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Different Kinds and Styles

C o ffee

 Coffee is a drink prepared from
roasted coffee beans. Darkly
colored, bitter, and slightly
acidic, coffee has a stimulating
effect on humans, primarily due
to its caffeine content. It is the
most popular hot drink in the
world. Seeds of the Coffea
plant's fruits are separated to
produce unroasted green coffee
 The coffee plant has two main species:
 Coffea Arabica- which is the more
traditional coffee and considered to be
superior in flavor.
 Coffea Canephora- known more as
 Robusta tends to be higher in caffeine
and can be grown in climates and
environments were arabica would not
be profitable. Robusta is also typically
more bitter and acidic.
 Growing conditions, soil types
and weather patterns during
the growing season all
contribute to the flavor of the
bean, creating in the
differences in flavor from points
of origin such as kenya or
brazil. However, roasting adds
its own flavor, sometimes to
the point that it is difficult to tell
where the beans originated
 The lighter the roast the
more the natural flavore
of the bean remains.
This is why beans from
regions such as Kenya
or java are normally
roasted lightly, retaining
their regional
characteristics and
dominate flavors.
 Beans roasted to darker browns begin to taste
more like the method of roasting than the
original flavors.
 Dark roasts such as French or Vienna roasts
tend to completely eclipse the original flavor.
 Roasting to whatever degree, while adding
stronger flavor does not effect the amount of
caffeine of the bean

light Dark
Co ffee: The Roast
Coffee processing
 Processors
purchase various
coffee types and
then blend to
provide a given
taste and flavour
suiting a particular
Coffee Operation
1. Roasting
• Colour and flavors
are develop by
roasting green
beans at 260 C

• Oxidation flavors
defects are reduced
by using nitrogen
Coffee Operation
2. Grinding after Cooling
 Particle size depends on
the intended use eg
• Home use in a drip or
vacuum brewer
• Vending machine
• Instant Coffee
Coffee Operation
Brewing Extraction of solids using
Factors affecting strength and flavor:
• Temp
• Coffee: water ratio
• Time
• Rate and extent of mixing
• Particle size and coffee related
Brewing Methods
1. French Press
2. Vietnamese
3. Auto Drip

FBM-343 Beverage and Bar

The French press is an
immersion brewing method,
meaning that the coffee extracts
while it is submerged in water.
After it is allowed to brew for a
certain amount of time, the filter
is plunged downwards to
separate the grounds from the
brewed coffee.
Styles of Coffee
Short Black or Espresso-Also known as a short black, an
espresso is a single shot of coffee. No extra hot water is
added, resulting in an intense and flavour some drink. An
espresso shot, which forms the basis of many of the
other drinks to follow, is produced by forcing hot water
through finely ground coffee beans.

Long Black or Lungo Coffee- the long shot espresso

extraction gives a fluffy crema because there is no hot
water to reduce the fine layer of crema on top of the
espresso. Long Black Coffee: has a smaller crema
layer than lungo coffee, but still more than that of an
Styles of Coffe
Flat White- A flat white is a coffee drink
consisting of espresso with microfoam. It is
comparable to a latte, but smaller in volume
and with less microfoam, therefore having a
higher proportion of coffee to milk,

Macchiato-The caffè macchiato has the highest ratio of

espresso to milk of any drink made with those
ingredients. The intent is that the milk moderates,
rather than overwhelms, the taste of the coffee while
adding a touch of sweetness. The drink is typically
prepared by pouring a small amount of steamed milk
directly into a single shot of espresso.[4] One recipe
calls for 5–10 g (1–2 teaspoons) of milk heated to 60–
66 °C (140–150 °F).

Styles of
Cappuccino- A cappuccino is an espresso-
based coffee drink that originated in Austria
and was later popularized in Italy and is
prepared with steamed milk foam. Variations
of the drink involve the use of cream instead
of milk, using non-dairy milk substitutes and
flavoring with cinnamon or chocolate powder

