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UNIT-5 Sentence correction

Learning Objectives
Identifying grammatical errors in the context of
competitive exams.
Understanding word order in sentences.
Fixing fragments and fused sentences.
Grasping and executing the concept of parallelism.
What is Sentence Correction
When one or more sentences, with some parts of it
underlined or bold, are given. You are required to
check if there is any error in the sentence or in the
marked parts of it. Accordingly, you will choose the
option, which is grammatically correct.
Common sentence errors

Subject Verb Agreement The subject and verb in a given sentence

should always agree with each other in
number. For singular subjects, the verb
used should be singular. For plural
subjects, the verb used should be plural.
Most questions on this topic are framed
by concealing the subject with phrases
and other modifiers in order to trick the
Modifiers A modifier is defined as a word, phrase
or clause that limits or qualifies the
sense of another word or word group. In
other words, a modifier provides extra
information about other words, phrases
or clauses. Modifiers can be adjectives,
adverbs or even groups of words. A
modifier should always be placed as
close as possible to what it is modifying.
Parallelism The parallel construction requires that
expressions of similar content and
function should be outwardly similar. In
other words, similar elements in a list
must be in a similar form. These items
could be nouns, infinitives, gerunds,
prepositional phrases or clauses.
Subject Pronoun Agreement In most cases, a pronoun refers back to
a noun that appeared previously in the
text or conversation. That noun is called
the antecedent of the pronoun, and the
noun and pronoun must agree as to
whether they are singular or plural
Redundancy Redundancy means that the same data
has been repeated twice, but just by
using different words. The sentences
which have redundant data don’t
necessarily mean are grammatically
incorrect, but they have unnecessary
words, which need to be avoided at all
Subject Verb Agreement
Definition Example1 Example 2
A simple subject-verb The dog is playing with The dogs are playing with
agreement definition his ball. their ball.
implies that the subject of
the sentence and the verb
of the sentence must be
in agreement in number.
 In this case, the subject In this case, the subject of
of the sentence is ‘dog’ the sentence is ‘dogs’ and
and the verb used is the verb used is plural in
singular in nature, ‘is nature, ‘are playing’.
Rule Explanation Example
Rule 1 When two subjects are My friend and his mother
joined by ‘and’, the verb are in town.
is plural.
Rule 2 When two singular nouns The captain and coach of
joined by ‘and’ refer to the the team has been
same person or thing, the sacked.
verb is singular. 
Rule 3 Indefinite pronouns Everyone is selfish.
(everyone, each one,
someone, somebody, no
one, nobody, anyone,
anybody etc.) are always Note:-This rule does not
singular.  apply to: few, many,
several, both, all, some.
Rule Explanation Example
Rule 4 When the percentage or a 40 of every 100 children
part of something is are malnourished.
mentioned with plural
meaning the plural verb
is used.

Rule 5  When the subjects joined Neither you nor your dogs
by ‘either or’ or ‘neither know how to behave.
nor’ are of different
persons, the verb will
agree in person and
number with the noun Always remember that,
nearest to it. when either and
neither are used as
pronouns, they are
treated as singular and
always take the singular
Rule Explanation Examples
Rule 6 If connectives/appositives Mr. Ram, accompanied by
like along with, together his wife Sita and his
with, as well as, brother, was banished to
accompanied by etc. are the forest.
used to combine two
subjects, the verb agrees
with the subject
mentioned first.

Rule 7 ‘A number of (some A number of students are

countable noun)’ is going on the trip.
always plural. ‘The
number of (some
countable noun)’ is
always singular.
Rule 8 The singular verb form Five gallons of oil
is usually used for units of was required to get the
measurement or time. engine running.
Rule 9 When any of ‘few, many, Some men are needed for
several, both, all, some’ is the battle.
used with a countable
noun, the verb is plural.

Rule 10 When any of ‘few, many, Some milk is spoilt.

