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Segments Formed by Chords
Theorem: The product of the lengths of the two segments formed from one chord,
is equal to the product of the lengths of the two segments formed from the other

In a circle, suppose two chords

and intersect at a point P
inside the circle. Then,

Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 2

Segments Formed by Chords

Chords and intersect at R.


Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 3

Segments Formed by Chords

Chords and intersect at R.


Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 4

Segments Formed by Chords: Exercises
Chords and intersect at R.

Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 5

Segments Formed by Secants and Tangents
Theorem: The product of the lengths of the secant segment and the part of this
segment outside the circle, is equal to square of the length of the tangent

Suppose from a point P outside a

circle, a tangent segment and a
secant segment are drawn, with
intersecting the circle also at B.

Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 6

Segments Formed by Secants and Tangents
In the figure, is a tangent segment and is a secant segment.


Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 7

Segments Formed by Secants and Tangents
In the figure, is a tangent segment and is a secant segment.


Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 8

Segments Formed by Secants and Tangents: Exercises
In the figure, is a tangent segment and is a secant segment.

Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 9

Segments Formed by Secants
Theorem: The product of the lengths of a secant segment and the part of this
segment outside the circle is equal to the product similarly constructed from
another secant segment.

Suppose from a point P outside a circle,

secant segments and are drawn,
with these segments intersecting the
circle a second time at points B and D,
respectively. Then

Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 10

Segments Formed by Secants
Consider the secant segments and in the figure.


Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 11

Segments Formed by Secants
Consider the secant segments and in the figure.


Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 12

Segments Formed by Secants: Exercises
Consider the secant segments and in the figure.

Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 13

Theorem: Given a point outside a circle, the two tangent segments drawn from
this point are congruent.

Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 14

Common External Tangent
Theorem: If two circles have two common external tangent segments, then these
segments are congruent.

Common external tangents of

ⵙA and ⵙB:
Common external segments of
ⵙA and ⵙB:

Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 15

Common External Tangent: Activity
Determine the common external tangent segments of the following figure.

Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 16

Common Internal Tangent
Theorem: If two circles have two common internal tangent segments, then these
segments are congruent.

Common internal tangents of ⵙJ

and ⵙK:
Common internal segments of
ⵙJ and ⵙK:

Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 17

Common Tangents
Circles ⵙX and ⵙY have radii 1 and 7, respectively, and their centers are 10
units apart. Find the length of , a common external tangent segment,
and the length of , a common internal tangent segment.

X 10 Y

Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 18

Common Tangents
Circles ⵙX and ⵙY have radii 1 and 7, respectively, and their centers are 10
units apart. Find the length of , a common external tangent segment,
and the length of , a common internal tangent segment.
as common external tangent segment
M 7
X 10 Y
Draw perpendicular to

Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 19

Common Tangents
Circles ⵙX and ⵙY have radii 1 and 7, respectively, and their centers are 10
units apart. Find the length of , a common external tangent segment,
and the length of , a common internal tangent segment.
Note that: P
M 7
X 10 Y

Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 20

Common Tangents
Circles ⵙX and ⵙY have radii 1 and 7, respectively, and their centers are 10
units apart. Find the length of , a common external tangent segment,
and the length of , a common internal tangent segment.

Observe △PXY: N
M 6
Leg 1
X 10 Y
Leg 2

Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 21

Common Tangents
Circles ⵙX and ⵙY have radii 1 and 7, respectively, and their centers are 10
units apart. Find the length of , a common external tangent segment,
and the length of , a common internal tangent segment.
Leg 2 8 P
M 6
X 10 Y

Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 22

Common Tangents
Circles ⵙX and ⵙY have radii 1 and 7, respectively, and their centers are 10
units apart. Find the length of , a common external tangent segment,
and the length of , a common internal tangent segment.

1 Y
X 10

Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 23

Common Tangents
Circles ⵙX and ⵙY have radii 1 and 7, respectively, and their centers are 10
units apart. Find the length of , a common external tangent segment,
and the length of , a common internal tangent segment.

as common internal tangent segment

1 Y
X Z 10

Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 24
Common Tangents
Circles ⵙX and ⵙY have radii 1 and 7, respectively, and their centers are 10
units apart. Find the length of , a common external tangent segment,
and the length of , a common internal tangent segment.


Observe that
1 Y
X Z 10

Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 25
Common Tangents
Circles ⵙX and ⵙY have radii 1 and 7, respectively, and their centers are 10
units apart. Find the length of , a common external tangent segment,
and the length of , a common internal tangent segment.

1 Y
X Z 10

Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 26
Common Tangents
Circles ⵙX and ⵙY have radii 1 and 7, respectively, and their centers are 10
units apart. Find the length of , a common external tangent segment,
and the length of , a common internal tangent segment.

1 Y

Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 27
Common Tangents
Circles ⵙX and ⵙY have radii 1 and 7, respectively, and their centers are 10
units apart. Find the length of , a common external tangent segment,
and the length of , a common internal tangent segment.

1 Y

Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 28
Common Tangents: Exercises
Suppose the centers are 13 units apart, and the radii of ⵙX and ⵙY are 1
and 6, respectively. Find the lengths of the common tangent segments

1 Y
X 13

Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 29

Tangent Circles



Segments Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents 30

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