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Consistently develop your expertise
“Happy Employees
Happy Guests”
Increasing the employee satisfaction by
Importance of Mental
Health at Work
Supporting mental health in the workplace is no longer a
nice-to-have but a necessity. Creating wellness solutions to
help our employees thrive is the first step. Mental health is
a state of well-being in which an individual can cope with
everyday stressors, work productively, reach his or her full
potential, and contribute to their community.

Mental health, along with physical health and social well-

being, is an essential component of overall health. It’s is
more than the absence of mental illness.
You can have poor mental health without having an illness
and likewise, you can have good mental health with a
mental illness.
Mental Health &
I believe mental health and human performance are not
two separate pursuits but rather two parts of the same
equation. Combined, they are what make humans flourish.
In today’s world, employee mental health must be a top
priority for us to hire high-performing employees.
Takeaways on
Mental Health
• Mental health is more than the absence of mental illness
• You can’t have physical health without mental health

• Mental health aids in coping with stress

• Human performance and mental health go hand in hand
• Workplace wellness must be a top priority


“First Aider for
Mental Health”
at St. Regis İstanbul
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an internationally
recognized training course, designed to teach people how
to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and
provide help on a first aid basis in the same way as
learning physical first aid.

Embedding MHFA training within the hotel encourages

employee to talk more freely about mental health, reducing
stigma and creating a more positive culture.
The Role of a
Mental Health
First Aider
In general, the role of a Mental Health First Aider at the
hotel is to be a point of contact for an employee who is
experiencing a mental health issue or emotional distress.

This interaction could range from having an initial

conversation through to supporting the person to get
appropriate help. As well as in a crisis, Mental Health First
Aiders are valuable in providing early intervention help for
someone who may be developing a mental health issue.
Mental Health
First Aiders
They are not trained to be therapists or psychiatrists, but
they can offer support through non-judgmental listening
and guidance.
• Spot the early signs and symptoms of mental ill health
• Start a supportive conversation with a colleague who may
be experiencing a mental health issue or emotional distress
• Maintain confidentiality as appropriate
• Assess the risk of suicide or self-harm
• Encourage the employee to access appropriate professional
support or self-help strategies.
We can measure the impact and outcomes of MHFA by using
the data as below:
• Rate of sickness absence and return to work - ideally
tracked both before and after MHFA training and
• Staff surveys and evaluations following MHFA training
• Percentage of people trained who have applied what they
learned on the MHFA course
• Percentage of managers and employees feeling more
confident speaking to each other about mental health in the
Benefits of
St. Regis

In order to create the sense of belonging in the hearth

of the colleagues for St. Regis Istanbul; we should
make them feel that they are special, supported and
cared, not only financially but also emotionally. This
can be one of the most relevant development for a

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