Introducing One's Self and Others

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1st Free Trial Class

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Memperkenalkan diri dan orang lain

Introducing Each Other

What is your name?

Siapa namamu?

How old are you?

Berapa umurmu?

What do you do?

Apa pekerjaanmu?

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Introducing Yourself
Memperkenalkan dirimu

How do you
yourself to a
new person? Let’s look
at this

Bagaimana kamu Ayo lihat

memperkenalkan contoh ini.
dirimu kepada
orang baru
Introducing Yourself

Good morning. Good morning.

I’m Noah’s mother.

I’m ….. How do you
I’m Noah’s teacher. do?
I’m Shinta. How do Saya ibunya Noah.
you do? Saya ………..
Saya gurunya Noah. Bagimana kabar?
Saya Shinta.
Bagaimana kabar?
Introducing Yourself

You may want to

get new friends so
you have to
yourself. Let’s look
at this
Mungkin kamu mau
punya teman baru,
maka kamu harus
perkenalkan diri kamu
Introducing Yourself

Hi! My name is….. My

friends call me
Tafona’o. I’m twenty-
nine years old. My
hobby is
skateboarding. I want
to be your friend.

Introducing Yourself

First, greet that person by saying: Hi! Hello! Good

morning, etc. et cetera /et setra/

Second, tell your name.

Next, you add some information about yourself:

your age, your hobby, your address, etc.

Last, say ‘How do you do?’ , ‘Pleased to meet

you’ or ‘Nice to meet you ‘.
Introducing Others
Memperkenalkan orang lain?

Can you introduce

someone to
someone else?
Let’s look
Bisakah kamu at this
memperkenalkan example!
seseorang kepada
orang lain?
Introducing Others

I am Ever. How do you Dad, I’d like

do, Mr. Tafonao? you to meet
Pleased to meet you. Mr. Tafona’o.
He is my
teacher .
Mr. = Mister = Tuan
Mrs. = Mistress = Nyonya
Ms. = Miss = Nona
Pleased to meet you. Ayah, saya mau
Senang bertemu kamu. ayah berkenalan
dengan Pak
How do you do, Mr. Taafonao. Beliau
guru saya.
Ever? Pleased to meet
you, too.
Giving Information
Memberi Informasi
When you introduce yourself, you should tell about
yourself, your name, your job, etc.
Ketika kamu memperkenalkan diri, kamu mesti memberitahu tentang diri
kamu, namamu, pekerjaanmu, dll

Subject Be Complement
I = saya am Shanti.
He = dia (laki2) Mr. Noah.
She = dia (per) is a teacher.
It = dia (benda) my bag.
You = kamu/ kalian my friend.
We = kami/ kita are students.
They = mereka his parents.
Asking for Information
Meminta Informasi (bertanya)
You may want to know about a new person, you can ask these / this
following questions. /kwescens/
Mungkin kamu mau tahu tentang seseorang, kamu bisa ajukan pertanyaan berikut.

Be Subject Complement
Am I Lase?
He Mr Khan?
Is she a teacher?
it my bag?
you my friend?
we friends?
they his parents?
Denying /dinaing/ Information
Menolak informasi

If some information aren’t true, you can say

Subject Be Not Complement
I am Sarah.
He Mr Khan.
She a teacher.
It my bag.
my friend.
We friends.
They his parents.
Ending Conversation
Mengakiri percakapan

Pernyataan Tanggapan
Nice to meet you Nice to meet you, too.
Glad to meet you Glad to meet you, too.
Pleased to meet you Pleased to meet you, too.
Pleased to see you Pleased to see you, too.

Senang bertemu kamu. Senang bertemu kamu

Now, look!
Sekarang lihatlah.
Now, look!
Sekarang lihatlah.

Nice to meet you, too.

Hello, Marco.

I’m fine, thank you.

Now, can you


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