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Primary school:

Kuzman Josifoski Pitu


Martin Arsoski VI – 3
ID of our school
Name: Kuzman Josifoski Pitu

Address:4th July number:66

The school was established by Decision no. 02-9698 / 1 dated 15.11.1961

The activity of the school is verified with Decision no. 10-20 / 12 dated 07.06.1995year issued
by the Ministry of Education and Physical Culture.

Web page:

City: Kicevo
About our patron Kuzman Josifoski Pitu
 Kuzman Josifovski Pitu (Macedonian: Кузман Јосифовски – Питу; 23 June 1915 –
25 February 1944) was a Macedonian communist partisan and one of the
organizers of the Peoples's Liberation Struggle in Macedonia who was declared a
People's Hero of Yugoslavia
 He was born in 1915 in Prilep and studied Faculty of Law in Belgrade from 1935.
In 1938, he was elected for a member of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia.
 He was the organizer and participant of several national manifestations and
demonstrations to raise the national-revolutionary consciousness for the
continuation of the liberation struggle against the occupying regime. Due to
disagreement with the policy of Metodija Shatorov - Charlot was expelled from
the party.
 From 1940 he was a member of the CPM, of the General Staff, of the Central
Committee of the CPM and of the Initiative Board for convening ASNOM.
 In February 1944 he was told that the Bulgarian police had found out about his
activity and he had to leave, but while trying to leave Skopje, in Kozle, near the
former Alumina factory, he was shot by a Bulgarian soldier on 25 February 1944
in Skopje.In the center of his hometown Prilep, today there is a memorial plaque
in his honor which testifies to his premature death.
Statute of our school
 The statute regulates the organization and performance of the educational
activity, name, headquarters, management and administration, rights and
obligations of students, staff rights and responsibilities and other issues relevant to
the job of primary school
 The statute of the Municipal Primary School is adopted by the School Board, and
consent to the statute of the Municipal Primary School is given by the Ministry of
education and science (hereinafter: the Ministry), after previously obtained
positive opinion from the founder.
 The educational work in the primary school is realized on Macedonian language
and its Cyrillic alphabet.

 Every employee of the school is obliged to take care of the best interest of
the student and to respect his dignity, as well as the Convention on the Rights
of the child
 Physical, psychological and sexual harassment and punishment of the student
and degrading behavior and treatment towards him
 The student has the right and obligation to attend classes and to participate
in the educational work organized by the primary school.
 The student is obliged to act in accordance with the rules of conduct inschool
provided in the house rules, to regularly attend classes and tofulfills the
planned obligations and tasks provided by the curriculum andprograms and
the annual work program
Vision and mission of our school
 Every school have a own vision and mission

 The vision of our school is: "We want to be an educational institution

that is constantly modernizing teaching in the concept of a school
in the 21st century. The school should be a safe and pleasant
institution for all, which enables inclusion of all different, yet the
same. "To successfully promote ourselves locally, regionally and

 The mission of our school is: "We are an educational institution that
nurtures modern teaching, which encourages critical thinking and
problem solving and develops positive human values, always ready
for change in order to improve the educational process."
The structure of employees in our school
 Principal;

 assistant director;

 professional service;

 class teachers;

 subject teachers;
Students and classes:
 Our school has a lots of students

 They are very good and they aren’t making many troubles

 The students are going to competitions and giving the school success

 Our school has a lots of classrooms and few cabinets

 We don’t have sport hall and that’s what we all want

 Our school is a part of the Erasmus project

Some quotes for education & school

 You can never be overdressed or overeducated.

 Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the

 Instruction does much, but encouragement everything.

 Teaching is not a lost art, but the regard for it is a lost tradition.

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