several, both, all, some’ is
used with an uncountable
noun, the verb is
Sentence Correction: Parallelism
Definition Example
If a sentence expresses many ideas that I enjoy the giving of gifts and the
are similar to each other, they should be giving of food during the holidays.
presented in parallel constructions i.e.
they should be in the same grammatical
I enjoy giving gifts and giving food
during the holidays.
 I enjoy giving gifts and food during
the holidays.
Rules of parallelism
Rule Not Parallel Parallel
1) When you connect My best friend took me  My best friend took me
two or more clauses or dancing and to a show. to a dance and a show.
phrases with a
conjunction (for, and,
nor, but,etc) use
parallel structure.
2) When you connect Sam wants both a Sam wants both a
two clauses or phrases satisfying job and that satisfying and a well
with a correlative pays well. paying job.
conjunction (not
only,but also, either…
or,neither…nor, if…
then, etc.) use parallel
Rule Not Parallel Parallel
Observe parallel I like to read books over I like reading books over
structure of sentences watching movies. watching movies.
while comparing  
Observe parallel Traditional societies Traditional societies
structure when believed the king to be a believed the king to be a
elements are in a list. religious, a political, a religious, political, social
social and head of the and a military head.
military forces.
When you connect two I would rather pay for my  I would rather pay for my
clauses or phrases with education than financial education than receive
a word of comparison, aid. financial aid.
such as ‘than’ or ‘as’, use
parallel structure.
1.Choose the sentence that has parallel structure.
A. I wondered whether to make an outline first or I
should write the rough draft.
B. I wondered whether to make an outline first or to
write the rough draft.
C. I wondered whether to make an outline first or
writing rough draft.
D. I wondered whether to make an outline first or that
I should write a rough draft.
2) .Choose the sentence that has parallel structure.
A. The teacher came into the room, he paused  before
the class, and began the lesson.
B. The teacher came into the room, he paused  before
the class, and he began the lesson.
C. The teacher came into the room, he paused  before
the class, and decided to begin the lesson.
D. The teacher came into the room, he paused  before
the class, and beginning the lesson
3) Choose the correct words to make the sentence
Rebecca was not only my boss but also ______.
A. is my friend
B. says she is my friend
C. friendly
D. my friend
1) B
2) B
3) D
Modifiers and its types
Definition Types Example
As it is clear from the Adjectives: Words which The stay in the red house
name, a modifier is a modify nouns and across the street. In this
word or phrase that pronouns. ‘red’ is the adjective
qualifies (modifies) or modifying the house.
describes a word, phrase
or clause.
Adverbs: They modify This is a very good book.
verbs, adjectives and The boy ran quickly.
adverbs. In these examples,
‘very’ and ‘quickly’ are

Modifier phrases: There Looking at the clock, he

are certain phrases which noticed that he was late.
modify an action or the
doer of action.
Common Errors in use of Modifiers
Misplaced Modifier How to fix it

It is modifier that is A misplaced modifier can

positioned too far away be fixed by moving it so
from the word, phrase that it is connected to the
or clause it is intended to right subject.
modify and, as a result,
appears to be modifying
something else.

Misplaced The waiter presented a

steak to the guest that
was medium rare.
Corrected The waiter presented The waiter presented a
a medium-rare steak to steak that was medium
the guest. rare to the guest.
Dangling Modifier How to fix it
 Dangling modifier occurs Dangling modifiers often
when the subject of a take the form of an
modifier is missing from introductory phrase
the sentence. followed by a clause that
doesn’t state the intended

Dangling Fumbling in her

purse, the keys could
not be found.
Corrected Fumbling in her As she fumbled in her
purse, she could not find purse, the keys could
the keys. not be found.
Correct these sentences
1) She picked up the scarf and tied it around her head
which was gifted by her friend.
2) The boy was riding the elephant who broke his leg.
3) Chicken is ready to eat.
4) I almost listened to the whole album.
5) We read that Janet was married in her last letter.
1) She picked up the scarf, which was gifted by her
friend and tied it around her head.
2) The boy who broke his leg, was riding the elephant.
3) Chicken is ready to be eaten.
4) I listened to almost the whole album.
5) In her last letter, we read that Janet was married.
Pronoun Agreement
Definition Examples
A pronoun must agree with its The teacher began her lecture.
antecedent (word referred to by the
pronoun) in number (singular or (In this case the subject of the sentence
plural), gender and person (first is the teacher, and since the teacher is
person/second person/third person). singular, hence the pronoun to be used
with it will also be singular).

The teachers began their lecture.

(In this case the subject - the teachers is

plural and hence the pronoun will also
be plural.)
Rules for Pronoun Agreement
Rule Explanation Examples
Compound ’ take the plural pronoun Rita and Tina
subjects joined by ‘and completed their assignme
Compound subject joined a) Neither the boss nor the
by ‘or’, ‘nor’, where one team members
noun is singular and the finished their
other is plural. b) Neither the team
members nor the boss
finished his
Confusing but clear
Incorrect Correct
If a guest (singular) wants to use the If a guest (singular) wants to use the
gymnasium, they (plural) have to pay gymnasium, he or she (singular) has to
for it.  pay for it.
Here, the pronoun does not agree with
its antecedent in number. So, the
sentence is incorrect.
You can also use the plural form:
If the guests (plural) want to use the
gymnasium, they (plural) have to pay
for it. (correct)
Rule Explanation Example
Singular indefinite singular pronouns. a) Neither of the girls
pronouns – either, finished her
neither, somebody, b) Each of the boys tried
someone, anybody, to solve the puzzle to the
anyone, no one, nobody, best of his
nothing, everyone, c) You have to ensure
everybody, everything that everything is
take in its place before you
Rule Explanation Examples
Plural indefinite take plural pronoun.  a) Both got a promotion
pronouns – ‘many’, for their good work.
‘several, ‘few’, ‘both b) Few of them had
decided to
book their tickets online.

