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Objectives: build up the sense of what to learn.

Have a brief introduction of the reading skills in this 


20% Vocabulary and Language

Learn and use academic Listening and Speaking 8%
vocabulary words Learn and use language frames
to engage in a discussion

Writing 4%
68% Reading
Write about a natural event in the
1. Read and build comprehension of the story When story
the Wind Stops
2. Use the language frames to visualize
3. Learn the reading strategy: Theme Chart
Slide Objectives: use the key words to discuss the things during
1. Have Ss answer the questions.

Day and Night

2. Model how to use the sentence frames to make a conclusion. Then,
help and encourage students to use them.
3. Transition : I will show you more things in our daily life.

I think day is better than night.

Why do you think so? 5/6. In a discussion, two or more

Make Connections
people talk. Identify They Detailsshare their
Because it is bright. ideas
6/6. What anddo askyouand see answer
1/6. Listen to the dialogue. Can you
shadows end, moon, stars questions
4/6. Who
your about
hands a topic.
when talking
discussion?you They
in the about?
hear words
I think night is better than day. I
to show
speaking. day.
( Click theThat
?the definition.) play button to
I see
each _____person’sat night. ideas can be
Why do you think so? heard.

It’s hard to say! I like planet Word Bank

Mars—I love all the stars! moon, stars, shadows,
begin, end, Earth
And I love the Milky Way! I guess I like
both night and day.
Earth begin 2
Slide Objectives: present Academic Vocabulary.
1. Talk about the details of the photo and lead
in the key word: appear.
2. Pronounce the key word and have Ss repeat it.
Have Ss read the sample and guess the meaning of
the word in it.
3. Have Ss read the definition of “appear” to confirm the meaning.
4. If time is allowed, have Ss make a new sentence with the key word.

appear verb
To appear means to come into sight
The whale appears above the

Slide Objectives: present Academic Vocabulary.
1. Talk about the details of the photo and lead
in the key word: motion.
2. Pronounce the key word and have Ss repeat it.
Have Ss read the sample and guess the meaning of
the word in it.
3. Have Ss read the definition of “motion” to confirm the meaning.
4. If time is allowed, have Ss make a new sentence with the key word.

motion noun

Motion means the action or process of

moving, continual movement.

This man is in motion.

Slide Objectives: present Academic Vocabulary.
1. Talk about the details of the photo and lead
in the key word: observe.
2. Pronounce the key word and have Ss repeat it.
Have Ss read the sample and guess the meaning of
the word in it.
3. Have Ss read the definition of “observe” to confirm the meaning.
4. If time is allowed, have Ss make a new sentence with the key word.

observe verb

To observe means to watch something

carefully and see why it is special or

He observes the insect.

Slide Objectives: present Academic Vocabulary.
1. Talk about the details of the photo and lead
in the key word: pattern.
2. Pronounce the key word and have Ss repeat it.
Have Ss read the sample and guess the meaning of
the word in it.
3. Have Ss read the definition of “pattern” to confirm the meaning.
4. If time is allowed, have Ss make a new sentence with the key word.

pattern noun

A pattern is a repeated decorative design.

Orange, gray, and blue tiles make a
pattern on this floor.

Slide Objectives: present Academic Vocabulary.
1. Talk about the details of the photo and lead
in the key word: repeat.
2. Pronounce the key word and have Ss repeat it.
Have Ss read the sample and guess the meaning of
the word in it.
3. Have Ss read the definition of “repeat” to confirm the meaning.
4. If time is allowed, have Ss make a new sentence with the key word.

repeat verb
To repeat means to say again something
you have already said.
She has to repeat what she said
because her teacher did not hear her.

Slide Objectives: apply visualization with sentence frames.
1. Have Ss read the first paragraph and sample answers.
2. Click the red dot to show the rest of story. Read the rest of story and

Playtime in the Park

have Ss reread the key sentence.
3. Have Ss answer questions and visualize with sentence frames.

