Light PPT 120108205852 Phpapp01

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ALIFAH 09330191
• Light is an electromagnetic wave, namely
the wave the vibration of which is electric
field and magnetic field.
• Light is included into transversal wave.
• Light can spread without medium, so light
can spread in vacuum.
While several properties of light among
other are :
• Spreading according to straight line
• Has energy
• Can be seen
• Radiated in the form of radiation
• Has spreading direction perpendicular
to vibration direction
• Can experience reflection, refraction,
interference, diffraction, and
Bodies that can spread light is
called light source. While bodies
that cannot spread light theirself is
called dark body.
Sorting light sources
Natural vs. Man-made (artificial)
Are these light sources?

moon mirror

These items are not light sources, instead they

are reflecting light from other sources.

Light rays travel in straight lines from the light source.

When it hits an opaque object, some light is absorbed and
the rest reflects off.
If the object is transparent, light rays pass through it
If the object is translucent, some light can pass through,
but the rest of the light will be reflected.

Angle of incidence

Angle of reflection

The ‘angle of
If a light hits a reflection’
body surface is always
commonly will equal to the
be reflected. ‘angel of
incidence’. r
= i
Law of Reflection

• Incident angle, normal line and

reflected ray lie on one flat plane

• Incidence angle is equal to reflected

angle (i=r)
How does light form shadows?

light light
source source

Light rays travel in straight lines, radiating out from the

light source.
If rays are blocked by an opaque object a shadow forms
where the light cannot reach.
If the light source is moved closer to the object, more
light is blocked and a larger shadow is formed.
Specular Reflection
Incidence ray
Reflection ray

happens if the stream of light falls on the

body that its surface is smooth and shiny, so
direction of the light reflection goes to
certain direction.
The diffuse reflection
Reflection ray
Incidence ray

Happens if the stream of light falls on

the body which its surface is rough (not
flat), so the stream of paralles rays
which fall on the body will be reflected
to every direction.
Thanks for Your Attention

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