For ‘every’, everyone use a singular pronoun a) Every project

has its share of
b) Every piece of
furniture needs to be put
in its
c) Everyone (singular)
should complete his or
her (singular) work before
leaving. (correct)
Note the use of the pronoun ‘some’
in different ways
Usage Explaination

Some (singular) of the flour spilled out Here flour is uncountable, so we use a

of its (singular) pack. singular pronoun.

Some (plural) of the apples fell out As apples are countable, we use a plural
of their (plural) bag. pronoun.
Rule Pronoun Example
Collective noun acts as takes a singular pronoun The department announ
one entity ced its decision to scale-
Things to keep in mind
Remember to identify the verb before finding the
subject of the sentence.

A sentence can have more than one subject and verb.

Infinitives are not the main verbs in the sentence.

Sometimes, the subject is understood without being in the

sentence. E.g. Please bring me some tea. (Here, ‘you’ is an
obvious subject.)
Redundant Errors
Redundancy means that the same data has been repeated
twice, but just by using different words. The sentences which
have redundant data don’t necessarily mean are
grammatically incorrect, but they have unnecessary words,
which need to be avoided at all costs. Example Sit down,
Stand up
List of common Redundant words
Foreign Bald - Drop End result Few in
imports headed down number

Hurry up Chase But yet Collaborate together Each and

after every

Follow General Browse Join together Little baby

after public through
Free gift Black Merge Burning fire Blend
darkness together together
Incorrect Correct Explanation
Please combine the three Please combine the three “Into one” is redundant
departments into one. departments. because on combining
departments we will
automatically get one.
Would you please repeat Would you please repeat Repeat again is redundant
again what you said. what you said. as again means to repeat
Error Spotting/Sentence Correction: Key Learning

Spotting the error is the common area

in every entrance test that can make
your score.
As the saying goes, Practice makes a
man perfect, so is the case with this
1. He’s the one which has the blue tie on.
1. He’s the one which who/that has the blue tie on.
We use the relative pronoun which to refer to things.
To refer to people, we use who or that. In formal
writing, who is a better choice.
He was the one who/that recommended this solution.
He was the one which recommended this solution.
2. We like very much the new secretary.
We like very much the new secretary very much.
We don’t normally place an adverb between a verb and
its object.
I like sports a lot.
I like a lot sports. 
The doctor patiently described the surgical procedure.
The doctor described patiently the surgical procedure.
3. Could you tell me how can I get in touch with Mr.
3. Could you tell me how can I I can get in touch with Mr.
After expressions like Do you know…, Could you tell
me,.. and I was wondering if… we do not invert the subject
and the verb. These are called indirect questions.
I was wondering if you could help me with something.
I was wondering if could you help me with something. 
4. We’re not sure he is enough experienced for the
We’re not sure he is enough experienced experienced
enough for the position.
Enough goes after an adjective or before a noun.
Do we have enough food?
Do we have food enough?
5. She’s very sick and has been at the hospital for two weeks.
She’s very sick and has been at in the hospital for two weeks.
To communicate that someone is a patient at the hospital,
we say in the hospital. If someone is not a patient, we use at
the hospital.
The surgery went well. She was only in the hospital for two
The surgery went well. She was only at the hospital for two
More Practice
(i) India needs a value education system who will
inculcate values among the students and enrich their
(ii) Some genuine issues exist with the newly adopted
system and needs to be examined seriously.
A) Only statement (i) contains error
B) Only statement (ii) contains error
C) Both (i) and (ii) contains error
D) Both (i) and (ii) are error free
Option C
In first statement, Replace relative pronoun who by
which because non-living thing has been used.
In second one, Plural subject takes plural verb. So
system and need to should be used.
(i) I have done my best; the whole thing is now in the
laps of the Gods.
(ii) There is no question of my failing in the
A) Only statement (i) contains error
B) Only statement (ii) contains error
C) Both (i) and (ii) contains error
D) Both (i) and (ii) are error free
Option A
replace ‘ laps’ by ‘lap’.
No other student of his class is so intelligent as my
(ii) The interim report does not analyze thoroughly the
principal causes of the disaster.
A) Only statement (i) contains error
B) Only statement (ii) contains error
C) Both (i) and (ii) contains error
D) Both (i) and (ii) are error free
Option A
Replace so with as.
Remove Redundancy
1Turn left at the green colored house.
1. Turn left at the green house.
2. Riva she couldn’t believe her ears.
2. Riva couldn’t believe her ears.
3. She spoke in a very convincing manner.
3.She spoke very convincingly.
Rewrite the following sentences to
correct any redundancy.
I returned back to my room after the meeting was
Please repeat again what you said.
The end result of her stubbornness was that she didn’t
get dessert.
 I hope the DJ will replay my favorite song again
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this unit, you will be able to:
 frame well-formed sentences that are grammatically
accurate, clear, and concise.
 effectively formulate two or more ideas, items, or
phrases in a sentence.

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