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Lesson 3:

The Role of Technology

in Delivering the Curriculum
The role of technology in the curriculum springs from
the very vision of the e- Philippine plan (e stands for
electronic). Thus is stated: “an electronically enabled
society where all citizens live in an environment that
provides quality education, efficient government
services, greater sources of livelihood and ultimately a
better way of life through enhanced access to
appropriate technologies.” (International workshop on
emerging technologies, Thailand, December 14-16,
2005). It points to the need for an e-curriculum or a
curriculum that delivers learning consonant with the
Information Technology and Communications
Technology (ICT) revolution.
Instructional media may also be referred to as media technology, learning technology,
or simply technology. Technology plays a crucial role in delivering instruction to
learners. In the process, what ensues is the objective-matching, where the teacher
decides on what media or technology to use to help achieve the set learning
projected Projected
media media

Real objects
Models Overhead transparencies
Field trips Opaque projection
Kits Slides
Printed materials (books, worksheets)
Visuals (drawings, photographs, graphs,
charts, posters) Films
Visual boards (chalkboard, whiteboard, flannel Video, VCD, DVD
board) Computer / multimedia presentations
Audio materials
Factors for
Practicality – Is the equipment (hardware) or already prepared lesson
material (software) available? If not, what would be the cost of acquiring the
equipment or producing the lesson in audial or visual form?

Appropriateness concerning the learners – Is the medium suitable to the

learners' ability to comprehend? Will the medium be a source of plain
amusement or entertainment but not learning?

Activity/suitability – Will the chosen media fit the set instructional event,
resulting in either information, motivation, or psychomotor display?

Objective-matching – Overall, does the medium help achieve the learning

The Role of Technology
in Curriculum Delivery
Upgrading the quality of teaching-and-learning in schools.

Increasing the capability of the teacher to inculcate

learning effectively and for students to gain mastery of
lessons and courses.
Broadcasting the delivery of education outside schools
through non-traditional approaches to formal and informal
learning, such as Open Universities and lifelong learning
to adult learners.
Revolutionizing the use of technology to boost
educational paradigm shifts that give importance to
student-centered and holistic learning.
Thank You

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