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What is Society,

Social Group and

Presented by: Geramae Nuevo & Mary Rose U. Lace( BSED
What is Society?
•Society is one of the basic sociological terms. In
simple sense, society is a large grouping that shares
the same geographical territory, shares a common
culture and social structure, and expected to abide
by the same laws.

•Two primary components of a society are its culture

and its social structure.
Social Group
What is Social Group?
● Social group refers to any number of people with similar
norms, values, and expectations who interact with one
another on a regular basis.

● Two types of social groups are primary and secondary

Social Organization
What is Social Organization?
Social Organization
● It means a set of differentiated activities serving a
common purpose and refers to the way they relate
themselves to one another.

● Types of social organization are family, clan, tribe,

community and association.
Country: Indonesia
Flag & Flag Description

The flag of Indonesia is a horizontal bicolor of red and white. The red band
represents the courage and blood of the Indonesian people, while the white band
represents purity and the spirits of the people.
Indonesia Raya
Great Indonesia
Indonesia, tanah airku
Tanah tumpah darahku
National Anthem
Di sanalah aku berdiri
Jadi pandu ibuku
Great Indonesia

Indonesia, our native country,


Indonesia, kebangsaanku Our birthplace,

Bangsa dan tanah airku Where we all arise to stand guard
Over this our Motherland:
Marilah kita berseru
Indonesia our nationality,
"Indonesia bersatu!"
  Our people and our country.
Hiduplah tanahku, hiduplah negeriku Come then, let us all exclaim
Indonesia united.
Bangsaku, rakyatku, semuanya
Bangunlah jiwanya, bangunlah badannya Long live our land,
Long live our state,
Untuk Indonesia Raya
  Our nation, our people, and all
Arise then, its spirit,
Indonesia Raya, merdeka, merdeka!
Tanahku, negeriku, yang kucinta Arise, its bodies
Indonesia Raya, merdeka, merdeka! For Great Indonesia.
Hiduplah Indonesia Raya
Indonesia the Great, independent and free,
Indonesia Raya, merdeka, merdeka! Our beloved country.
Indonesia the Great, independent and free,
Tanahku, negeriku, yang kucinta
Long live Indonesia the Great!

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is the official

national motto of Indonesia. The phrase is
Old Javanese translated as "Unity in
Diversity" (Out of many, one).
The name Indonesia derives from the Greek
words Indos (Ἰνδός) and nesos (νῆσος),
meaning "Indian islands".  Indonesia was
originally called Indian Archipelago or East
Indies Islands.
Indonesia's capital is Jakarta. 
Muslim – 87.2%
Protestant – 6.9%
Christian – 2.9%
Hindu – 1.7%
Buddhist – 0.7%
Confucian – 0.05%
Government/Types of Government
The politics of Indonesia take place in the framework of a
presidential representative democratic republic whereby
the President of Indonesia is both head of state and head of
government and of a multi-party system. Executive power
is exercised by the government.
President/ Prime Minister

Joko Widodo
Joko Widodo (Indonesian: [dʒɔkɔ
widɔdɔ]; born 21 June 1961),
popularly known as Jokowi, is an
Indonesian politician and
businessman who is the 7th and
current President of Indonesia.
Total Area
1.905 million

Indonesian Rupiah is the currency of Indonesia.
1 Indonesian rupiah is equals to 0.0036 in Philippine peso.

Zip Code/Area Code

The postcode in Indonesia consists of five-digit numbers =
"xxxxx". The first digit shows the Province, for example DKI
Jakarta Postal Code is "1xxxx", East Java "6xxxx".
Sports/Main Sports
Some popular sports in Indonesia
are badminton, football,
volleyball,basketball and the native
Indonesian martial art pencak silat.
Badminton is one of Indonesia's most
successful sport.
Nasi goreng
Considered Indonesia's national dish, this take on Asian fried rice is often made with sweet,
thick soy sauce called kecap (pronounced ketchup) and garnished with acar, pickled
cucumber and carrots.
The raw Sambal is made from fresh chilies, tomato, terasi (shrimp paste), and
shallots. Sambal Belacan is perfect to be eaten with deep-fried fish, chicken,
or duck and lalapan (assorted raw vegetables).
Ayam Goreng
Ayam goreng is an Indonesian and Malaysian dish consisting of chicken deep fried
in oil. Ayam goreng literally means "fried chicken" in Malay, Indonesian and also in
many Indonesian regional languages.
Indonesian culture is focused around the community,
with a hierarchical structure. Indonesians believe in
the concept of gotong royong (mutual assistance) and
mufakat (consensus), and the national motto is Bhinneka
Tunggal Ika (Unity in diversity).
Tourist Attraction
Top 5 Best Tourist Attractions In Indonesia

1. Borobudur, Java
2. Mt. Bromo, Java
3. Lake Toba, Sumatra
4. Kawah Ijen, Java
5. Jatiluwih, Bali
Tourist Attraction
Borobudur, Java
Tourist Attraction
Mt. Bromo, Java
Tourist Attraction
Lake Toba, Sumatra
Tourist Attraction
Kawah Ijen, Java
Tourist Attraction
Jatiluwih, Bali
Well-known People in their Country
Joko Widodo, the current President
of Indonesia, has previously been
the mayor of Surakarta and the
governor of Jakarta. He initially
owned a furniture business and later
joined the Democratic Party of
Struggle. He introduced universal
healthcare as Jakarta’s
governor. Fortune named him one
of "The World's 50 Greatest
Well-known People in their Country
Indonesian actor and martial art
expert Joe Taslim is best known
for his appearances in the
films The Raid:
Redemption and Fast and Furious
6. He was previously part of the
Indonesian national judo team
and had won several
championships. He has also
played Li Yong in the
series Warrior.
Well-known People in their Country
Agnez Mo is an Indonesian actress,
singer-songwriter, dancer, and
With more than 190 awards under
her belt, Agnez Mo is the most
decorated artist in Indonesian
Her impressive award list includes
18 AMI Awards, five Nickelodeon
Indonesia Kids’ Choice Awards,
eight Panasonic Awards, two Mnet
Asian Music Awards, and
four MTV Indonesia Awards.
Well-known People in their Country

Taufik Hidayat is an Indonesian

retired badminton player. He is a
former World, Olympic, two time
Asian Games, and three time Asian
champion, and the youngest world
number one in the men's singles.
Hidayat has won the Indonesia
Open six times.

 Family plays an important role in courtship and marriage.

 The parent’s standards for their future son-in-law is to have a good
background based on the crucial aspects of “Bibit, Bebet, Bobot”
referring to family wealth, social rank and ancestry.
 The engagement period is rarely recognized in Indonesia, as the
couples move to the marital stages soon after a long courtship.
 A boyfriend may visit the girl in her house and on Malam
Minggu(Saturday Night.
How they treat their visitors

Smile. Indonesians are known to

be incredibly friendly and curious. If you're
traveling through an area that doesn't often
see foreigners, you are sure to be greeted and
questioned often.

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