 Cafe latte- A latte or caffè latte is a milk

coffee that is a made up of one or two
shots of espresso, steamed milk and
a final, thin layer of frothed milk on
Styles of Coffee
Mocha Coffee
Although a mocha is often interpreted
differently across the world, the basis is
that a shot of espresso is combined
with a chocolate powder or syrup,
followed by milk or cream. It is a
variant of a latte, in the sense that it is
often 1/3 espresso and 2/3 steamed
Iced Coffee- Iced coffee is a coffee
beverage served cold. It may be
prepared either by brewing coffee
normally and then serving it over ice
or in cold milk or by brewing the
coffee cold. In hot brewing,
sweeteners and flavoring may be
added before cooling, as they
dissolve faster.
Styles of Coffee
 Vienna Coffee- Many coffee
drinks are popular in the Austrian
capital of Vienna, but 'Vienna
coffee' usually refers to espresso
topped with abundant whipped
cream and sprinkled with cocoa
powder. They serve it in a tall
glass with a handle.

FBM-343 Beverage and Bar

 Decaffeinated coffee- is made from
regular coffee beans that go through
a process to remove the majority of
the caffeine. However, decaffeinated
coffee is not completely caffeine free,
and EU regulation for decaf coffee is
less than 0.3% caffeine.

Flat White
Espresso Coffee



Vienna Coffee

Long Black or Lungo


 6-8 grams of grinded roast coffee

 20 – 30 ml. of water

+ =

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FBM-343 Beverage and Bar Management 33

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Co ffee bean
Premium espresso coffee should be
used , whereby good coffee beans are:
o Uniform in appearance, not spotted and
o Light and dry
o Free of any state or rancid smell
o Not black
o Not damp or oily

Making Coffee
1. Measure your coffee. The standard
ratio is approximately 2
tablespoons of coffee per 6 ounces
of water. ...
2. Grind your coffee. Alright, this is
where the coffee-making process
really begins. ...
3. Prepare the water. ...
4. Pour. ...
5. Soak and stir. ...
6. Brew. ...
7. Plunge. ...
8. Pour.
Foam Milk
 Here's how to froth milk with
a milk frother:
1. Heat the milk to scalding (see
2. Place the milk in a tall
container. Hold the container at
an angle and turn on the
3. Move the frother up and down
until foamy bubbles form, about
20 seconds or so. Tap the
container on the counter to
break down any large bubbles.
Equipment Needed in Coffee Making
 Espresso machines are needed to make
espresso blends which is the desire of
many coffee takers. The machine helps
in transforming coffee bean single and
dark roasted coffee into speciality coffee.
While the espresso grinder grinds the
dark roasted beans to a fine texture, the
espresso machine gives you your perfect
espresso coffee.
 Every coffee shop with
wholesale customers or
producing instant coffee
must have a coffee brewer.
The Brew kit is needed for
a cold brew and serving
coffee into smoothie cups. 
 With many coffee lovers doubling as
a lover of tea drinks, you may need
the iced tea brewer and dispenser.
There are different tea ranges,
including loose tea and high
chocolate, that are the desires of
some customers. To meet up, you
may need to use this equipment.
 Water is an essential part of the
coffee making in the bean to cup
process. A hot water dispenser
keeps your water hot for an
extended period. As such, there
is no need to light your cooker
now and then.
 Aside from having a refrigerator,
you may also need to get an ice
machine. Some single-origin
coffees are best served cold.
Some people would rather have
their green coffee served cold
also. Getting an iced machine that
will produce at least 2000lbs per
day is a great idea.
 The frothing pitcher is used in vending
milk on espresso while making a
speciality coffee. It takes special
barista training to handle a frothing
pitcher for vending coffee milk. The
barista needs to learn how to be
creative with the equipment to make
artful designs on decaf coffee and
arabica coffee drinks.
 Measurement is vital in coffee
making. You must endeavour to
have the right amount of freshly
roasted coffee, hand-roasted coffee,
or coffee blends. Scales are also
good to measure the espresso
coffee beans, arabica coffee beans,
sugar sachets, chocolate sachets,
and coffee beans bulk for accuracy
in taste and perfection.
 The syrup pump helps apportion
coffee syrups such as Monin
syrups, chocolate syrup,
flavouring syrup, and tea syrup
into your coffee. It helps you keep
track of the amount of syrup and
is also essential in making a
perfect taste.
 There is a need for different sizes
of cups and mugs in a coffee
shop. It would be best if you had
espresso cup sizes such as 4oz
cups, 8oz cups, 12oz cups, and
67oz cups. There are needs for
plastic cups, paper cups,
smoothie cups, and coffee tins.

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