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Objectives: build up the sense of what to learn.

Have a brief introduction of the reading skills in

this lesson.
Foundational Skills 15%
Learn and apply the spelling words with blends nd, nk,
6% nt, ng.
Language and Vocabulary
Learn and use science vocabulary
Listening and Speaking 15%
1. Learn about living and nonliving
2. Learn to describe living and nonliving

54% Writing 10%

1. Read and analyze the diagram Write about living and nonliving
A Straw Hat. things.
2. Review monitor reading.

Objectives: use the key words to describe.
rope Describe
1. Discuss the photo, ask and answer questions to
describe this picture.
• What can you find in the
2. Model to use the sentence frames. Use the
words in the word bank. Then, encourage
( Click to check the answers. )
students to use them.
basketball • Are they living?
• How do you know they are
living or not?
Language Frame
is living, because
boy .
girl But is not,
because .
Word Bank
eat nonliving breathe
move drink energy
exercise food health
Objectives: read the words and learn the final blends.

Final Blends:
1. Read the words and find the same part-nd.
2. Pronounce nd and make students repeat the final blend.

hand pond

h a nd 2 p o nd
Final Blends

2/2 What
How is the
do we same part in
pronounce these
the two
final words?
(Click to check the answer.) 2
Objectives: read the words and learn the final blends.

Final Blends:
1. Read the words and find the same part-nk.
2. Pronounce nk and make students repeat the final blend.

sink tank

s i nk t a nk
Final Blends

2/2 What
How is the
do we same part inthe
pronounce these two
final words?
(Click to check the answer.) 2
Objectives: read the words and learn the final blends.

Final Blends:
1. Read the words and find the same part-nt.
2. Pronounce nt and make students repeat the final blend.

ant bent

a nt b e nt
Final Blends

2/2 What
How is the
do we same part inthe
pronounce these two
final words?
(Click to check the answer.) 2
Objectives: read the words and learn the final blends.

Final Blends:
1. Read the words and find the same part-ng.
2. Pronounce ng and make students repeat the final blend.

ring song

r i ng s o ng
Final Blends

How is
wesame part inthe
pronounce these two
final words?
(Click to check the answer.) 2
Objectives: read the text and practice the final
1. Read the text with the pictures.
Final Blends 2. Review the high frequency words, and find
the words with the final blends we have
3/3 1/3
2/3 Is the
your ahands
you living
pick ifthing?
outthethe Howhave
words do
words you
with know
final that?
final in
blends blend.
3. Q2: Read two words from the words that
have been circled.
(Circle them, then click to check the answers.)

Am I a Living Thing?
Am I a living thing? I run for a ball
and bring it back. I drink water and
breathe air. I eat food. I was small,
but I grew big. I am a dog. I am a
living thing.
Am I a living thing? I cannot run,
but I can move. I can turn my face to
the sun. I make food from the sun. I
can grow and breathe air. I am a
plant. I am a living thing.
Living Things Nonliving Things
Objectives: learn to sort words.
1. Analyze the similarities in each column.
2. Guide students to sort words.

dog boy flower flag clock ball

You can sort these You can sort these

words in a group words in a group
because they are because they are
alike. They are all alike. They are all
Living Things. Nonliving Things.
rock ant
Sort Words
1/3 When
3/3 How
How can youthe
are sort
you words,
things the you and
in rock
each put the
column alike? together
(Click to check the answer.) in a group. These
they living?
words The
(Click to arethealike
check answer.)in
is asome way. thing.
Objectives: discuss the cover page, make a prediction.
1. Talk about the cover page of the book. Point out

A Straw Hat the title. Details

2. Answer the questions and guide students to have a
1 What is the title of the
general comprehension.
by Lily Block text?
(Click to show the answer.)
2 Who is the author?
(Click to show the answer.)

3 What does a diagram
use to show how
something is made?
(Click to show the answer.)

A diagram uses steps Make Inferences

to show how What will we learn about
something is made. the straw hat?

Objectives: read, comprehend
Clarify and analyze the text.
1. Encourage students to read the text.
2. Ask and answer the1given
the plants alive
to get morein
information from the text and
step1 andpictures.
3. Answers for reference:
(Click to show the answer.)
Q4: It cuts down more plants than a person.
Q5: It’s brown. The living plants are green; they are
growing in the ground.Monitor
living things 2 Read this sentence. How
does the farmer harvest?
3 What machine can you
nonliving things find?
(Click to show the answers.)

