Complaints and Grievances

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Reporter: Maridel P. Cajayon
What is Complaints?
- an employee’s expressed (written or
spoken) feelings of dissatisfaction with some
aspects of his working conditions,
relationships or status which are outside one’s
How to Handle Complaints?
• In handling complaints, the first step is
to separate legitimate complaints from
petty gripes. Legitimate complaints
should be corrected as expeditiously as
• If the complaint is merely a petty gripe,
try to find the real cause or causes for
the dissatisfaction; they might not be
brought out directly by the gripes but
many indicate some serious problems.
• Supervisors should be aware if
complaints are excessive because they
might be signs of widespread
dissatisfaction among employees.
Kinds of Complainants
1. The Petty gossiper or intriguer
- He is the type who presents complaints without
foundation in fact. It only needs proper
clarification to set the records straight.
2. The rebel without a cause
- These are the complainants who rightly or
wrongly feel they are always victims of an
inequity. They compare themselves with others
when promotions or increases are made. They
require a frank discussion about their situation or
3. The champions of the opressed
- These are the outspoken members of the group who
feel that they have to take up the cudgels for others.
They merely want attention. They are aiming to be
leaders in the union and believe that by being more
vocal than the rest, they can be successful as leaders.
The best thing would be to keep them busy with
special assignments.
4. The thinkers
- These complainants are so called because they do not
have the courage to come out to present their complaints
unless they have reached a point of great emotional strain.
They can be sometimes dangerous because they are
capable of creating some agitation against supervisors. An
effective way of dealing with them is to open the door of
communications to them.
5. The average complainant
- The average complainant as a general rule takes
careful evaluation of the situation before he makes
the complaint. These are the people who should be
given all the respect and consideration because they
have the courage to express a complaint.
What is Grievance?
- An official statement of a complaint over
something believed to be wrong or unfair
about organizational policy, procedure or
managerial practices or discomfort, whether
it is valid or not.
- Any dissatisfaction, complaint, irritation or
misunderstanding of an employee arising
from his job, or his relationship with his
employer, any violation of the CBA
( Collective Bargaining Agreement) or of the
Labor Code that he thinks or feels he is
wronged or treated unfairly.
Grievance Machinery
- A system or method of determining and
finding the best way to address the specific
cause or causes of a grievance.
Sources of Disputes:
-misunderstanding with
the boss
- disputes/complaints
referred by a subordinate, TROUBLE SHOOTER
by passing the trouble

-disputes/grievances and
complaints directly
referred by a
Individual Differences
- Individuals differ in physical and mental heritage,
educational and work experiences, social environment, and
economic circumstances. This differences influence their
attitudes , behavior and reactions to events in their day to
day relationship at their jobs with their supervisors and co-
Attitudes of Supervisors
- The supervisors attitudes towards handling grievances. He
should be alert to correct unsatisfactory conditions or situation
before grievance develop. The smart supervisor should welcome
and listen to complaints.
- The supervisor must distinguish between the subject of the
complaint and the real reason behind the grievance. He must be
able to handle complaints and grievances skillfully and
Open grievances
- Employees are open about their grievances. They go straight to
their supervisor and tell him openly about their problems.

Hidden grievances
- Employee is manifesting his grievances to himself only. Their
grievances are hidden which is sometimes vague and whose
causes are difficult to trace.
Work-related grievances
- Its not about the nature of the work but how well the individual
employees are suited to and are able to meet the demands of
their jobs.

Non-work related grievances

- Employees dissatisfaction not because of their job or their
employer but because of personal problems which they are
unable to solve. The frustration resulting these problems may
cause employee to find fault with their jobs or with the people
around them.
Valid grievances
- A grievance is said to be a valid one if it has some relevance to
or connection with the work or with the relationship between the
employee and his employer.

Imagined grievances
- grievances brought up only for the purpose of getting attention
or to test management or to create unrest for some self-serving
1. Application and interpretation of the collective bargaining agreement.
2. Absence of clear-cut company labor policy.
3. Ineffective or inadequate supervision.
4. Inadequate communication.
5. Personal problems.
6. Union inspired grievances
7. Improper selection and placement
8. Lack of orientation or training of new employee.
9. Favoritism
10. Poor organization structure.
11. Poor systems and procedures.
12. Lack of appropriate facilities.
13. Improper implementation of policies.
How to handles grievances?
• Accepting the grievance and acknowledging it.
• Carefully listening the problem
• Understanding the redefining the problem to ensure that both
the parties are at the same level of understanding.

• Gathering the information- all facts and figures

• Offering the best solution
• Follow up
Grievance Procedure
For Unionized Firms: For Non- Unionized Firms:
5. Protest an appointment; 6. All other matters giving rise to
employee dissatisfaction and
discontentment outside of those
cease enumerated above.

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