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Learning Module in English 10

1st Quarter, Module 2:

Using Textual Aids

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers, titles,
and non-linear illustrations on the understanding of a text.
You will read the story of a mythical character named, Orpheus.
Then, perform all activities that follow.
This module will help you to attain these objectives:
a. analyze and understand the selection through the use of graphic organizers
and non-linear illustrations;
b. determine the plot of the story read and identify its theme;
c. tell the significance of the selection to the present situation;
d. give possible solutions to real problems encountered in one’s life;
e. unlock word difficulties through context clues; and,
f. create own designed graphic organizer to present a particular concept.
Read the text carefully and complete the sentences that follow.

The best way to overcome disability is to face in

head-on and prevent you from achieving great things.
This is the lesson I draw from the lives of two people
whom I admire, the musician Stevie Wonder and the
track and field athlete Jackie Joyner Kersee. I respect
them for their courage and strength in overcoming
obstacles. Both are persons with disabilities who defied
obstacles in order to be successful in their fields. They
taught me never to give up no matter how intimidating
the obstacles you face in life. (Celebrating Diversity Through
World Literature, English Learner’s Material for Grade 10, DepEd: Rex
Bookstore, 2015, p.4)
1. The passage would best appeal to ____________.
A. an adult C. a parent
B. an adolescent D. a child
2. ___________is an example of a disability.
A. physical fatigue C. being small
B. visual impairment D. mental acumen
3. They are persons with disabilities who defied obstacles and became successful.
The word defied means ____________.
A. outfaced C. vanished
B. disregarded D. challenged
For items 4-5. Fill in the table with the similarities and differences of the two personalities.
Answer this using your Ipad:

If time machine is real and you will be

given a chance to go back to the past and
change a thing or a decision you’ve once
made, what would it be? Why? How did it
affect your present life?

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