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• It is virtually unhackable.
• It is simple to use.
• Less resources are needed in order to maintain it.
• It is used to detect eavesdropping in QKD . This is due to the fact that
it is not possible to copy the data encoded in quantum state.
• Quantum cryptography has the potential to encrypt data for longer
periods than classical cryptography.
• It will cost time and money both.
• It may take some jobs but may also generate new job.
• The biggest problem right now is the problem you have with any new
technology: it’s prohibitively expensive.
• Furthermore, it would require its own infrastructure.
• We also haven’t quite figured out quantum technology yet.
• Error rates are relatively high, and fiber-based quantum cryptography
only works over fairly short distances
• One-Way function :One-way functions are mathematical functions
in which the forward operation can be done easily but the reverse
operation is so difficult that it is practically impossible. In public key
cryptography, the public key is calculated using a private key on the
forward operation of the one-way function. Obtaining the private key
from the public key is a reverse operation.
• Public -key cryptosystems :Asymmetrical systems involve the use of
different keys for encryption and decryption. They are commonly
known as public-key cryptosystems. Their principle was first proposed
in 1976 by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman, who were then at
Stanford University. The first actual implementation was then
developed by Ronald Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1978. It is known as RSA
and is still widely used.
• If Bob wants to be able to receive messages encrypted with a public-
key cryptosystem, he must first choose a private key, which he keeps
secret. Then he computes from this private key a public key, which he
discloses to any interested party. Alice uses this public key to encrypt
her message. She transmits the encrypted message to Bob, who
decrypts it with the private key. Public-key cryptosystems are
convenient and have thus become very popular over the last 20 years.
The security of the Internet, for example, is partially based on such
systems. They can be thought of as a mailbox in which anybody can
insert a letter. Only the legitimate owner can then recover it, by
opening it with his private key.
Graph of future spending
Predicted quantum cryptography market
Traditional Cryptography
Quantum cryptography
Future scope
• Quantum Cryptography for Future Internet
• Security for cyberspace in the future Internet should be guaranteed as
it is the collection of all information systems and the information
environment for human survival. For the growing security problem in
cyberspace, quantum cryptography becomes the first consideration.
Future scopes
• Unconditional Security.
• Cable and light are the main carriers of today’s Internet communication. this
communication system model is shown in Figure 3. Alice and Bob are
legitimate users in the system while Eve is an eavesdropper. In order to ensure
security, they encrypt messages and then transmit it on the public channel.
• The rapid development of quantum computing has also made many difficult
problems in classical mathematics have the solvability in the field of quantum
physics. For example, the DLP and the integer factorization problem have
been solved in 1994.Therefore, exploring quantum cryptographic protocols
will be an essential part of cyberspace security issues for future Internet.
Figure 3: Classical communication
Future scopes
• Sniffing Detection. In Figure 3, Alice and Bob exchange information in
public channel. In order to ensure confidentiality, their information is
encrypted, but they cannot prevent an attacker from eavesdropping on
the channel. Moreover, because of the characteristics of the device
itself, the eavesdropper can not be detected whether it is in cable
communications or in optical fiber communications.
• In quantum communication, the eavesdropper is sure to be detected
owing to quantum no-cloning theory. Specifically, in Figure 4, if an
eavesdropper monitors the quantum channel, for a bit of quantum
information, he will choose the same measuring base with the sender
with a 50% probability.
Future scope
• Therefore, the eavesdropper will be detected at a 50% probability for
a bit of quantum information. Note that, or the quantum information
of 𝑛-bit, the probability of the eavesdropper being detected is 1 −
(1/2)^𝑛 .
Future scope
• Security of the QKD. In this subsection, in order to simulate real
situations in the future Internet, we first analyze the quantum key
distribution protocol in noise-free channel.
• Figure 5 illustrates the probability of the eavesdropper being detected
in noise-free channel.
Future scope

Noise free 30 percent noise

Future scope

On rate of error Different probability

• Deutsch, David. The Fabric of Reality. New York: Penguin Books, 1997.
• Singh, Simon. The Code Book. New York: Doubleday Publishing, 1999.
%2 0cryptography%20is%20a%20method,secret%20key%20can %20decrypt%20it.
• What is Quantum Cryptography? (
• ResearchGate
• The Future of Cryptography. Cryptography, at a fundamental level… | by Queen
• Elizabeth Prize for Engineering | Create the Future | Medium

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