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Shock Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Testing Acceptance

- The main character's - This chapter - It cuts to 1 week later, - This chapter of his life is - This links in with -this chapter in his grief - This final faze sees our
mother passes away. He following process of the funeral was him talking through what bargaining, he is going process is when he starts main character coming to
finds this out through him with his family yesterday, he is sat in could have been done to through it, he doesn’t trying to avoid feeling sad terms with him not being
phone call from his aunt trying to organize the his car, on the phone prevent his mothers know what to do with with alcohol, smoking and okay, he stops drinking
telling him. The whole funeral, but he doesn’t to his sister who is death, this will link in with his life now, every day is going out a bunch. The idea and goes to meetings. I
sequence is one shot. want to because he is checking in on him. His depression, he will be a task, its finally hit him is to have the feeling of the will have to research
He takes the news in denial to the fact his sister ends the talking to his friend about that he wont see his alcohol or drugs he’s taking, what someone going
awfully and is shocked, mother is gone. This conversation with a how he could of noticed mother ever again. He is ill have to look at movies through recovery of
the color will be dull, chapter will be filmed bye, he replies back his mothers sickness talking to his friends but and tv for good adaptations drugs and alcohol go
very desaturated. The normally with a few and hangs up the earlier or helped make her he cant translate is of a trip scene, ill make the through. He becomes at
mood will be dull and new techniques and phone and after a few survive. feeling well enough to scene a variety of colors piece with himself and
lifeless from the start, the color scheme is seconds of thought, he words. The color dependent on what he's on, learns to move on. He
there will be some life more saturated, loses it and freaks out scheme will be blue and if he's on alcohol the colors looks back at memories
build up before he gets supposed to be more in his car. He is fuming. maintain a very dark would be a slight tint of with his mother happily,
a call but after he gets optimistic, because we color schema. purple or just plain, when the whole chapter will
the call the title will are viewing it in the he's on drugs the color have a green, yellow tint
reveal. mind of the character, scheme will be more multi to it. The colors of the
so he thinks his colored, red, orange and character's clothes will
mother is still alive so blue all together. I want to remain dull until the final
ill be filming as if she focus on showing the scene where the main
is. feeling of release he is character is finally in
getting from the drugs or colorful clothes.
alcohol when he's on it.

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