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Chapter 1


Prepared by:
Course Facilitator
Definition of Terms

Budget- an amount of money available for spending

based on a plan on how you will spend it
Energy- the physical and mental strength that allows
you to do things
Homemaker- a person who manages the use of
household resources; most often it is the mother.
Management- the act/skill/process of deciding how
to use something example time, money, human/people
What is Household Resource Management?

Household Resource Management is a system which

assists/helps families in attaining goals with the use of
all possible resources.
Household resource management was also describe
as “the process of making decisions about how to
maximize the use of resources, such as land, water,
labour, capital, purchased inputs, inputs produced on-
farm, cash, agricultural credit and agricultural
extension”. (Abba Animu)
. Retrieved as of October 24, 2021
What is resources?

Resources are anything that one

might use to achieve a goal and
should have utility (purpose),
accessibility (available),
transferable (mobile),
(exchangeable), and
manageable (useful in
What is home management?

It is defined as the effective use of household resources

to achieve family goals for a better and quality life.
Everybody, regardless of social status, has the same
number of hours in a day to spend. It is up to the family
members on how to spend their time and resources
wisely so as not to waste time and energy.
Purpose of Household Resource

 Making wise
decision on the
use of family
 Assists/helps
individuals in

 Improve the
quality of
family life.
Ways on Utilizing Household Resources

Use energy and time properly- prepare work schedule

and following it help in using time wisely

Know how to budget money to make spending

worthwhile - needs of the family should be attended
first before the wants
Know how to use, clean and take care of
appliances, tools and furniture to keep them
functioning well.

Adapt a cheerful and positive attitude towards

work to make easy, interesting and enjoyable.
Assign responsibilities that can make use of one's
talents and skills in doing family chores. This makes
work easy and interesting.

Make good use of community facilities to meet some

of family needs and wants to reduce spending and
realize family goals.
Family as the Center of Management

This is an overall system.

It isan open system as there is interaction between
individuals and wider community.
All family members may have their own goals, so
there is a need to have a common goal to have an
effective management system.
Requires management systems in meal planning,
money management, childcare, conflict solving, and
problem anticipation
Components of Management

 Inputs:Demands:
Needs, Wants,
Goals or Values
Components of Management

 Throughputs:
Components of Management

 Outputs: End
product of inputs
and throughputs

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