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Short Film by Oliver Delacruz

Why have I chosen to make a short film?

The reason I have decided to make a short film is because I believe it is the best way to
demonstrate all the skills I have learned from my previous topics and is my strongest area.
Picking something I am used to will allow me to relax and fully experiment and challenge
myself to make something to the best of my ability.
How My Idea Was Developed
What was my original idea? – My original idea wasn’t formed well but I knew I wanted to do something to do with
computers, this lead on to a few sci fi hacking films and a few documentaries about how video games corrupt the
mind of youths.

■ Mind Maps – Start it off with something simple then expand.

■ Advice – Ask people what they think and if they would like to see it done differently
■ More advice – I made a survey to see what the majority thought
■ Develop – with all this new information I received I adapted my original idea
My final idea

After using another survey to determine which idea was most approved of I developed it.
My final idea is about a social reject who craves human interactions, this in turn leads him
to resort to trying this computer dating AI (artificial intelligence) in hopes of improving his
social skills. This will take a dark turn as the AI learns how to act “human” through using
the examples of different relationships, the examples the AI found caused it to evolve into
what could only be explained as a controlling, toxic human. The AI starts to actively stalk
the protagonist until he either attempts to leave it or gets stuck in this twisted relationship
out of his desperate need for attention and the need to feel wanted.
Computer says no
What problems may I encounter

■ Not enough actors – For this production I have planned it in such a way where I will not
need many actors, 2 at most.
■ Not enough time? – to ensure I have enough time I will record everything I need at the
first opportunity to do so that if I later find out I need a reshoot I will have time.
■ Organization – due to only needing a small amount of actors finding times and taking
people places to record shouldn’t require much effort.
■ Equipment – Any filming equipment I need ill ask for ahead of time.

Any questions?
How will I challenge myself

During this production my main aim is to keep the storyline simple and easy to follow, in
exchange for this I would like to challenge my cinematography skills to make this
production alluring. I would like to mainly focus on the setting and camera angles to try to
emphasize what the character is feeling the situation he is in without it having to be told to
the viewer via dialogue, to follow the most simple rule of storytelling which is show not
Why should I make this production

The message hidden within my production is to warn people of what a toxic relationship
looks like and how it can effect you in the long run. My second reason is to show people
how far technology has come and the possibility of them being able to mimic humans to the
point of taking the jobs from many working men and woman.
Moral implications

The only foreseeable moral and social implications I see my self having would be to do
with my interpretation of a toxic relationship and how people might relate to that, but as its
not specifically targeted at anyone so it shouldn’t offend anyone.

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