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Before we go deeper, let’s understand the difference between both with a simple example.
An ordered pair is represented as (INPUT, OUTPUT): 
The relation shows the relationship between INPUT and OUTPUT. Whereas, a function is a relation which
derives one OUTPUT for each given INPUT.
Note: All functions are relations, but not all relations are functions.


Let us also look at the definition of Domain and Range of a function.

Domain It is a collection of the first values in the ordered pair (Set of all input (x) values).

Range It is a collection of the second values in the ordered pair (Set of all output (y) values).

In the relation, {(-2, 3), {4, 5), (6, -5), (-2, 3)},
The domain is {-2, 4, 6} and range is {-5, 3, 5}.
Note: Don’t consider duplicates while writing the domain and range and also write it in increasing
What is a function?
oA function is a relation which describes that there should be only one output
for each input (or) we can say that a special kind of relation (a set of ordered
pairs), which follows a rule i.e., every X-value should be associated with only
one y-value is called a function.
 For example:

Domain Range
-1 -3
1 3
3 9
Types of Functions
◦ In terms of relations, we can define the types of functions as:
◦ One to one function or Injective function: A function f: P → Q is said to be one to one if for each
element of P there is a distinct element of Q.
◦ Many to one function: A function which maps two or more elements of P to the same element of set Q.
◦ Onto Function or Surjective function: A function for which every element of set Q there is pre-image
in set P
◦ One-one correspondence or Bijective function: The function f matches with each element of P with a
discrete element of Q and every element of Q has a pre-image in P.
One-to-one function
◦ One to one function basically denotes the mapping of two sets. A function g is one-to-one if every element of
the range of g corresponds to exactly one element of the domain of g. One-to-one is also written as 1-1. A
function f() is a method, which relates elements/values of one variable to the elements/values of another
variable, in such a way that the elements of the first variable identically determine the elements of the second

One-to-One functions define that each element of one set, say Set (A) is mapped
with a unique element of another set, say, Set (B).
It could be defined as each element of Set A has a unique element on Set B.

◦ Let A = {1, 2, 3} and B = {a, b, c, d}. Which of the following is a one-to-one function?
1. {(1, c), (2, c)(2, c)}
2. {(1, a),(2, b),(3, c)}
3. {(1, b)(1, c)}
◦ The Answer is 2.
◦ Explanation: Here, option number 2 satisfies the one-to-one condition, as elements of set
B(range) are uniquely mapped with elements of set A(domain).
Many to one function
 A function is called many-to-one
(sometimes written 'many-one') if
some function output value
corresponds to more than one
input value. In symbols, the function
f is many-to-one if there are two
distinct values a and b in the domain
of f such that f(a)=f(b).
Many to one function

 This graph shows a many-to-one

function. The three dots indicate
three x values that are all mapped onto
the same y value.
Onto functions
◦ Onto function could be explained by considering two sets, Set A and Set B, which consist of elements. If
for every element of B, there is at least one or more than one element matching with A, then the function
is said to be onto function or surjective function. The term for the surjective function was introduced by
Nicolas Bourbaki.
◦ In the first figure, you can see that for each element of B, there is a pre-image or a matching element in
Set A. Therefore, it is an onto function. But if you see in the second figure, one element in Set B is not
mapped with any element of set A, so it’s not an onto or surjective function.
Bijective function
◦ A function is said to be bijective or bijection, if a function f: A → B satisfies
both the injective (one-to-one function) and surjective function (onto function)
properties. It means that every element “b” in the codomain B, there is exactly
one element “a” in the domain A. such that f(a) = b. If the function satisfies
this condition, then it is known as one-to-one correspondence.
◦ Bijective Function Properties
◦ A function f: A → B is a bijective function if every element b ∈ B and every element a ∈ A, such that
f(a) = b. It is noted that the element “b” is the image of the element “a”, and the element “a” is the
preimage of the element “b”. The basic properties of the bijective function are as follows:
What is the Relation?

