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Session III

Environmental planning
• Environmental planning
• -concepts principles objectives of environmental
• -the process and types of environmental plans
• -environmental planning challenges and prospects
• -the legal aspects of the environmental and its
Environmental planning

What is it?
Environmental planning is a process that
evaluates how the social, political, economic
and the governing factors involved with new
developments might affect the natural
Environmental planning

What is it?
Is the process of facilitating decision making to
carry out land development with the
consideration given to the natural
environment, social, political, economic and
governance factors and provides a holistic
frame work to achieve sustainable outcomes.
Environmental planning

Environmental planning defined;

It is also known as urban, city, town and regional
planning referring to the multi disciplinary art
and science of analyzing specifying clarifying,
harmonizing, managing and regulating the use
and the development land and other
Environmental planning

Why it is important?
It is an important part of modern human
development projects. It weighs the costs and
benefits of human society as well as the
environment in order to find best case
solutions of coexistence.
Environmental planning

Why it is important?
With successful environmental planning, society
wins by being able to use the area in
productive ways, and the environment wins by
being able to sustain it self for the future
generation that is “ sustainability”
Environmental planning

The major Environmental problems world wide

-ozone depletion, green house effect and global
- Deforestation
- Loss of biodiversity
- Disposal of wastes
Environmental planning

Principal urban environmental problems

• Poor water supply
• Waste water
• Solid waste
• Poor energy provision
• Loss of green and natural spaces
• Urban sprawl
• Pollution
• Traffic congestion…..etc
Environmental planning

• What are the major environmental problems

in Ethiopia.
With the exception of climate change the major
environmental issues affecting our country
Soil erosion, land degradation, deforestation,
forest degradation, water scarcity, loss of
biodiversity, and pollution
Environmental planning

The need for environmental planning

and how it works
Environmental planning

What is it? Devt. Of

Relation communiti
with es Multi
environs diciplin

Use land
Art and
& water
Environmental planning

Components of envt. Planning

Being a process of identifying, assessing and coming up with
solutions to environmental issues
It has three components
1. The current status of the environment
2. The vision of the project
3. Details of implementation
All these three components are important for the
success of any project
Environmental planning

The primary concern of environmental planning

is focusing on the assessment of;
1 biophysical environment
2 Socio economic environment
3 built environment
Environmental planning

Steps of environmental planning

1. Put together the planning team
2. Be present
3. Develop a vision for the future
4. Define the communities needs using environmental
5. Identify possible solutions
6. Prepare the plan
7. Carry out your plan
8. Evaluate your plan
Environmental planning

Environmental planning instruments

- Local environmental plans
Regional, zonal, neighborhood plan
- State environmental planning policies
For structural /national development plan
Environmental planning

Planning is a tool for management

Environmental management have the following objectives

-Identifying environmental issues
-Finding solutions for environmental issues
-Establishing limits to avoid overuse
- Help to renew natural resources
- Minimize the use of natural resources
- Developing and monitoring systems and research institutions
Environmental planning

Principles of envt. Management

• Polluter pays principles /ppp/
• User pays principles
• Precautionary principles
• Principles of responsibility
• Principles of efficency and effectiveness
• Principles of proportionality
• Principle of participation
Environmental planning

Environmental principles
1. Maintain diversity and redundancy
2. Manage connectivity
3. Manage slow variables and feedbacks
4. Foster complex adaptive systems thinking
5. Encourage learning
6. Broaden participation
7. Encourage polycentric governance systems
Environmental planning

Challenges of implementing environmental

-lack of political will and stakeholders support
- Shortage of resources and capacity
- Poor delivery of functions in assessing and enforcing
environmental requirements
- Institutional barriers
- Conflict of interest
Environmental planning

Environmental laws and policies in


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