Civilzation of Ancient Axum and Ethiopia

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civilzation of ancient Axum

and Ethiopia
The African kingdom of Axum (also Aksum) was
located on the northern edge of the highland zone
of the Red Sea coast, just above the horn of Africa. , IT flourished from the 3rd to the
6th CE
was founded in the 1st century CE. The territory Axum once controlled is today
occupied by the states of Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti,
Somalia, and Somaliland
factors for the rise of Axum
• the influxt of the Saba immigrants from Yemen in south Arabia . the early settlers were Kushites whose migrated
to occupired the area to engaged in food cultivation and pasture for their animals (pastoralism) . aside them
another group also migrated to the area by crossing the red sea called Habashats whose were hunters and
traders searching for ivory and india trade route .
• inter marrige . the Kushites and the Habashats inter marry which gave birth to new Afro-semitic polpulation
called Abyssinia which laid the foundation of Axum civilzation.
• Able leadership. another factor that influence the rise of Axum is the ability of the kings to exspand their
kingdom in several direction this gave them the tittle Negus Neghest mening king of kings. king Adulis made an
attempt to conqure south west Arab and king Ezana conqured meroe and also introduce christianity into Axum .
• strategic location . the kingdom was locatted at a fervorable geographical area which was suitable for both
farming acivities and trading. this make them to act as middlemen between the india ocean port and
mediterranea, central and east Africa
• trade. They had also learned to take full advantage of their strategic trading position between the Red Sea and
the Indian Ocean. due to their location help them to engaged in trading activities. they traded with the Greeks
syria, india lebanon. they imported india cloth, sword, wine sheet of copper and also exported ivory, tortoise
shell rihnocers horn incense, perfume and spices.
• Construction of stelae . it was a giant slabs or tablet which stand up to 110
feet with windows and doors which was was used for religious and publics
notice boards
• construction edifices at lalibela which was as churches
• construction of dams which was used to stored water for agriculture and
domestic purpose
• metal work. they produce iron tools and weapons like spears, knives, cooking
utensils , bracelets, necklace. they also mented their own coins of gold ,
silver , bronze by 300 AD. THEY learn this from Yemen.
introduction of christianity into axum
• prior to the introduction of christianity into Axum , they were polytheistic.
they worship gods like Astar, Mahren and Beher.
• however, christianity was into Axum in 333AD by a young Syrian Frumentius
and his brother Aedusius after they involved in a shipwreck. they were
rescued and handed over to king Ella Amida, who make Frumentius his
steward and Aeduisus his cup bearer . after the death of the king , the queen
made them his co regents , which frumentius used as an oppoyunity to built
a church for the Roman merchants. He often visit St, Athanasius at Egypt
where he learn most the practises of the coptic church which make coptic
of Egypt closely connected to Ethopia church.from 320 to 350 king Ezana
made christianity as state religion after he converted.
effects of christianity into Axum
• it lead to the spread of missionary activities. THE ADOPTION OF christianity as a state religion
inspire the missionaries to spread the Gospel to different towns like Enarya, Kaffa and Janjero
through both millitary and preaching. all this people make prigrimage to jerusalem.
• deep bond with the coptic church of Egypt . the contact of Frumentius and St, Athanasius led
to the integration of the church of egypt and Axum . Axumites church adopted the doctrine
and monastic ideas from Egypt.
• introduction and development of literature. the introduction of christiatinity led to the
flourished of literature in Ethopia through the learning of the bible and the translating the
ible into Ge’ez language. this help them to record some of their wars and trace their origin to
the descendant of king solomon and queen sheba in their Kebra Negast ( glory of kings)
• it led to the introduction of peace in Axum. when christianity became a state religion all
persecution of christians came to an end and religious tolerance was enhance by king Ezana. a
state council was also establsh which ensure effective and efficient governance.