1. Can you read the first paragraph of

Thomas always notices things. He observes how 2. Reread the
Carmen’s key
story sentence.
and What might
the Sample
the park changes from spring to summer. As time Carmen hear when you read that I run
goes on, he notices a pattern. outside?
My friend tulips
In spring, Thomas likes in
appear to the
in thegrass.
What canVisualization:
you visualize about the key
everyday afterme
Thomas calls school. He loves
and asks, “Whyto are
on inside?
the sentence? Please use sentence frames to
Don’t youThewant
motion of hisout
to come legs and
and body Imake
play?” run him visualize.
I read about Thomas playing on a .
go reallyWe
outside. high.
play tag and hide-and-seek. Iswing
read in
the park.
In summer, the grass is still green, but the tulips II think
think it
it sounds like
feels like the__________.
wind is
are gone. We try to repeat the games we play in Irushing
draw _________.
past him as he swings
spring, but we get too hot. Then we lie in the shadow through the air.
of a large oak tree. I draw a boy smiling as he swings
“Is there anything else we can do?” he asks. on the swing.
“I know,” I say. “Let’s run through the
sprinklers!” Then we play until it is almost night.
( Click to show the rest of story and more questions. )
Slide Objectives: use information about the title, characters, setting, and plot to identify
the theme of the story.
1. Read the story and has Ss answer questions in the Theme Chart. Click the red dot to
show answers in order.
2. Encourage Ss to figure out the theme with details in the Theme Chart.

Theme Chart:
3. Give the definition of the Theme: The theme of a story is its main message.

Some summer nights, Dad tells scary stories

1. Night
“A What’s the title
Under theof 2.Thomas
Who areand his dad in
Dad and I will sleep story?makes
Stars” And what
me thinkcan have
the fun spending time
about a boy named
under the stars. We set Thomas. That’s my name, you infer
about from the
camping. together.
up our tent in the too! title?
backyard. ( Click to show the answer. ) ( Click to show the answer. )

A Night 5. What’s
Sleeping underthe
Under the the

Clickstars is answer.
to show the fun. )
Thomas and his dad Thomas and his dad set
areWhere arebackyard
in their the up
4. their
Whattent and tellto
at night. at night? scary stories. Then
the characters they
in the
fall asleep and wake up
The stories are scary, but I ( Click to show the answer. )
Then we wake up with
at dawn.
( Click to show the answer. )
like them anyway. Dad
and I laugh until we fall the sun.
asleep. 3
Slide Objectives: pre-read the story, complete the theme chart.
1. Read the Genre and Characters then explain to Ss.
2. Have Ss answer questions according to the cover of the story.
Theme Chart 3. Click the red dot to show the Theme Chart and complete the Title
and Characters.

Read a Story
Genre Printable Concept
Realistic fiction the Wind Stops”
is a made-up The characters are a 1. What’s the title?
story that seems likeme
it think
could that boy and his mother. 2. Who wrote the
really happen.the story is about story?
Characters are the people in a Characters
story. 1. Who are the
characters in the
2. What will the
characters do next?

mother boy ( Click to show the theme chart. )

Slide Objectives: before reading, set a purpose. Ss are able to
visualize the sunset with describing words.
1. Set a purpose: A boy wonders why the day must end. Find out
what he learns. Make Inferences
2. Have Ss answer the questions and visualize the sunset.
3. Visualization possible response: The sunset looks like that the
The bright sun had shone all day, and now the day sky is on fire.
1. What time might it
4. Click the play button to play the audio and have Ss read it
was coming to an end. The sun sank lower into the fluently. be in the story?
glowing pink clouds. The little boy was sorry to see the 2. Why is the boy
sorry to see the day
day end. end?

1.What does the sunset

look like in the
picture? Can you use
describing words to

1. Can you read the
passage fluently?

Slide Objectives: read the story, make a prediction.
1. Have Ss answer questions.
2. Have Ss make a prediction.

Later, his mother came to say good night.

