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What can you say about these pictures?

Let’s tour ourselves to this Self-
• C:\Users\xen\Desktop\First Sem
2021-SVC\MODULE 1\M1. Self Questionnaire.docx
What is metacognition?
• Metacognition is a conscious awareness of one’s thoughts–
thinking about thinking. When developed,
this awareness helps students not only achieve awareness of what
they are thinking, but also recognize themselves as problem-
solvers, choose appropriate strategies for thinking and problem-
solving, match appropriate study strategies for given types of
assessments, and more accurately evaluate the depth of their
understanding and the effectiveness of their learning.
Metacognitive activities can guide students as they:

• Identify what they already know

• Articulate what they learned
• Monitor their progress
• Evaluate and revise their own work
• Identify and implement effective learning strategies
• Transfer learning from one context to another
Activities that promote metacognition should:

• Facilitate equal participation

• Ensure students do most of the talking
• Take place before, during, and after an experience
• Happen in different group configurations
(individuals, pairs, small group, large group)

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