Use Visuals
A farmer cuts down the 4 How might this machine
These living plants grow plants. The farmer make work easier for the
1 tall and green. 2 collects the plants. farmer?
(Check the answer in TG.)

Make Comparisons
Straw begins as a
This is my family. 5 How is the dry straw
living thing. different from the living
• Read with Fluency 1. Who are they? plants?
• Details 2. What are they doing? (Check the answer in TG.)

Objectives: read, comprehend and analyze the text.
1. Encourage students to read the text.

2. Ask and answer the1given
information from the
How can weto name
dry and pictures.
get more

3. Answers for reference: Q6: The girl is braiding.

2 What can we make with
the straw?
(Click to check the answers.)

Compare and Contrast

3 How is the hat the same
with other hats?
4 How is the hat different
from other hats?
(Click to check the answers.)

The dry plants are straw. The straw is made into a

3 4 hat. The hat is nonliving. Monitor
Read this sentence.
5 Do you know how the
girl makes a hat?
This is my family.hat is a nonliving thing. ❖
A straw 6 What can you find from
this picture?
(Check the answer in TG.)

Objectives: retell the story and make conclusions about
what we’ve learned from the diagram.
1. Answer the questions to put the pictures back in the

How can you sort plant, 1 2 3 4

2. Practice how to sort words with the language frames.

machine, straw, and straw hat?

Language Frames 2.
Choose the picture for Step 3. 1.
can awe
can farmer
do withplant?
sobegin the
as? straw?
(Click the picture to check the answer.)
living thing.
can’t , so is a
nonliving thing. Can you put
them back?
Word Bank
eat, move, fly, sing, drink,
sleep, grow, food, health,
energy, exercise 3
Objectives: review the genres of these two books, and
compare the genres.
1. Review the genres.
Compare Genres 2. Answer the questions to analyze the text features.

by Lily Block

song diagram
Compare Genres
We learned what are living things from A Straw Hat. We also know how
living things turn into nonliving things from Are You Living.
What are the two genres we studied?(Click to check the answer.) 2
Objectives: review the genres of these two books, and
compare the genres.
1. Review the genres.
Compare Genre 2. Answer the questions to analyze the text features.

2/3 Which one has
3/3 usesnumbered
rhyme andsteps?
(Click to check the answer.)

A song is words with music.

You can sing a song.

Song Diagram
does not have has numbered
numbered steps steps
does not use
uses music
does not use
uses rhyme
rhyme and
and rhythm
rhythm 2
Objectives: analyze the sentence to learn the adjectives.
1. Talk about the pictures and answer the questions.
2. Classify the adjectives.

How do do youyou nouns
describe thethe size
of these do twoyou
color of the
hats? the
ribbons? size This hat is big. This hat is small.
(Click to ofthe
to check
check thethese
two hats? color The ribbon is green. The ribbon is red.
(Click to check the answers.)
shape The hat is round. The hat is round.

Adjectives 2/2 Adjectives tell how something looks.
They tell about size.. .
1/2An adjective describes, or
They tell about color. tells about, a noun.
They tell about shape.
Objectives: use the adjectives to describe.
1. Talk about the word bank, make students understan
the words.
2. Invite one student to describe, and the other guess
what have been described.

One Describe,
One Guess.
Invite a student to describe a
picture. The other student
will guess what has been
Word Bank (Click for another two
Color Size Shape
red tiny round
blue small square
green big triangular
orange huge rectangular
Objectives: make an oral writing, and let students
Write About Living and Nonliving Things
1. Talk about the writing example.
2. Invite students to choose a picture and make sentences.

1/2 How
Are the do you sort straw
girl and the things in the
living? Why?picture?
(Click to show the sample.)
(Check the clues on pictures.)

Living Things Checklist Nonliving Things

Boys, popcorn, and bowl. can eat can’t eat
can grow can’t grow
can drink can’t drink
can sleep can’t sleep
Writing Frames
This girlis a living thing. I know this because
. she can breathe
The straw is a nonliving thing. I know this because
the straw can’t
. breathe 5
Boy, bike, trees, and grass.
Objectives: explain the exercise.
Explain the exercise to students. Remind
students to shoot and post their writing.

• Online exercise

• My Writing Journal P9-12

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