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First year
Computer Science and Engineering

Dr. Shakti Singh

02/22/2023 1
• Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) is a three terminal, three
layered and two junction device.

02/22/2023 2
Emitter-Heavily Doped
Collector-Moderately doped
Base-Lightly doped (Very thin)

02/22/2023 3
• Biasing is to provide correct external dc voltage to make the
transistor work.
• Biasing arrangement for BJT as an amplifier. BE Fwd, BC

02/22/2023 4
BJT Operation

• BE junction is forward-biased  free

electrons from the emitter region easily cross
the base-emitter junction and go into the very
thin and lightly doped p-type base region.
• The p-type base region is just lightly doped, it
doesn’t have that many holes in it.
• Small percentage of the free electrons from
the emitter region can recombine with the
holes in the base region.  Base Current (IB)
• The free electrons that entered the base
region but didn’t recombine with the holes
move toward the reverse-biased BC junction.
• Since the collector region is connected to the
positive side of the external bias voltage, the
free electrons are attracted to the positive
side and are swept across into the collector

IE=IC+IB. 02/22/2023 5
Transistor Currents

Alpha and Beta Current Gain.

02/22/2023 6
First year
Computer Science and Engineering

Dr. Shakti Singh

02/22/2023 7
BJT Operating Equations
Applying KVL in BE region,

Applying KVL in BC region,


02/22/2023 8
BJT Characteristic

02/22/2023 9
BJT Characteristic
• Cutoff region- When IB =0, the transistor is in cut off region. Under this
condition, a very small amount of collector leakage current flows
which is mainly due to thermally produced carriers. Since that current
(ICEO) is very small, hence it is neglected in circuit analysis.

• Saturation region- When BE is fwd biased, and the base current is

increased, the collector current also increases () and V CE decreases as a
result of more drop across the resistor. When VCE reaches saturation
value, the BC junction becomes forward biased and I C cannot increase
any further with increase of IB At point of saturation, is no longer valid.

02/22/2023 10
02/22/2023 11
DC Load Line and Q point

02/22/2023 12
Determine of the given circuit. Also determine whether the
transistor is saturated or not?

02/22/2023 13
Transistor Currents

Alpha and Beta Current Gain.

02/22/2023 14
BJT Operating Equations
Applying KVL in BE region,

Applying KVL in BC region,


02/22/2023 15
Solution 1
• Since it is a Si transistor,
• Applying KVL in BE junction,

• Now,
• Therefore,
• Applying KVL in BC junction;

02/22/2023 16
Solution 1
Now to check the condition
for transistor Saturation,
we have,
Now since
To find

Since ; transistor is not saturated

02/22/2023 17
First year
Computer Science and Engineering

Dr. Shakti Singh

02/22/2023 18
Configuration of BJT
• When designing or looking at a transistor circuit there are
three different circuit configurations that can be used.
• The three different transistor circuit configurations are:
common emitter, common base and common collector
(emitter follower)
• Each configuration has different properties in terms of the
gain, and input and output impedance, etc. and as a result, a
particular configuration will be selected during the electronic
circuit design process.

02/22/2023 19
Configuration of BJT

• In addition to selecting the right circuit configuration or topology

in the electronic circuit design stage, to provide the required basic
performance, additional electronic components are placed
around the transistor: typically resistors and capacitors, and the
values are calculated to give the exact performance needed.

02/22/2023 20
Common Base
• This transistor configuration provides a low input impedance while offering a high
output impedance. Although the voltage is high, the current gain is low and the overall
power gain is also low when compared to the other transistor configurations available.
The other salient feature of this configuration is that the input and output are in phase.
• This transistor configuration is probably the least used, but it does provide advantages
that the base which is common to input and output is grounded and this has
advantages in reducing unwanted feedback between output and input for various RF
circuit design applications.
• Another application is within VHF and UHF RF amplifiers where the low input
impedance allows accurate matching to the feeder impedance which is typically 50Ω or
75Ω. The configuration also improves stability which is a key issue.
• It is worth noting that the current gain of a common-base amplifier is always less than
• However the voltage gain is more, but it is a function of input and output resistances
(and also the internal resistance of the emitter-base junction). As a result, the voltage
gain of a common-base amplifier can be very high.
02/22/2023 21
Common Base

02/22/2023 22
Common Collector
• This transistor configuration is also known as the emitter follower
because the emitter voltage follows that of the base. The common
collector, emitter follower offers a high input impedance and a low
output impedance. The voltage gain is unity, although current gain
is high. The input and output signals are in phase.
• In view of these characteristics, the emitter follower configuration
is widely used as a buffer circuit providing a high input impedance
to prevent loading of the previous stage, and a low output
impedance to drive following stages.

02/22/2023 23
Common Collector

02/22/2023 24
Common Emitter
• This transistor configuration is probably the most widely used. The circuit
provides a medium input and output impedance levels. Both current and
voltage gain can be described as medium, but the output is the inverse of
the input, i.e. 180° phase change. This provides a good overall
performance and as such it is often the most widely used configuration.
• There are several variations on the common emitter amplifier and these
can easily be accommodated in the design. The most basic form of
common emitter amplifier design is the simple logic buffer / output,
consisting of a transistor and a couple of resistors. This can have a few
extra components added to enable it to become an AC coupled amplifier
with DC biasing and emitter bypass resistor.

02/22/2023 25
Common Emitter

02/22/2023 26
Comparison of CB, CC and CE

02/22/2023 27
First year
Computer Science and Engineering

Dr. Shakti Singh

02/22/2023 28
BJT as an Amplifier
• Amplification is the process of linearly increasing the amplitude
of an electrical signal.
• The BJT amplification is governed by .

02/22/2023 29
BJT as Amplifier

Since Ic=Ie,
Amplification factor (Voltage gain)

02/22/2023 30
BJT as a Switch
• OFF-Cut off mode
• ON- Saturation Mode

02/22/2023 31
BJT as a Switch
• OFF-Cutoff mode
During this mode, the base current is zero since no bias is
applied between the BE junction.

• ON-Saturation mode
When the BE junction is fwd biased, and there is enough base
current to produce a maximum collector current and BJT is in
saturation mode.

02/22/2023 32
First year
Computer Science and Engineering

Dr. Shakti Singh

02/22/2023 33
Field Effect Transistor
• FETs are unipolar devices.
• Two types of FETs Junction FET, Metal oxide semiconductor
field effect transistor (MOSFET).
• The term field effect relates to a depletion region formed in the
channel of a FET as a result of voltage applied on one of its
• FET is a voltage controlled device contrary to BJT, which is a
current controlled device.

02/22/2023 34
JFET Construction

02/22/2023 35
JFET Operation
• The JFET is always operated with gate source pn junction reverse biased.
• The channel width and thus the channel resistance can be controlled by
varying the gate voltage, thereby controlling the amount of drain current.
• The junction is wider at the drain end because the reverse bias voltage
between the gate and drain is greater than that between the gate and source.

02/22/2023 36
JFET Operation

02/22/2023 37
JFET Operation
• Pinch off voltage: For VGS=0, the value of VDS at which ID becomes essentially constant is
the pinch off voltage. At this value, the maximum drain current occurs and is known as
• Cut off voltage: The value of VGS that makes ID approximately zero is the cut off voltage.

02/22/2023 38

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