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First Quarter
Musical Symbols and Concepts:
Reviewing previous lesson and
presenting new lesson
• 1. What is time signature?
• 2. What does the upper number signify?
How about the lower number?
• 3. Give examples of different time
Establishing a purpose for the lesson
• Game: 4 Pics 1 Word
The pupils to guess the mystery word through
the clues that the pictures reveal.

Answer: Conducting
Presenting examples/instances of the
• Music conductors help people sing together.
They do this by showing the beat of a song
through arm movements that follow certain
patterns. The patterns are based on the
number of beats per measure as shown by the
upper number of the time signature. The
following are simple time signatures:
Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #1
1. Look at the conducting patterns in 2s, 3s and
2. Discuss each conducting pattern and give
guidelines in proper conducting.
3. Ask the learners to do the following:
a. Read and clap the rhythmic patterns.
b. Sing/hum the rhythms in neutral syllable.
c. Assign a conductor and let the class sing each
rhythmic pattern in their chosen neutral syllable.
Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2
The teacher will give guidelines in proper
conducting and assist the learners in conducting
the following songs:
(play the following songs)
Developing mastery (lead to
formative assessment 3)
Now it’s your turn to
conduct the songs properly.
Remember the guidelines in
proper conducting.
Finding practical application of
concepts and skills in daily living
• Conductors show the beat of a song through
arm movements that follow certain patterns.
These are called conducting gestures or
conducting patterns. We see conductors in
church choirs, school choirs, marching bands,
and in a concert orchestra.
Making generalization and
abstractions about the lesson
• Conducting gestures are used to guide and
make the performance of a musical group
synchronized. Patterns and gestures are based
on the time signature, beat, and rhythm of a
Evaluating learning
Additional Activities for Application or
Form a group then choose a song
to perform. Do the conducting
gesture that is suited to the song
that your group has chosen.
Perform in front of the class (with
accompaniment or a cappella).
* Using the Inkscape Software, MS Word or
* Creating an Image Based Logo Alternative
Activity for no Computer:
Reviewing previous lesson and
presenting new lesson
• Look at the pictures below:

Ask: What is the picture all about? Are they using

logo for their group?
Presenting examples/instances of the
Identify the logos below:
Presenting examples/instances of the lesson

A logo can give your company an easily

recognized visual symbol and may give the
impression of the quality that your company is
promoting. A picture is indeed worth a thousand
words. The use of contrast between the space
(positive and negative) color (dark and light) and
shape (big and small), conveys meanings and
visual representation.
Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Activity 1 - Using the Inkscape Software, MS Word or

Paint Theme: Creating a Logo for Your Group
1. The teacher will divide the class into 5 groups.
2. Each group will make an image based logo design that
will represent their group characteristics.
3. The elements of arts and principles should be visible
to the design.
4. Ask a member of the group to convey the meaning of
their design.
Remind the pupils to keep their work and apply the
principles of contrast.
Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Activity 2 – Creating an Image Based Logo Alternative Activity for no Computer:

Materials: pencils, oslo paper, colored pencils, rulers, and sample logo
Theme: Create a logo for your Class
Part I: Free Hand Drawing Design
1. Look for an object that best describes your class.
2. Sketch the object in different styles and ways. Try to apply the leave out
technique and contrast in terms of shape or form if you are combining two
3. Finalize the image you want to do and start applying different contrasting
colors to it.
Part II: Finalize Design
1. Redo your logo but this time apply proper measurement and distance and
balance in your drawing using measuring tools.
2. Ink your work by covering all pencil marks on the shape. Erase guidelines or
unnecessary lines.
3. Color or paint your work using any color media you have.
Developing mastery (lead to formative assessment 3)
Alternative Activity 2 Creating Image Based Design Using Pixel Materials: graphic
papers, pencils, colored pencils Give the simple rules of creating a pixel art by
1. One box; one color.
2. There are no half-colored boxes.
3. Curves are interpreted like stairs. Look at Captain America’s shield.
4. To achieve shadow or color transition, use one color lighter or darker.
Show an example:
Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson

