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Point of View & Perspective

What’s the
Learning Target

● I can define perspective.

● I can describe how a narrator’s or
speaker’s point of view impacts the
perspective of a story.

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Warm Up

Using 1st person point of view, write about

something that you did earlier today.

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The point of view from which a story is told. Who tells the
story often impacts the story and how the reader
understands it.

Perspective focuses on a character’s thoughts, feelings, likes,

and beliefs.

Point of View focuses on WHO is telling the story.

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Perspective vs. Point of View

Point of View = WHO is telling

the story.

Perspective = HOW they feel

about the events of the story.

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Let’s Practice!
We are going to read 3 different POV
& perspectives of the same story.
● Circle or highlight words that
help you figure out the point of
view used in the passage.
● Then write the point of view and
perspective on the lines provided
beneath the paragraph.

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1st Person POV
I looked up at my bedroom window and sighed. I was in
disbelief of the blank walls, the echo in the empty rooms,
found treasures lost long ago under furniture. The fact that my
parents were so happy only made me feel sadder. There was a
lump in my throat. The stinging in my eyes let me know that
tears were not far away. I forced myself into the backseat of
our SUV that was loaded with the boxes that contained our
life. The first tear fell as our car left the driveway of my
childhood home for the last time.

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Passage Number 2
Jaime’s parents were elated. Today, they would finally be able
to move into the house they had been building over the past
year. The fuller the black SUV they drove got, the bigger their
smiles and the louder their laughs. They shared hilarious and
happy memories they had while living in their old cramped
house. “Can you believe we that fossil is still working?” Dad
joked pointing at the olive green stove. “It is NOT a fossil
Dad!” Jaime shot back. “Wait until you see the new house,
you’ll change your mind then!” “No, I won’t,” Jaimed
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Passage Number 3
I feel empty without them here. There is no furniture to keep me full. There’s
no cooking or heat to keep me warm. The photos of the family are gone from
my walls, leaving me lonelier than ever. I can’t remember a time when a
family didn’t live here. Not since I was a baby. It’s the first night without
them here. I sure do hope that someone will move in soon and love me just
the way Jaime did. That was the best kid that’s ever lived here. Boy was he a
great soccer player! And he had the best style. Perhaps I’ll get that lucky
again with the new family.

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Perspective Impact Statement

The perspective of the first story was…

Hearing the story from this perspective made the reader


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Explain the difference between point of view and perspective.

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