Rate Same Direction Only

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Solve problems involving two objects traveling

in the same direction.

Use measurable attributes of objects and the
units, systems, and processes of measurement.
Rate Problems

distance = rate ∙ time

distance = distance same direction


Find rate and time for each vehicle.

A ferry leaves from Singapore at 10.30 am and reaches Batam at
11.30 am. If the rate of the ferry is 30 km/h, calculate the
distance from Singapore to Batam.

Time = 11.30 – 10.30 = 1 hour distance = rate ∙ time

Rate = 30 km/h distance = 30 x 1
= 30

Distance from Singapore to Batam = 30 km

At 6 a.m. a freight train leaves Washington D.C. traveling at 50
mph. At 9 a.m. a passenger train leaves the same station
traveling in the same direction at 75 km/h. How long will it take
the passenger train to overtake the freight train? How far from
the station will they be at that time?
6:00 50 mph
d= d d1 + d2 = dt
Freight train 50t = 75(t – 3)
9:00 75 mph
50t = 75t – 225
Passenger train – 25t = – 225
What did we find? t = 225 : 25 = 9
Did we answer the question?
How long will it take for the passenger train to overtake the freight 6 hours
How far from the station will they be at that time?
d = rt = (50)(9) = 450 km d=rt
Categories Rate Time Distance
Freight 50 t =9 50t
Passenger 75 t–3=6 75(t – 3)
Nick and Chloe left their campsite by canoe and paddled
downstream at an average rate of 12 km/h. They turned around
and paddled back upstream at an average rate of 4 km/h. The total
trip took 1 hour. After how much time did the campers turn
around downstream?
d= d d1 + d2 = dt
12t = 4 (1-t)
12t = 4 – 4t
8t = 4
t = 4 : 8 = 0.5
What did we find?
Did we answer the question?
After how much time did the campers turn around downstream? 0.5 hours
Categories Rate Time Distance
Downstream 12 t = 0.5 12t
Upstream 4 1-t = 0.5 4(1-t)
Morrison leaves Cincinnati at 4:00 pm, heading for NYC. Barbara
leaves at 4:30 pm on the same highway, heading toward NYC. By
driving 10 m/s faster, Barbara overtakes Morrison at 7:30 pm.
How fast is Barbara driving and how far have they traveled when
Barbara catches up with Morrison?
M 4:00
d= d d1 + d2 = dt
3.5r = 3(r + 10)
B 4:30 + 10 mph
3.5r = 3r + 30 Be sure you answer
What did we find? 35r = 30r + 300 the question that is
5r = 300 asked!!
Did we answer the question?
r = 300 : 5 = 60
How fast is Barbara driving? r + 10 = 60 + 10 = 70 m/s
How far have they traveled? d = rt = (70)(3) = 210 m
Categories Rate Time Distance
Morrison r = 60 3.5 3.5 r
Barbara r + 10 = 70 3 3(r + 10)

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