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Cervical Cancer Screening and

Treatment Clinical Training

Course Overview
Course Agenda
• Welcome and official opening
• Introduction of participants
 Name, Cadre, Work station
 Participants’ expectations
 Norms
• Logistics
• Pre-course assessment
• Course overview: Goals, objectives, syllabus, and schedule
• Course materials
• Post-course assessment
Course Goals (1)

• To provide participants with the counselling skills

needed to talk with women about cervical cancer
screening and treatment of precancerous cervical
lesions with cryotherapy/ thermocoagulation
• To provide participants with the knowledge and
skills needed to perform cervical cancer screening
and, if indicated, cryotherapy/thermocoagulation.
Course Goals (2)
• To provide participants with the knowledge needed
to manage side-effects or other problems related to
the treatment of cervical precancerous cervical
lesions with cryotherapy/thermocoagulation
• To influence in a positive way the attitudes of
participants towards the benefits of screening and
treatment (cryotherapy/thermocoagulation)
Learning objectives (1)

By the end of this training, participants should be able to:

• Describe the anatomy of the uterine cervix

• Describe the natural history of cervical cancer

• Talk to clients about cervical cancer and its prevention

• Provide pre- and post-counselling for VIA/HPV DNA testing

and cryotherapy/thermocoagulation
• Describe the magnitude of cervical cancer
Learning objectives (2)
• Explain treatment options for cervical precancerous
• Provide follow-up instructions after screening and
• List treatment options for invasive cervical cancer.
• Use the recommended infection prevention practices
to protect the woman, health care providers and
other health care workers.
• Perform a pelvic examination.
Learning objectives (3)
• Perform screening and interpret results correctly.

• Perform cryotherapy/thermocoagulation and

manage complications if indicated.
• Provide care and referral, as needed for large lesions
and suspect cervical cancer cases.
• Proper documentation of CECAP data.
Course Introduction
• 10 interactive sessions
• Competency-based training
• 6-day training course
(2-didactic and 4-practical)
• Learning Resource Package
Participant’s Manual
Facilitator’s Guide
PowerPoint Presentations
Job Aids
Reference materials
Course Content
Session 1 Introduction to cervical cancer prevention
Session 2 Anatomy of the uterine cervix
Session 3 The natural history of cervical cancer
Session 4 Cervical Cancer Screening methods
Session 5 Treatment of precancerous cervical lesions
Session 6 Counselling on cervical cancer prevention

Session 7 Infection prevention and control

Session 8 Monitoring and Evaluation
Session 9 Linkages with other women health services , referral and feedback
Session 10 Clinical Practicum and Action Planning
Teaching Methods

• Interactive lectures

• Interactive exercises

• Case presentations

• Demonstrations and role plays

• Large and small group discussions

Target Audience
This training is targeted to the following HCPs

•Registered Nurses (EN, ANO and NO)

•Clinicians (MD, AMO, CO and ACO)

Responsibilities of CECAP graduates
• Provide competently the following services
• Counselling
• Perform sampling for HPV-DNA testing
• Cryotherapy / Thermo-coagulation
• Provide comprehensive and appropriate care and
support for women diagnosed with precancerous
lesions and cervical cancer
• Establish linkages among individuals and groups as well
as health facilities for continued care of women
diagnosed with cervical cancer
Training Reference materials
Recommended guidelines to be used concurrently:
• Tanzania Service Delivery Guideline for Cervical
Cancer Prevention (CECAP) and Control
• Integrating HPV-DNA testing in Cervical cancer
screening and treatment services
• National Infection Prevention and Control Pocket
Guideline for Health Care Services in Tanzania
• Guideline for Quality Improvement for Visual
Inspection with Acetic Acid (VIA) based screening
• PITC National Guideline
• HPV DNA Testing operational manual
VIA/Cryo training

Additional recommended trainings

• LEEP and Biopsy Clinical Training Course

• Clinical Breast Examination

• HPV DNA Testing orientation

• Thermo-coagulation orientation

• SEVIA- Smart Phone Enhance Vision Inspection With

Acetic Acid
Key Messages
• The Cervical screening and Treatment training provides
health care providers with basic knowledge and skills to
deliver screening and treatment services

• The training builds on existing knowledge of providers

• The curriculum is highly participatory, interactive and

focused on learning by doing (competency-based
Bring your Training tools each day, and
be prepared to use it throughout the

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