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 Intro & History
 Geography
 Science
Presentation  Food
Main Points Summary

Russia is a transcontinental country spanning Eastern Europe and Northern

Asia. It is the largest country in the world by area covering over 17,98,246
square kilometers and encompassing one eighth of Earths inhabitable land
mass. Russia extends across 11 time zones and borders sixteen sovereign
Capital: Moscow nations, the most of any country in the world. It is the ninth-most populous
country in Europe with a population of 145.5million. The country’s capital
Largest City: Moscow is Moscow ,the largest city entirely within Europe.
Population : 145.5M
The Russian Revolution was a period of political and social revolution that
took place in the former Russian Empire which began during the First
World war. This period saw Russia abolish its monarchy and adopt a
socialist form of government following two successive revolutions and a
bloody civil war. The Russian Revolution can also be seen as the precursor
for the other European revolutions that occurred during or in the
aftermath of WWI, such as the German evolution.

The history of Soviet Russia and the Soviet Union (USSR) reflects a period

of change for both Russia and the world. Though the terms "Soviet
Russia" and "Soviet Union" often are synonymous in everyday speech
(either acknowledging the dominance of Russia over the Soviet Union or
referring to Russia during the era of the Soviet Union), when referring to
the foundations of the Soviet Union, "Soviet Russia" often specifically
refers to brief period between the October Revolution of 1917 and
the creation of the soviet union in 1922.
Marie Curie Louis Pasteur Alfred Nobel

Famous Personalities
and climate
Russia  is the largest country, covering over 17,125,192 km2 (6,612,074 sq
mi), and encompassing more than one-eighth of Earth's inhabited land
area. Russia extends across eleven time zones, and has the most borders
of any country in the world, with sixteen sovereign nations.
Russia is a trans continental country stretching vastly over two
continents, Europe and Asia. It spans the northernmost edge of Eurasia,
and has the world's fourth longest coastilne, at 37,653 km
(23,396 mi).Russia, alongside Canada, is one of the world's only
two countries with a coastline along three oceans due to which it has links
with over thirteen marginal seas. It lies between latitudes  41
degree and 82 degree N, and longitudes 19 degree east and 169 degree
west. Russia is larger than three continents of the world, and has the same
surface area as Pluto.
Science and
Science and technology in Russia have developed rapidly since the Age of
Enlightenment, when Peter the great founded the Russian academy of
sciences and Saint Petersburg state university and Polymath Mikhail
Lomonosov founded the Moscow State University establishing a strong
native tradition in learning and innovation.
In the 19th and 20th centuries, Russia produced many notable scientists,
making important contributions
in physics, astronomy, mathematics, computing, chemistry, biology, geolo
gy and geography. Russian inventors and engineers excelled in such areas
as electrical
engineering, shipbuilding, aerospace, weaponry, communications, IT, nucl
ear technology and space technology.
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, commonly known as
the Russian Armed Forces (AFRF), are the combined military
forces of Russia. They comprise the world's fifth-largest military in terms
of active-duty personnel, with at least 2 million reserve personnel. Their
branches consist of the Ground Forces, Navy, and Aerospace Forces, as
well as three independent arms of service: the Strategic Rocket
Forces, Airborne Forces, and Special Operations Forces.
The Russian Armed Forces possess the largest stockpile of nuclear
weapons in the world, surpassing the arsenal of the United States. They
operate the second-largest fleet of ballistic missile submarines , and are
one of only three militaries (alongside China and the United States) that
operate strategic bombers. Russia maintains a powerful aerial and naval
force. In 2021, Russia had the fifth-highest military expenditure in the
world at US$65.9 billion. Russian law mandates one-year drafting for all
male citizens aged 18–27. However, deficiencies have been noted in
combat performance, both on the tactical and the operational scales,
during the Invasion of Ukraine in 2022, with different parts of the military
struggling to work together.
Olivier salad is a traditional salad dish in Russian cuisine,
which is also popular in other post-Soviet countries and
around the world. In different modern recipes, it is
usually made with diced boiled potatoes, carrots,
cucumber), green peas, onions, diced boiled and tart
apples, with salt, pepper, and mustard added to enhance
flavor, dressed with mayonnaise. In many countries, the
dish is commonly referred to as Russian salad.
Did You Know?

“Tetris Was Invented in

This Presentation is Prepared by
Group Russia

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