Designers develop images to represent the ideas their clients want to

communicate. Images can be incredibly powerful and compelling tools of
communication, conveying not only information but also moods and emotions.
People respond to images instinctively based on their personalities,
associations, and previous experience.participants. The codebase that would
become Inkscape began life in 1999 as the program Gill, the GNOME Illustrator
application, created by Raph Levien. The stated objective for Gill was to
eventually support all of SVG. Raph implemented the PostScript bezier imaging
model, including stroking and filling, line cap style, line join style, text, etc.
Raph's Gill page is at Work on Gill appears to have
slowed or ceased in 2000. The next incarnation of the codebase was to become
the highly popular program Sodipodi, led by Lauris Kaplinski. The codebase was
turned into a powerful illustration program over the course of several year's
work, adding several new features, multi-lingual support, porting to Windows
and other operating systems, and eliminating dependencies.
Target Games (Tumbang preso, Tamaang-Tao/Batuhang Bola, Tatsing)
Striking/Fielding (Basagang Palayok, Syato, Kickball)
Note: Games are not limited to the above listed activities.
• Tell something about the
experiences on the last
topic/game(s) presented and/or
• Answer “Word Scramble” below:
gubmatn respo
tauhbang ablo
sabagang layokap
oral ng alih
• Tell something about the pictures

• Are you familiar with those games?

• Give the guidelines of playing
different “Laro ng lahi”.

• Play the games outside your room.

1. Give the guidelines of playing
different “Laro ng lahi”.
Play the games outside your room.
2. Instruct the learners to:
a. execute the stretching and preparatory exercise.
b. compute the Target Heart Rate. (PE6Q1_D3-
(This can be done by creating groups and ask them to
prepare beforehand.)
3. Tell students to execute the skills involved in the game.
Note: The teacher has the freedom to choose the game/s
to be discussed first.
Instruct the learners to apply Game
Discussion Guide procedures
particularly the skills of the game
(Note: Teacher observes the
learners as they execute the skills in
the game/s. Us-ing a rubric,
formative assessment will be done)
Ask the learners to either fill in the
template “Game Participation
Survey” (PE6Q1_D5-8_AS27GPS) or
“My Physical Activity and Fitness
Contract” (PE6Q1_D5-
Ask the learners to either fill in the
Physical Activity Log (PE6Q1_D5-
8_AS29PAL) or ask them to write a
journal entry in their journal
notebook/PE notebook.
Health appraisal procedures
during puberty
Reviewing previous lesson and
presenting new lesson
Ask: Who among you want to be a health care
The teacher will lead the answer of the students
to the activity.
Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #1
a. The teacher will group the class into six (6)
b. Each group must have a leader and a reporter
c. The reporter will explain to the class the
output of the group
d. Distribute the worksheets
e. Role card may be used if appropriate
(Annex 2)
Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2
Activity: (Annex 1)
Health Appraisal Procedure
Group 1 - Height and Weight
Group 2 - Hearing Test
Group 3 - Vision Screening
Group 4 - Scoliosis Test
Group 5 - Physical Examination
Group 6 - Dental Examinarion
Developing mastery (lead to
formative assessment 3)
The teacher will explicitly discuss the concepts on the following
(Annex 3):
* Breast self-examination
* Testicular self-examination
a. Entertain questions for clarification.
b. Processes the output of each group.
c. Process the understanding of the students and let them realize
the importance of health appraisal procedures in the prevention
of serious health problems.
d. The teacher should emphasize the importance of consulting
medical experts whenever the students experienced abnormal
and painful genital discharge, growth of cyst/lump in the breast
and testes.
Making generalization and
abstractions about the lesson
What is health appraisal?
What are standard health appraisal procedures?
weekly assessments

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