or locality same
aspects of maltreating people with
disabilities and write how to change
maltreatment to them.
Thank you for

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