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John Warning Against

Love of The World

1 John 2:15-17
I. Warning Against Worldliness 15
A. Command – do not love the world or …
B. Reason For Warning
incompatible, mutually exclusive Mt 6:24
believers in but not of J17:14,16
II. Three Examples of Worldliness 16
1st The lust of the flesh
A. Lust
B. Flesh
C. Temptation from within you, sensual, sexual, senses
2nd The lust of the eyes
D. Temptation from outside of you
E. Greed, covetousness
F. Media changed attitude through visual, story means
3rd The pride of life
G. ‘life’, translated ‘goods’ in 1J3:17
H. Pride in materialism, what one has or wants
I. ‘Rick’

Reason for warning – worldliness comes from the world not from God
III. Transient Nature of Worldliness 17

A. World is passing away – transient in nature

B. Reason for warning –
because loving the world living for present only
because doing the will of God living for eternity

Oppose worldliness with godliness
Struggle With Worldliness?
• Remember you are in but not of the world.
• Remember the Spirit is stronger than the flesh.
• Remember all that the world tempts you with is not
from the Father but is from the world.
• Remember love of the world is incompatible with
loving God.
• Remember the transient nature of the world and the
eternal value of doing Gods will.
• Remember Lot.
Do Not Love The World
or The Things In The World

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