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Radar Engineering-(unit-4)

 The Radar Receiver
 Noise Figure
 Mixers
The Radar Receiver:
Basically Radar is defined as Radio Detection and Ranging
As we know Radar consists of “Transmitter” and “Receiver”
(Receiver-receiver takes an important role in operation of “Radar” )
The function of radar is basically to receive the data which is reflected from
the target , in the form of “ECHO” signal.
The radar receiver also consist of automatic threshold detection.
Noise Figure:
The receiver noise figure is defined as major actual power
delivered to the actual root.
Formula of noise figure (Fn) = Nout/K T0 Br G
k= boltzman constant=1.38*10-2 23j/deg
t0=actual temperature =2900k

BN =Band width
G= gain.
It is used to determine and compare actual noise output power with Ideal noise output power.
 where actual power is Nout .

Noise power is also defined as Fn=KT0BNG+delta N/KT0BNG.

 Where delta N is Nout .

When we simplify that we get
 FN=1+Delta N /KT0BNG.
Noise figure can be defined as in terms of Db then formula becomes
Fn=10 log fn
Mixer is defined as it is an electrical circuit that creates new frequencies from
two signal applied to it.
In its most application, two sigls at the sum and difference of the original
Mixers are widely used to shift signal from one frequency range to another, a
process known as heterodyning, for convenience in transmission or further signal
Types of Mixers:
Single-ended Mixer
Balanced Mixer
Double- balanced Mixer
Image-rejection Mixer
Image-recovery Mixer

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