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The human memory

Made by – Isha pandey

Memory refers to retaining and recalling
information over a period of time,
depending upon the nature of cognitive
task you are required to perform.

(i) Encoding − It refers to the first stage of

Memory memory in which information is recorded

and registered for the first time, in order
to be used by memory systems.

introduction (b) Storage is the second stage of memory.

Information which was encoded must also
be stored so that it can be put to use later.
(c) Retrieval the process of recovering or
locating information stored in memory.
Retrieval is the final stage of memory, after
encoding and retention.
(a) Sensory memory- It Contains a fleeting impression of a sensory
stimulus(sight, sound). it has a large capacity. It is of a very short duration
that is less than a second.
(b) Short-term memory – A limited recollection of recently perceived
stimulus(telephone number, order of food). It holds a small amount of
information for a brief period of time which is less than 30 seconds
(c) Long-term memory- It is defined as a permanent store of memories for later
retrieval. here, information is encoded semantically and the storage capacity is

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Long-term memory is usually divided into two types - declarative and procedural

(a)Explicit memories, also known as declarative memories, include all of the

memories that are available in consciousness. Explicit memory can be further
divided into episodic memory (specific events) and semantic memory
(knowledge about the world).
(b)Implicit memories are those that are mostly unconscious. This type of
memory includes procedural memory, which involves memories of body
movement and how to use objects in the environment. How to drive a car or use
a computer are examples of procedural memories.

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Episodic memory contains biographical details of our lives.
Memories relating to our personal life experiences constitute the
episodic memory and it is for this reason that its contents are
generally emotional in nature.
Semantic memory is defined as the memory of general
awareness and knowledge. All concepts, ideas, rules of logic are
stored in semantic memory.

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(a) Forgetting due to trace decay

(b) Forgetting due to interference

(c) Forgetting due to retrieval failure

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(a) Mnemonics using images

(1)The keyword method
(2)The method of loci

(b)Mnemonics using organization

(1) Chunking
(2) First letter technique

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