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Naming Ghana

prio to European colonialism there was no nation like today Ghana. the
new Gold Coast (Ghana) live in separet states like Akawmu, Denkyre,
Asanate , Dagombas, Mamprusi etc . however the Gold states were
acumulated by Britain after 1884 Partition of Africa
New Ghana and Ancient Ghana
modern Ghana
choosing the name Ghana
• before Ghana gain independace in 1957 many people were already
using the name Ghana in their political formation , trade unions and
naming other institution.
why did they chose the name Ghana to
replace the Gold Coast
• the Gold Coast was not seen as a name for the new nation by the
leaders but rather a description. they therefor came together to choose
a new name for the nation headered by J b Danquah
• why Ghana
• Ancient Ghana was the first state to rise in the west African sudanes states and
The new Ghana was the firt sub saharan country to gain indepence
• some of the ethinic groups in Ghana migrated from ancient Ghana
• both state are rich in natural resource espicially gold
• inspiration and ambition of the leaders for the nation to achieve the glories of
ancient Ghana
• Ghana shuold be the ground to help other African nation to gain independance
Source of GHANA History
• Documetary source
• Arabic source: Tarik al Fettach by Mahamud Kati
Abderahaman As Sadi Tarik al sudan, Ahmedu Bello Fullani JIhad
Muhammmed bin Mustafa, Alhajj AL Caghnni history of Salaga
• Europeans writers; Pieter De Maree , account for traditional medicine, T E
Bowdich mission from castle to Asante , Joeseph Dupuis journal of Asante
• Ghanians writers: J m Sarbah fanti constitions,J B Danquah Akym Abuakwa
Handbook, J W de Graft Jhonson towards Nationhood in West Africa , J e
casely HardyFord Gold Coast Native Institution
non Documetary sources
• Oral Tradition
• Story telling and praise singers
• Archaelogical
kintampo digging
• linguistics studies
• Arts
• Ethnography
• festival celebration, funeral, marriage ceremonise, cheiftaincy
the end

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