civilzation of ethiopia
• After the fall of Axum another empire rise wthin the same area called Ethiopia as a result of the
intermarriage and and integration of cultures from Axum, Shoa, Amhara, Eriteria, Agao, Tigre,
somali, Jews etc. it was larger than the old Axum and it inhabitans were colour like Eurepean. their
first king was Menelike I who was believed to be the son of King Solomon and Queen Sheba who
form the Solomonic dynasty.
• the solomonic dynasty was overthrown by the falasha Jews whose were converted into Judaism
using the old testament and apocrypha.
• practices of the falasha jews
• their religion was judaism
• they used the old the old testament and apocrypha
• they observed saturday as their sabbarth day
• they practised the circumicision of boys and girls
• they adopted the Ge ez langauge in their worship
• in the 7th century Axum was invaded by Nomadic people called Zanafaj from Eriteria. this force the
Axumites flee to moutainous areas to seek refuge.
Zagwe Dynasty
• after a period of misrule of the falasha jews were kick out by the the
Agoa called the Zagwe Dynasty.
• they repeated the same misrule which led to their overthrown by the
Solomonic dynasty II. They converted the Agoas into christianity in the
13th century by king Yekumo Amlark. Menelik II reunited the Ethoipia
empire and defeated the Italians in the Adowa war in 1896.
• he was succeded by Iyansu but was overthrown by Menelik II daughter
Zaudiatu assisted by his Rastafari. However 1936 they were invaded by
Italy which brought their kingdom it kness by seeking refuge from
Britain. however till date they are still practising mornachical state.
problems that the solomonic dynasty face
• they face both internal and external problems
• the threat of the Agoa who resisted the converting from pagan to christianity.
this resulted to a series of wars between the Agoa and the solomonic dynasty
from the 10th to the 13th century. this led to the overthrown of the
slolomonic dynasty by a group Agoa called Falasha jews.
• External problems (muslism penetration) . the muslims whose were in
commercial contact with ethiopia took advantage of the struggled between
the Agao and solomonic dynasty to establish their power and spread their
faith Ethiopia. they were able to convert Shoa, Harrar, Addis Ababa. however
the advance of islam was stop by Zara Yaqob( 1434-68) after he restore the
solomonic dynasty.
effects of the prolong wars between the
christians and the muslims sultanate
• millitary weakness. thousand of solders lost their lifes weakened and creat enmity between
the christians and muslims which resulted into disunity.
• loss of territory . the war make them to loss central, eastern and western land to a group of
pastoral normad called Galla ( Oromo) which reduce their territory.
• restriction to the access to the sea and trade. the war disrupted the trade because
merchants and travelers were not prepared to the risk to participate in the red sea trade any
more . the trade suffered most when massawa was captured by the turks due to the
weakness in their millitary. this make to loss the revenue they recieve from the trade.
• destroying of christians edifices. the war led to the desmolshing , looting and burning of
christian churches, stelea and kinlling of christian governors.
• recourse to catholism. due the muslims invasion emperor Za Dengel and susneyos seek
refuge from portugal who were catholic state. they force them to accept christianity against
their will.
• ALTHOUGH THEY WERE ABLE TO Conquered muslims states like Ifat, Fatajar, Dawaro and Bali.
• However they were not able to unit them under their governership due to this they were not
centralised .
• Hereditory governors were allow to rule their terriotories, whose did not work in the interest of the unity
Ethiopia governorship.
• the invasion of Ahmed ibn Ibrahim.
• the muslims invasion of ethiopia in the 16th century play a significant role in the decline of ethiopia.
• Ahmed ibn Ibrahim al Ghazi, who was nickname left handed rebbelled against Emperior by refusing to pay
tax and tribute
• he embacked on Jihad by conquering and distruction of christians churches
• from 1531 to 33 he occupired south and central Ethiopia by controling Dawaro, shoa, Amhara, lasta and
• due the muslims expansion Lebna Dengel sought refuge and assistance from the Portugal which futher
worsten their problems, although they were able to help them to defeat the muslims.

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