Good Days, Bad Days... A Story To Reflect On (Eng & Chi)

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好日子,坏日子 ...

Once there was a very rich man in a town.
He was one of the richest persons of his town.
One day, quite suddenly, there was a great loss in his
business and all his wealth was lost. He became very
poor and did not even have money to buy his food.
为乌有。 他变得非常贫穷,甚至连买食物的钱都没有。

He was in a terrible situation. He felt hopeless and thought
that there was no future before him. Life was like darkness to
him. Depressed, he started thinking of killing himself.
One dark night he left his shelter on his own quietly and went
to a high cliff. He wanted to commit suicide by jumping from
the cliff into the river below.
他的处境很糟糕。 他感到绝望,认为自己没有前途。 生活对他来
说就像一片黑暗。 情绪低落,他开始想自杀。一个漆黑的夜晚,他
悄悄地离开了自己的避难所,来到一处高高的悬崖上。 他想从悬崖

Just as he was about to jump off the cliff, from behind,
two old yet strong hands stopped him from jumping.
The dark skies brightened up by some flashes of lighting.
The man turned his head to look behind. He saw an old monk
with a most kind face. The old monk was holding him by his
跃。漆黑的天空被几道闪光点亮。男人转头看向身后。 他看到了一
个面容慈祥的老和尚。 老和尚搂着他的肩膀。

The monk asked him the reason for wanting to commit suicide.
The depressed, once a very rich man, told the monk everything.
After hearing the whole story, the old monk started laughing.
The monk then asked the man, “So you accept that you were happy
The man replied, “Yes sir. My fortune was shining with full light but
now all my wealth is lost. Now there is nothing left in my life except
darkness and poverty.”
的。”那人回答说:“是的,先生。 我的财富原本闪耀着光芒,但现在我所有的财
富都失去了。 现在,除了黑暗和贫穷,我的生活一无所有。”

The old monk smiled and said, “ My dear friend, after day
there is a night and after night there is a day.
The day does not last; it will soon make way for night.
Likewise, the night does not last forever. It will leave and day
comes in again. Nothing lasts forever. CHANGE is a law of
续; 它很快就会让位给夜晚。同样,夜晚不会永远持续下去。 它会
离开,白天会再次到来。 没有什么可以天长地久。 变化是自然法则。

Good days do not stay forever. Likewise, bad days too will not
stay forever. One who knows this truth , will not be ‘happy in
happiness’ or ’sad in sorrow’. His life becomes like an
unshakable rock which remains the same in rain and sun. So
don’t lose your heart. Try again from a new beginning. The time
of sorrow will definitely end.”
好日子不会永远停留。 同样,糟糕的日子也不会永远存在。 懂得这个道理
的人,就不会‘乐中有乐’,也不会‘悲中有悲’。 他的生活变得像一块不
可动摇的岩石,风雨无阻。 所以不要失去你的心。 从一个新的开始再试一
次。 悲伤的时代一定会结束。”

坚强点。 我也要过去。

Listening to these words from the wise old monk, the man bowed
down before the man with respect and he thanked the monk for saving
his life. The man then went back to his home. He took some loan from
the money lenders and started his business again.
Very soon the man became rich again. He regained the wealth and
status he had before. Most important he learnt wise lessons from the
old monk.
命。该男子随后返回家中。 他从放债人那里借了一些钱,重新开始了他的生
意。很快,这个人又变得富有了。 他重新获得了以前的财富和地位。 最重

If we reflect on our life, then we will see that there are times in
our life when we lose courage and we see darkness
everywhere and then we get frustrated and make some wrong
decisions like attempting suicide.
We should not forget that time never stays the same.

The ‘Ups and Downs’ of Life 生活的“起起落落”

After day comes night and after night comes day. If good days don't
last forever then bad days won't last forever either.
Change is a law of nature. Therefore whenever you get disappointed
in your life then never lose hope and never give up on life because in
life everything comes and goes.
Time changes. Nothing stays forever.
白天之后是夜晚,夜晚之后是白天。 如果好日子不会永远持续下去,那么糟糕的日子也不会
永远持续下去。变化是自然规律。 因此,每当您对生活感到失望时,就永远不要失去希望,
也永远不要放弃生活,因为生活中一切都会来来去去。时间变化。 没有什么是永恒的。

表扬 / 责备

快乐 / 痛 声望 / 耻辱

收益 / 损失

Life is precious. Value it. None is free from

To be born a human is Dukkha or suffering.
truly a great Blessing. With Dhamma,
one can cope peacefully.
生命诚可贵。 重视它。
生为人,实为大福。 正法,一个人就能平静地应对。

All conditioned Live Life wisely – Do

things are good, avoid evil and
impermanent. develop the mind to
Everything gain wisdom.
will come to pass.
所有有为的事物都是无 明智地生活——行善,
常的。 避恶并发展心智以获得
一切都会过去的。 智慧。
Learning and practicing the Dhamma helps one live peacefully.
May we follow the Noble 8-Fold Path most diligently.

The 结束

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