3 Embodied Spirit

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What I Need to Know
On this module, you are expected to learn about
the difference between Man, Human and
Person, and their roles to the society. Today’s
module would help us identify and recognize our
own limitations and possibilities as we deal to
various events in our lives. Are you ready to
know more? Let’s go and dance in tune for the
lessons that you will learn today.
What is It
Are you aware that majority of us could recognize, define
and use a certain word every day without knowing its role
and true meaning?
Do you believe that there is a big difference between MAN,
PERSON, and HUMAN not only with the definition but its
usage to the society as a whole?
Yes, I know that these words are very common to us but this
is the right moment for us to know more about it.
Man By definition, it is generally and commonly define to
represent the entire human race.

Human A term used to refer for various classifications and

species. For
a living man, human is under the classification of

Human Being A term used to separate man from other Human

like animals.

Person Refers to an individual who possess self-awareness, self-

determination, rational mind, and the capacity to interact
other and with himself/herself.
What is Human Person? Let’s find out!
From the definition provided above, the human
and the person, respectively, are defined with
classified origin of species and persons with
birth rights.
Human person is someone with an exact origin
of his/her classification.
From the biblical perspective, we came from
Adam and Eve.
For Science, we came from an Ape under the
Class: Mamallia.
Human person from time after time learned how to live beyond what was
traditional through the various human evolutions from Hominid to Homo
Sapiens or the Modern Man people learn the concept of power, politics and
These reasons served as basis which led to a more structured political and
economic system. Thus, rights of an individual is considered. A human person is
typically with a body which is tangible and has a three components composed of
SOUL, MIND and SPIRIT. Also, he or she is entitled and granted rights and
privileges by the state which he or she legally belong.
There are two general kinds to
distinguish a human person: The
Cognitive Self and the Physical Self.
The Cognitive Self (something within
and cannot be physically seen) is the
essential components of a human
persons that deals with THE WHAT
OF A PERSON which includes human
persons’ belief, desire, dreams, and
intentions. The other is one is the
Physical Self (something can be seen in
his/her physical appearance) which
deals with the essential features of the
human way of life or THE WHO OF A
PERSON which includes his/her body
type, strength and appearances.
What is Embodied Spirit? Let’s find out!
Embodied spirit is an animating core living within each of us. It is known to be
the driving force behind what we actually think, do and say. It is indeed the
reflections of our total being by which our sensations lead to our human
feelings, emotions and decision. The usual and known connotation that comes to
our mind when we hear the word “embodied” is always materialized or became
flesh (with physical form). Thus, when we say “embodied spirit”, we normally
believed and conclude of a spirit becoming flesh.
In the context and views of Christian
philosophy, the embodiment of the
spirit particularly refers to the
inseparable union of human body and
Inseparable which also means the body
and soul work together at all times.
Hence, we can safely say that
“embodied spirit” that the body is not
separate from the soul, just as the soul
is not separate from the body.
What is Human Person as Embodied Spirit?
Let’s find out!
As an embodied spirit human beings demonstrate these following qualities
(Abella, 2016):
1. “Self- awareness refers to person having a clear perception of oneself,
including his or her thoughts, emotions, identity, and actions (Abella, 2016).” It
is the ability of one’s consciousness to look inward thus discovering the
presence of a self.

The self is the subject that thinks, feels and acts. It is your I amness (Wilber,
2006). The self enables a person to experience an inner world of dreams,
thoughts, imagination, fantasy (Abella, 2016). Thus, the self represents man’s
interiority (loob in Filipino).
2. A human person is able to connect and interact with another person, an animal
or an inanimate object. We call this externality. So even though human beings
have interiority they are not trapped inside their heads. They are able to go
beyond their limited selves and embrace others.
3. We are not determined by others. Because we have interiority; we can direct the course
of our own life. This is what we call self-determination which is “the capability of persons
to make choices and decisions based on their own preferences, monitor and regulate their
actions, and be goal oriented and self-directed” (Abella 2016) Thus human beings are free.
However since our actions are based on our decisions we have to realized that every
decision has a consequence(s). There are some actions that are
good because they lead to good consequences and some actions are bad
because they lead to bad consequences. The result of our freedom is morality which is “the
goodness or badness of an act”.
4. Finally a human person has an inherent
value and importance. This is what we call
dignity. That is why no amount of money can
equal the value of a human life. This is also
the reason why individual rights are absolute
(Rand 1964). The American Founding
Fathers called rights as “inalienable” because
it cannot be separated from our humanity. If
we are stripped off of our rights we are
stripped of our humanity. That is why slaves
(who have
no rights) are not being treated as human.
Human Transcendence
St. Thomas Aquinas, a philosopher and
one of the greatest theologian in the “mahirap maging mahirap.”
Catholic Church in the 13th century,
said that “of all creatures, human
beings have the unique power to
change themselves and things for the
better.” We have encountered persons
who complain of any given situations
or accept the reality or status in life as
God given thing.

This power is your ability to surpass

your limits. This is the definition of
Transcendence. You are able to
transcend your limit through your
physical and mental abilities.
Religion and philosophy teaches human beings to overcome our limits.
In technological parlance, humans can upgrade themselves. Take for example,
Buddhism. Buddha realized that all people suffers. Maybe in your case you just
accept your own suffering as part of life but not for Buddha. This reality ignited
his curiosity to examine and understand the word suffering. He left his royal life
in the palace and spent his life for 6 years in the wilderness to find answers for
his questions. And when he sat under the Tree of Enlightenment for 40 days,
voila he finds the answers.
If you notice this is a universal principle being taught not just by
Buddhism? These are the values what human person needs to succeed.
These are examples of the power mentioned by St. Thomas to change
ourselves. If you can do the eightfold path even if you are not a Buddhist,
you can transform yourselves from your present situation and transcend to
what you desire you would be. Just believe in yourselves. As the Star
Struck of GMA7 adheres:

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