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jaran Genre Based Approach
Melalui model pembelajaran
siswa terlibat aktif selama proses belajar mengajar
berlangsung, memiliki sikap ingin tahu, teliti dalam
melakukan pengamatan dan bertanggungjawab dalam
menyampaikan pendapat, menjawab pertanyaan,
memberi saran dan kritik diharapkan peserta didik
dapat Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif lisan dan tulis
dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
legenda rakyat, sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya dan m a m p u menangkap makna
secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan teks naratif, lisan dan tulis sederhana
terkait legenda rakyat dengan mengembangkan nilai
karakter berpikir kritis , kreatif (kemandirian), kerjasama
(gotong royong) dan kejujuran (integritas)

After watch the video answer these questions

Who is the main character in the story?

Where does this story come?
What happened to Toba?
What is the moral value from the story?
Narrative text is a story with complication
or problematic events and it tries to find
the resolutions to solve the problems.
The Purpose of Narrative Text is to amuse or
to entertain the reader with a story
Orientation Complication
Sets thescene: where and w h e n the Tells the beginning of the problems
story happened and introduces the which leads to the crisis (climax) of the
participants of the story: w h o and what main participants.
is involved in the story.

The problem (the crisis) is resolved, either in ahappy ending or in
a sad
(tragic) ending
Myths . Legend
Simple fable is a story about Stories that are believed by some It is simple a story which relates
animal which behave like people but the stories can not be to on how a place is formed
human true. It was told in an ancient
culture to explain a practice,
belief, or natural occurrence
. Fairy tales
Story which relates much
with magic things
The u se of simple past Using Direct
tense S + V2+o spreech
S+did not+V1+o

Using Adjectives
Using Adverb of Time : Once upon a
time. One day, etc

Using time connectives and

Conjunctions: First, Then, Finally, etc
Using specific character : Cinderella,
S n o w white, Alibaba
Bandung Bondowoso stood up in
front of the stone. All of his hands
are spread out widely. A few later,
Instruction : the sky became into dark. The troop
arrange the pieces of the story of demons moved to have their duty.
A few moments, the temple almost
according to the picture into a
reached 1000 temples..
complete narrative text
A long time ago, there was a big kingdom who named
Prambanan. People lived safe and peaceful. Then,
Prambanan Kingdom was attacked and colonized by
Pengging Kingdom who led by Bandung Bondowoso.
He was a person who liked to command cruel. He was
a supernatural man and had troop of demons.

Roro Jonggrang was worried knowing Bandung

Bondowoso helped by his demons. Many ladies in In the morning, Bandung Bondowoso
waiting are mandate to gather stubbles then burned showed to Roro Jonggrang the temple
out. The others are commanded to pound rice mortar he had built just a night. He shocked
in order to the cock crowing. So that, troop of demons when he knew that the temple only
thought if the sun rose and had to stop. 999. Then, he changed Roro Jonggrang
as statue to complete the temple.
Finally, there were 1000 temples. The
One day, Bandung Bondowoso met Roro Jonggrang,
temples are called Roro Jonggrang
beautiful princess of Prambanan’s King. He fell in love
with her and asked her to be his queen. Then, she
submitted condition to him. She was available
become his wife if he could build 1000 temples just a
night. Then, he asked his demons to build temples.
write down your answer here
by identifying generic structure
after reading the text, please answer
the questions below

what is the main idea of Where and when did the Does the story have sad
the story? story take place ? ending or happy ending

How many characters are in the What is the moral value from the
story? story ?

What did Roro jonggrang

want from Bandung
bondowoso ?

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