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Impact of NGOs on the society

Zayaan Haider
What are NGOs.

 A non-profit organization that operates independently of any government, typically one

whose purpose is to address a social or political issue.
Role of NGOs in the soceity.

 Activities performed by ngo's include helping with environmental, social, and human
rights issues but their work is not limited to just that . They can play a vital part in social
or political change on a macro scale or a micro level.
 NGOs play a significant role in developing society, improving communities, and
promoting citizen participation. NGOs' contribution to the GDP of the economy is not
much, but their overall part in improving the human development index or social
progression index is irrefutable.
Problems in Africa.

 Africa being the second largest continent in the world has most poor people in the world
 Poverty.
 Poor Education.
 Health.
 Violence.
 Hunger.
How NGOs solved these problems.

 NGOs have helped people to fight poverty.Allowed them to earn a good income in which
they can survive so that their futures is safe.
 True colors trust is the most prominent and one of the best non- profit organization
which is working day and night to lift people out of poverty in Africa by forming small
entrepreneurs through interest free loans which can be paid over a long period.
How education was lifted.

 Plan International is an international non-profit organization that focuses on children’s

rights of education. It believes equality for girls every aspect of life especially in the field
of education.
 They work to empower children through education, and youth so that they can have
confidence to live a happy life.
 They focus specifically on the children that are easy targets of bullies and soceity like
girls, children with disabilities.
NGOs working on Healthcare.

 In times of war.While people are dying whole communities are destroyed due to these
conflicts and need immediate help in form of medical facilities.
 In responding to these complex problems ngos have worked day and night in these war
torn countries bringing people as much relief as possible.
Countries under war.

 Libya,
 Syria
 Iraq
 Yemen
 South Sudan
 Ukraine
Work of ICRC in these countries.

 ICRC adapts support to local needs by giving the right kind of help, and their work usually
is based on promoting and also teaching people about health and treatment.
 Their main goals are vaccination in order to stop the spread of infections in these war
torn areas.
NGOs work on women rights.

 Multiple NGOs are making a huge impact in the lives of women who face torture or
abuse in order to promote gender kindness and equality.
 Saving them from physical and sexual abuse.Providing them with skills so that they can
be self sufficient in earning.
NGOs in Pakistan.

 Aurat Foundation.
 Kashf Foundation.
Role of NGOs in Pakistan.

 Aurat Foundation is an activist charity organization that had one motive to promote
gender equality in Pakistan.
 They are working tirelessly to change that by promoting education. By far they have been
quite successful as they were able to open almost 10 schools throughout in Punjab.
 Kashf Foundation cost-effective microfinance services that enabled women who had no
man to earn for them and they have a skill but they lack the finance and capital to start
their own business.
Negative effects of NGOs

 Little or no respect to local customs.

 No rules or regulations.
 No governmental control.

 Everything on Earth that benefit us will always have flaws and disadvantages.
 These organizations where able to reach people who are in dire need but these
organizations also have flaws and have done things that objectionable but they have done
more good for soceity than harm it.

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