Hygeine and Sanitation

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Instructor’s Profile
 Age: 22 years Old
 Status: Single
 ROTC Background: 2nd Platoon Leader Bravo Company-2018
Corps S2 and became 2nd Class-2019
MDC Corps Commander and became 1st Class-2020
Graduate Military Advance(GMA) – 2021 until present
 ROTC Achievements : Rank 5th out of 387 ROTC officers
during our training in Cebu when I was 2nd Class
 Received a Certificate of Merit after I ranked as TOP 1 out of
63 ROTC Officers entire Province of Bohol during Advance
ROTC Academic Phase Training(ARAPT) Class 11-2020.
 Consistent Dean’s Lister
Class Policy
• Dress appropriately
• Be aware of your surroundings
• No food during class discussion
• Always complete your assignments
• Report your absence
• Be prepared
 Hygiene
 Sanitation
 Diseases Acquired
 Control Measures
 Waste Disposal
 Care of feet during the Marches and Patrols

: The science that deals with health and its prevention and
: Conditions or practices that are conducive to
maintaining health and preventing disease, especially
through cleanliness.
Example: Washing hands and taking a bath
Personal Hygiene

: Measure taken by individual to preserve his own health.

: The behaviors that must be practiced in daily life,
starting from morning to sleep time in order to prevent the
spread of infectious diseases.
Example: Washing your clothes regularly and trimming

: State of individual who enjoys physical,

mental and social being.
: State of being free from illness or injury.
Importance of Personal Hygiene

• It protects individual or group against

• It promotes sound and positive total health
• It improves of even best one’s morale
Scope Personal Hygiene
• Personal Cleanliness (Hair,Skin, Hands &
• Daily bath
• Special care of foot
• Care of mouth and teeth
Scope Personal Hygiene

• Food and drinks

• Origin of food and drinks taken and
properly prepared awareness of food
Scope Personal Hygiene

Scope Personal Hygiene

Relaxation and Recreation

: Relaxation- in psychology it is the emotional state of living
in absence of negative sources like anger, anxiety, or fear.
: Recreation- refers to all those interesting and enjoyable
activities that people choose to do to refresh their bodies and
Scope Personal Hygiene

Cultivation of healthy
• Preserve and established a healthy mental
attitude and emotional reaction.
Scope Personal Hygiene

• Exercise - to condition body and to

wear out that unnecessary fat’s
• Healthy Minds - react naturally and
facing reality.
• The science of using measure that prevent diseases and
to promote individual health.
• Conditions relating to public health, especially the
provision of clean drinking water
Field Sanitation

• The prevention of diseases by eliminating or

controlling factors which may form links in
disease transmission.
Impurities of water can be
treated by-
• Use of Chloride - powerful germicide
• 8-10 drops of Iodine per one (1) gallon
of water
• Boiling for at least 30 minutes
Source of Water
• Surface water - almost dirty contaminated except those
running and stream and spring in which there are residents.
• Rain water - as directly collected from roof
• Underground water - wells, springs
• Public water supplies - government supply or private
Disease acquired-
• Respiratory Diseases - Transmitted from man to man through oral
and nasal discharge of infected individual ( TB, Cough and Cold).
• Intestinal Diseases - Transmitted by food and water that has
become contaminated with feces and urine of an affected person.
Disease acquired-
• Insect bite diseases - Transmitted to man
through insect bites ( Malaria, Dengue, Typhoid fever) .

• VD or STD - Sexually transmitted diseases .

• Other acquired diseases - Dermatophytosis or athlete foot.

Five factors in the transmission of
intestinal diseases-

• Food
• Fingers

• Flies
• Fluid

• Feces
Control measures-
• Avoid close physical contact to positive identified carrier
of disease
• Proper ventilation of quarters
• Water purification
• Careful selection and preparation of food
• Maintenance of mess sanitation Prepare waste disposal
• Personal hygiene
Waste disposal
in the field.
A general term covering all
types of refuse resulting
from the living activities of
human or animals.
Care of feet during marches
and patrol
• Bring at least five (5) pairs of issued socks with you
• Keep socks clean and dry
• Change wet or damp socks as soon as possible
• Wash your feet daily
• Avoid tight socks and boots
• Wear the shoes to keep boots dry, beware of wet socks from
• Sweating -avoid unsanitary condition

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