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LESSON 1.4.4
You have learned that haploid cells result from meiotic
process, occurring in a sexually reproducing organisms.
However, these cells are still not capable of participating in
the sexual reproduction, specifically in the fertilization
process. These haploid cells must first undergo further
development to form mature gametes
 This process involving the production of gametes
is called gametogenesis. Meiosis is still the
primary event in the formation of gametes.
GAMETOGENESIS  Therefore, gametogenesis requires meiosis and
other developmental changes that aid in the
maturation of the sex cell. It also shows the
difference in terms of the gametes.
 Sperm is the male gamete, produced in the testes of a
male, while Ovum is the female gamete, produced in
the ovary of a female.
 In terms of the size– egg cell is said to be the largest cell
GAMETOGENESIS in the females body, while the sperm cells is the smallest
cell in the male body.
 Gametes may be identical in form (isogamy) and
different in the form (heterogamy)
• HEAD – the head of the sperm contains the nucleus. The
nucleus holds the DNA of the cell.
• MIDPIECE – the midpiece of the sperm is packed with
mitochondria. Mitochondria are organelles in cells that
produce energy.
• TAIL – the tail of the sperm moves like a propeller,
around and around.
 Ovum is the female reproductive cell. These are
also known as egg cell, oocytes. Ovum is round
in shape and does not require the microscope to
be seen and are visible through naked eyes.
 Spermatogenesis describes the producton of
spermatozoa (sperm) in the seminiferous
tubules of the testes
SPERMATOGENESIS  Males start producing sperm when they reach
puberty, which is usually from 10-16 years old.
 Sperm production occurs in the testes of the
male, specifically in the seminiferous tubules.
 In males, the process by which sperm cells are produced is called
spermatogenesis that occurs in the testes. The process starts with the
sperm having a round structure and ending with a tail. Diploid germ
cell first increases in size and becomes a large immature cell. The large
cell undergoes meiosis I. Two diploid cells are produced, each of which
undergoes meiosis II to form a total of four haploid cells.

 In females, the process of gamete formation is
called oogenesis, which occurs in the ovaries.
Notice that during cytokinesis following
meiosis I, the cytoplasm divides unequally.

 Only one of the resulting cells gets nearly all of the
cytoplasm. This cell receives almost all the organelles,
cytoplasm, and nutrients because it is this cell that will
ultimately give rise to an egg cell. The other cell is very
small called a polar body.

 The larger cell undergoes meiosis II, and the division of
the egg cell during meiosis is again unequal. The larger
cell develops into gamete called an ovum or egg. The
polar body may divide again, but its cells will not
survive and the polar bodies will die in a process called

Number of cells produced

 In spermatogenesis, the cells divide equally during meiosis to produce four functional
 In oogenesis, the cells do not divide equally and as a result only one functional gamete is
formed (plus 2 – 3 polar bodies)

Size of cells produced

• In spermatogenesis, the cells that are formed following differentiation are all of equal size with
equal amounts of cytoplasm
• In oogenesis, one daughter cell (the ovum) retains all of the cytoplasm, while the other
daughter cells form polar bodies
Timing of the process
 In spermatogenesis, the production of gametes is a continuous process that
begins at puberty and continues until death.
 In oogenesis, the production of gametes is a staggered and finite process:
 It begins before birth (prenatally). It continues with the onset of puberty
according to a monthly menstrual cycle. It ends when hormonal changes
prevent the further continuance of the menstrual cycle (menopause).

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