“Why does the day have to end?” he asked her.
Identify Details
“So night can begin,” she said. “Look.”
1. What could the boy
Through the window, the little boy could see a
see through the
pale sliver of moon in the darkening sky behind the branches of window?
the pear tree.
Make Connections
1. Have you ever
looked through a
window at night?
2.What did you see?

Make Predictions
1. What else will the
boy learn about the
day ending?

Slide Objectives: Use the sentence frames to visualize and
complete additional information of characters.
1. Have Ss answer the questions.
Theme Chart 2. Click the red dot to show the Theme Chart and additional

“But where does the sun go when the day ends?” the little boy
information of Characters.
Confirm Predictions
asked. 1. Were your
“The day doesn’t end,” said his mother. “It begins somewhere predictions correct? 2.
“When the Wind Stops” The characters are a here. What else did the boy
else. The sun will be shining there, when night begins
makes me think that boy and his mother. learn?
Nothing ends.”
the story is about They like to talk about
“Nothing?” the
Nature. little boy asked. nature. Visualization
“Nothing,” his mother said. “It begins in another place or in a
1. What might the boy
different way.” and mother do when
they are talking ?

1. What are the
characters talking
about in the story?
( Click to show the theme chart. )

Slide Objectives: make a prediction and visualize.
1. Have Ss answer the questions.
2. Visualization possible response: I saw branches sway and
leaves fall. I hear leaves rustling. I felt cold air on my face.

Make Predictions
1. Look at the picture.
What question will the
little boy ask next?

1. What else do you
see, feel, and hear
when you read about
The little boy lay in bed, and his mother sat the wind blowing?
beside him.
“Where does the wind go when it stops?” he
asked. “It blows away to make the trees dance
somewhere else.”
Slide Objectives: read the story, find details.
1. Have Ss look at the picture and answer the questions.

Identify Details

1. What is in the girl’s

2. Where do mountains
go after the top?
“Where does the dandelion fluff go when it blows away?”
“It carries the seeds of new dandelions to someone’s lawn.”
“Where does the mountain go after the top?”
“It goes down to where it becomes the valley.”

Slide Objectives: read the story, build comprehension.
1. Have Ss answer the questions.

Identify Details
1. What’s the weather
like in the picture?


1. Where does rain go

after a storm?

“Where does the rain go when a storm is over?”

“It goes into clouds to make other storms.”
Slide Objectives: read the story, understand the paragraph.
1. Have Ss look at the picture and answer the questions.

Confirm Predictions

1. What did the boy


1. Where do clouds go
when they move
across the sky?

“Where do clouds go when they move across the sky?”

“They go to make shade somewhere else.”
Slide Objectives: make predictions.
1. Have Ss answer the questions and make predictions.

“What about the leaves when they turn color and fall?”
“They go into the ground to become part of new trees with
Make Predictions
new leaves.”
1. Look at the
picture. What part of
nature will the boy
learn about next?
2. What season is it?

Slide Objectives: build comprehension.
1. Have Ss answer the questions.

Identify Details

1. What season
begins when autumn
2. Is the mother sad
about the end of
autumn? Why or why

“But when the leaves fall, that is the end of something!” the
little boy said. “It is the end of autumn.”
“Yes,” his mother said. “The end of autumn is when the
winter begins.”
Slide Objectives: visualize about the spring and complete the
Theme Chart 1. Have Ss answer the questions.
2. Click the red hot to show the Theme.

Identify Details

1. What happens
“When the Wind Stops” The characters are a
at the end of winter?
makes me think that boy and his mother.
the story is about They like to talk about nature.
1. When spring begins,
what do you see, hear,
and smell?

The story is about
outside places. The 1. How do the
pictures show changes illustrations help you
“And the end of winter . . . ?” the little boy asked.
that happen in nature know the setting?
“The end of winter,
such when the snow melts and birds come
as the changes 2. What are they?
back, is the beginning
when springof spring,” his mother said.
begins. ( Click to show the theme chart. )
The little boy smiled.
Slide Objectives: read the story, understand the paragraph.
1. Have Ss read the paragraph in turns.
2. Have Ss answer the question.

