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Different Contemporary Art

Techniques and Performance

• Identifies local materials used in creating art.

• Provide examples of artwork that is made of local materials.

• Create an artwork that is made of local materials on your place.

What is Local Materials in Arts?
• Local materials are the resources that can be found
readily in large quantity at a particular location or area
at a certain time. It could also be referred to as
materials that can be used to fabricate a finished
element. These materials however could be abundant in
some area but not available in another. 
Examples of Local Materials

Coconut shells- coconut

shells are now introducing
a fresh amazing trend in
Philippine architecture,
interior design and
decoration. Coconut shells
are usually used as decor. It
can be cut into pieces and
glued altogether to form a
lovely work of art, or left
alone in it rounded shape.
• Abaca- Abaca, a plant closely
related to the banana, has
unique fibrous leaf stalks
originally used in making rope.
With its versatility and wide
availability in the
market, Filipino interior
designers have found a deep
admiration with Abaca. It can
be used in both furniture pieces
and interior decoration. 
Palm- highlighting the
concept of a banig”, which is
a handwoven mat usually
used in East Asia and the
Philippines for sleeping and
sitting., this furniture set
features palm or buri as
seat covering for the sofas.
Examples of artwork that is made of
local materials.

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