◦ It is a subset of the Cartesian product. Or simply, a bunch of points (ordered

pairs). In other words, the relation between the two sets is defined as the
collection of the ordered pair, in which the ordered pair is formed by the object
from each set.
◦ A relation is a pairing or correspondence between two variables.
◦ Relation – it is a set of ordered pairs.
Example: {(-2, 1), (4, 3), (7, -3)}, usually written in set notation form with
curly brackets.
Relation Representation
There are other ways too to write the relation, apart from set notation such as
through tables, plotting it on XY- axis or through mapping diagram.
Types of Relations

1. Empty Relation
◦ When there’s no element of set X is related or mapped to any element of X, then the relation R in A is an
empty relation, and also called the void relation, i.e R= ∅.
◦ For example, if there are 100 mangoes in the fruit basket. There’s no possibility of finding a relation R of
getting any apple in the basket. So, R is Void as it has 100 mangoes and no apples.

2. Universal relation
◦ R is a relation in a set, let’s say A is a universal relation because, in this full relation, every element of A
is related to every element of A. i.e R = A × A.
◦ It’s a full relation as every element of Set A is in Set B.
Types of Relations

3. Identity Relation
◦ If every element of set A is related to itself only, it is called Identity relation.
◦ I={(A, A), ∈ a}.
◦ For Example,
◦ When we throw a dice, the total number of possible outcomes is 36. I.e (1, 1) (1, 2), (1, 3)…..(6, 6). From these,
if we consider the relation (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3) (4, 4) (5, 5) (6, 6), it is an identity relation.

4. Inverse Relation
◦ If R is a relation from set A to set B i.e., R ∈ A X B. The relation R-1= {(b,a):(a,b) ∈ R}.
◦ For example,
◦ If you throw two dice if R = {(1, 2) (2, 3)}, R-1 = {(2, 1) (3, 2)}. Here the domain is the range R-1 and vice versa.
Types of Relations

5. Reflexive Relation
◦ A relation is a reflexive relation iIf every element of set A maps to itself, i.e for every a ∈ A, (a, a) ∈ R.

6. Symmetric Relation
◦ A symmetric relation is a relation R on a set A if (a, b) ∈ R then (b, a) ∈ R, for all a & b ∈ A.

7. Transitive Relation
◦ If (a, b) ∈ R, (b, c) ∈ R, then (a, c) ∈ R, for all a,b,c ∈ A and this relation in set A is transitive.

8. Equivalence Relation
◦ If a relation is reflexive, symmetric and transitive, then the relation is called an equivalence relation.
Example: All functions are relations, but not all relations are
functions. Justify.
Let’s suppose, we have two relations given below

As we can see duplication in X-values with As every value of X is different and is

different y-values, then this relation is not a associated with only one value of y, this
function. relation is a function
Relation A represents a functions Relation B does not represent a function because
One to one 1 maps onto more than one output
2. The relationship between age and height.
If you took a group of people at random, you
would notice a relationship between their
ages and height. This is because people get
taller with time and then remain at the same
height for a while.

This is a relation because if you input a

specific age and check all the people of that
age, you would get different heights.

However, if you were to take the height of a

particular person over the years, the height
would be a function of age. This is because a
person would have only one value of height
at any point in life.
3. A Semester in School
In a college, students take different
classes to fulfill the requirements of a
given course.

A student may have different grades for

different subjects. Therefore, there is a
relation between the student and his

However, in a single class, the tutor

assigns each student a grade depending
on the performance of that particular
subject. There can never be a student
with two grades in a single subject.
4. Temperature and Location
A location may have varying
temperatures according to the time of
the day and weather. This may repeat
itself over the years as long as the
conditions are similar to those of the
last time. That can be said to be a
However, the temperature can also be a
function of time. At any one time, there
can only be one temperature reading
for a location.
5.The Cost of Fuel
Once you pull over to a gas station, the
cost of filling your car is dependent on
the amount of gasoline you put into its
Therefore, the cost is a function of the
quantity in this case. There can never
be two costs for the same quantity of
fuel in a gas station.
Most people estimate the amount of
fuel to put into their vehicle based on
the cost of a liter of gasoline.
Determine whether the given is a relation or
a function. Justify
1. The cost of taking a taxi 2. Money won from a lottery ticket
Determine whether the given is a relation or
a function. Justify
4. Places you can drive with two gallons of
3. The number of soda in a vending machine
Determine whether the given is a relation or
a function. Justify
5. The velocity of an object in free fall 6. An ATM machine
Thank You!!!

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