“It really does go on and on,” he said. “Nothing ends.”

He looked out at the sky. The sun was gone completely and the
lovely pink clouds had disappeared. The sky was dark and
purple-black, and high above the branches of the pear tree shone
a thin moon.
Identify Details

1. What does the boy

see through the

Slide Objectives: read the story, complete the Plot.
1. Have Ss answer the questions.
Theme Chart 2. Click the red dot to show the Theme Chart and complete the

Confirm Predictions
1. What does the boy
“When the Wind Stops” The characters are a learn about nature?
makes me think that boy and his mother. Was your prediction
the story is about They like to talk about correct?
nature. nature.
1. How does the boy
feel at the end of the
The story is about outside The boy asks questions. The
places. The pictures show boy’s mother answers each Plot
“Today is over,”that
changes hishappen
mother in said, question
“and it’sthetime for sleep.
boy asks. Her
1. What’s the plot of
Tomorrow nature such when
morning, as the changes
you wake, the moon
answers alwayswill
show bethat
the story?
beginning awhen spring
night far begins.
away, and thenothing
sun willin nature
be here comes to
to begin a
new day.” the end. ( Click to show the theme chart. )

Slide Objectives: identify the Theme according to the clues
from the title, characters, setting, and plot.
1. Have Ss answer the questions.
Theme Chart 2. Identify the theme. Click the red hot and show the answer of
the theme.

“When the Wind Stops” The characters are a

makes me think that boy and his mother.
the story is about They like to talk about
nature. nature. 1. What do the boy and
mother do in the story?
2. What does the boy
Nature is always think about nature?
changing. 3. What is the theme of
the story?
The story is about outside The boy asks questions. The
places. The pictures show boy’s mother answers each
changes that happen in question the boy asks. Her
nature such as the answers always show that
changes when spring nothing in nature comes to
( Click to show the theme chart. )

begins. the end.

Slide Objectives: retell the story.
1. Have Ss recall the story with the theme chart.
Theme Chart 2. Have students retell the story with the sentence frames.

Retell the Story

“When the Wind Stops” The characters are a
makes me think that boy and his mother. 1. Can you retell the
the story is about They like to talk about story with the theme
nature. nature. chart?

The title is ______.

The characters are
Nature is always
The setting is
The story is about outside The boy asks questions. The ________________.
places. The pictures show boy’s mother answers each The plot is
changes that happen in question the boy asks. Her ________________.
nature such as the changes answers always show that
when spring begins. nothing in nature comes to the
Slide Objectives: use the language frames to talk about the story.
1. Have Ss choose one number on present and answer the questions
with the sentence frames.

2. the
1.3.In Thestory,
mother says,
could “Nothing ends.”
Pretend you are the boy.happen
What doin real
you life?
see from
What does she mean?
your window could happen
before you gointoreal
I think
I see ________,
_______. I hearbecause
I smell _____ .

1 ? Talk About It

1/1. It’s time to talk about

Talk Aboutwhat
It we learned in
this lesson. Can you choose a number on the
(Click the number on present to show the content. Then click the
cross to hide it.)

2 3
Slide Objectives: talk about a natural event in the story.
1. Ask the questions, encourage Ss to engage in discussion.
2. Look at the picture, model how to use the sentence frames to talk
about a natural event. Click the red dot to show the model.
3. Encourage students to use the sentence frames to talk about a
natural event.

A Natural Event in the Story

Model :
1. What did you read today?
Today wepart
2. Which read that
of the a boy
story observes
did you like?
the moon
3. How doesfrom his window.
this part make you feel?
I like that phrase “a pale sliver of
Writing Frames:
Because it helps me picture the moon.
Today we read __________.
It makes me feel calm to picture a
I like ____________________.
sliver of moon in a dark sky.
Because ________________.
It makes me feel _________.

( Click to show the model. )

Objectives: explain the online exercise.
Explain the homework to students. Remind students to
shoot and post their writing.

• Online exercise

• My Writing Journal P5-8

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